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التربية العملية تطبيق فعلي للمهارات التدريسية كمهارة تخطيط الدروس و تنفيذها وفق استخدام طرائق متعددة و متنوعة تساعد على تحقيق الأهداف التربوية المرسومة بمساعدة وسائل تعليمية متنوعة، و قد جاء هذا البحث ليبين أهمية التربية العملية و مكانتها في إعداد الطالب المعلم لمهنة المستقبل، و يرصد آراء المشرفين التربويين على برامجها، و كذلك آراء الطلبة الدارسين في السنة الرابعة تخصص معلم صف في كلية التربية بجامعة دمشق، و يحاول البحث تبيان أوجه القوة و الضعف في هذه البرامج، و كذلك دراسة واقع تطبيق برامج التربية العملية في المدارس، و الصعوبات التي يواجهها كل من الطالب و المعلم سواء تلك المتعلقة بالبرنامج نفسه، أم بالطالب، أم بالمشرف، أم بإدارة المدرسة التي يجري التطبيق فيها، أم في كيفية تصميم الدروس و تنفيذها باستخدام مختلف التقنيات التربوية، و كذلك تم عرض العديد من الدراسات العربية و الأجنبية التي استطاع الباحث الاطلاع عليها، و قد توصل البحث إلى العديد من النتائج المفيدة، ثم انتهى الباحث إلى عرض مجموعة من المقترحات التي يراها مناسبة لتطوير مستوى التربية العملية في كليات التربية.
The research try to measure the degree Availability of Social Responsibility at Class Teacher in faculty of Education of Damascus University and the different according to variables of Class Teacher as (six, residence). The research problem poses q uestions about application these Methods. The sample included (326) students in the academic year 2017- 2016.The research used questionnaire derived form the Social Responsibility Scale. The following statistical methods were used: frequencies, percent, means, standard deviations, t – test, and Pearson Correlation. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff. Pilot sample consisted of (50) students. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability atlest (0.901). The results showed that the degree of using social responsibility was high degree of Phrase which point out Moral and Self responsibility, and with middle degree of national responsibility, also in low degree of collectivism responsibility. In fact, there are statistically significant differences according to six in favor of female, and no differences according to residence.
The aim of this research is to identify the satisfaction of the students of the Fourth Faculty of Education about the process of educational supervision provided to them in the course of practical education, as well as their expectations. For this purpose, the researcher developed a double standard for the measurement of educational supervision and its application to the same (140) And an educational qualification diploma. In addition to the standard, a series of questions were collected to collect demographic data.
The research aims to know the effectiveness of the use of the pivotal program in my skills analysis and application development to the students of the Faculty of Education at their application and their analysis of what they are studying the infor mation, the disclosure of the differences between the control group and experimental group in the analysis of information in the pre-test, and the differences between the control group and experimental group in the information in the tribal test, and then detect the differences between the control group and the experimental group in the analysis of the application of information in the posttest, and the differences between the control group and the experimental group in the application of information in the post-test.
This research aims to determine the level of critical thinking among classroom teacher department students in Faculty Of Education Al-Baath University who assimilate (67) students. Those students represent the 667 for the third level. To achieve the main goal for this research, the research used Watson&Glassar measurement after improving it and then examining its sycometric characteristics.
This study aimed at investigating the styles of thinking of class room teacher students in the College of Education at Tishreen University, and to know the impact of the variables of ( gender, school year and the type of secondary school certificat e) on styles of thinking of those students, and to achieve the aims of the study a Questionnaire was designed included some items , then the researcher assured its validity and reliability and its suitability to the purposes of this study , the researcher distributed it on a stratified random sample consisted of ( 287 ) students. The descriptive approach has been used.

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