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The aimed of the research is to determine the role of career path dimensions through (training, promotion, incentives) in reducing job burnout (stress, and the limited work powers of workers at Tishreen University. The researcher relied on the deduct ive approach as a method for thinking in formulating the research hypotheses and selecting the hypothesized relationships between the research variables, and the descriptive and analytical approach by listing Arab and foreign books and periodicals, and other publications related to the research topic, and reviewing, studying and analyzing them in order to answer the research objectives and discuss their hypotheses. As for the research methods, the researcher relied on the questionnaire as a tool for collecting primary data, and the questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 167 workers at Tishreen University, of which 164 were recovered, and 161 questionnaires were suitable for analysis. Then she analyzed the data on the dependent variable and the independent variable and tested the hypotheses using the analysis program. Statistician SPSS version 20 to accept or reject hypotheses. One of the most important results of the study was the content of the training program that is not commensurate with the needs of workers at work, and the training content is not determined on the basis of compatibility with the different abilities of the trainees, and the worker does not participate in choosing the appropriate work method and style, and the workers do not feel bored and bored because of my work.
The study aime to clarify the concept of management, its importance, dimensions and requirements for its application in the organization under study, and to clarify the role of applying performance management in achieving success for the organization . The researcher followed the descriptive and analytical approach in her study, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was designed, and it was distributed to (119) respondents, from which (117) were retrieved, and (110) questionnaires were suitable for analysis, and the research community was made up of a cadre Workers at Tishreen University in Lattakia Governorate (university president, department heads, divisional heads, and employees), and then relied on the SPSS program as a tool for analyzing the available data. The study found a set of results, including: The employee is not involved in planning and goal-making, performance is not linked to opportunities for promotion, and the levels of behavioral competence required in the employee are not determined.
هدفت هذه الدّراسة إلى تحديد درجة توفر تكنولوجيا المعلومات، والدور الذي تؤديه في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، واعتمد الباحث على منهج المسح، وقام بتوزيع 346 استبانة على أفراد عيّنة البحث المتمثّلة بالعاملين الإداريين في كليات ومراكز جامعة ت شرين والبالغ عددهم 3514 وفق إحصائية مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط، وكانت أهمّ النتائج متمثلة في توفر المكونات المادية، وتوفر شبكة الإنترنت، والبرمجيات والتطبيقات اللازمة لاستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، وأنّ تكنولوجيا المعلومات تزيد من كفاءة العاملين وتخفض من التكاليف وتوفر الجهد المبذول في العمل. فيما كانت أبرز التوصيات متمثلة في ضرورة الاستمرار في استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يعزز من مرونة العمل ويعزز قدرات المديرين في اتخاذ القرارات.
The current research aimed to recognize the level of psychological security among a sample of Tishreen university students. In order to achieve the objective of this research, Shkeer's psychological security scale was applied, which its factor str ucture was investigate by the researcher in a previous study. The scale was used for data collection, and in year 2017-2018, a sample of (233) students participated in the research. The results showed that the level of students’ psychological security is medium, and there is no difference between males and females, but there are differences according to the specialty, especially in “practice life”, where that the students of practice specialty showed higher feeling of psychological security than the students of theoretic specialty.
This study aimed at investigating the styles of thinking of class room teacher students in the College of Education at Tishreen University, and to know the impact of the variables of ( gender, school year and the type of secondary school certificat e) on styles of thinking of those students, and to achieve the aims of the study a Questionnaire was designed included some items , then the researcher assured its validity and reliability and its suitability to the purposes of this study , the researcher distributed it on a stratified random sample consisted of ( 287 ) students. The descriptive approach has been used.
The purpose of this study was to determine the level of Learning Orientation and Mental Focus for students of Tishreen University. This study also aimed at investigating affection of many variables on students` Learning Orientation and Mental Focus such as instructional strategies, gender and specialization. Sample consisted of (672) students from Tishreen University in academic year (2016-2017). The Results Of This Study Showed:  The most preferred strategies by students are interactive Strategies; (57.4%) of students prefer to learn by using of interactive strategies.  Students of Tishreen University have a very good level of Learning Orientation (77.46%) and Acceptable level of Mental Focus (57.98%).  There is no a statistical difference between students` mean scores on scale of Learning Orientation contributed to gender variable, but There is a statistical difference between students` mean scores on scale of Mental Focus contributed to gender variable. This difference is in favor of males.  Learning Orientation are affected by Instructional Strategies; the students who prefer interactive strategies have mental focus more than students who prefer show strategies. The study recommended to continue in investigating for variables that increase with Learning Orientation and Mental Focus.
The Research aimed to identify the Opinions of Teaching Staff in the Faculty of Education at Tishreen University About the Reality of Educational Researches (importance, realization, and its activation ways). and to define the differences in this Opinions according to these variables (department, academic rank, and, experience). To achieve the objectives of the research, was applied questionnaire prepared for this purpose, consisted (52) items, which distributed for three axis (importance, realization, and its activation ways), questionnaire has been applied on sample (104) members during the academic year of (2015 - 2016). Validity and the reliability was established. The results showed that the importance of educational researches were a higher degree among teaching staff members in the faculty of education at Tishreen University, also the Reality of educational researches were a middle degree, in addition to, results showed that the activation ways were a higher degree. In fact, there aren't statistically significant differences about importance, realization, and its activation ways due to the (department, academic rank, and, experience). Finally, the research suggested that Researcher be acquainted with the educational research and encouraged by granting them financial and moral incentives. Moreover, researches persistently training courses on the methods of conducting research.
The research aims to determine the levels of Tishreen University students' on the "satisfaction with courses" scale, and to find out if there are differences between Tishreen University students in the "satisfaction with courses" scale, according t o the variables: (gender, academic specialization). A total of (749) undergraduate from Tishreen University students in all faculties, participated in this research, using the "satisfaction with courses" scale. Search results are summarized as follows: The average scores obtained by all faculties for their students' satisfaction with the courses were within the level of satisfaction (average), and there were a differences among the members of the research sample in the scale according to the "gender" variable in favor of females, and there were a differences according to the "academic specialization" variable in favor of the theoretical academic specialization.
This research aimed to determine the order of Tishreen University colleges in term of satisfaction with the faculty members, and to determine whether that satisfaction affected by variables: (gender, University Specialization, and the collage year) , using the "satisfaction with the faculty members " scale. A total of (749) undergraduate from Tishreen University students in all faculties, participated in this research. Search results are summarized as follows: faculties of economics and physical education and dentistry have got at the highest averages in the ranking of colleges by satisfaction with the teaching staff, while the faculties of Architecture and Literature and Sciences have got at the lower averages. and there were a differences among the members of the research sample in the scale according to the gender variable in favor of females, and there were a differences according to the collage year variable, and there were no differences according to University Specialization variable.

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