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Common Styles of thinking among class room teacher students and its relationship with some variable "A field study of students of classroom teacher"

أساليب التّفكير السّائدة لدى الطلبة و علاقتها بعدد من المتغيّرات "دراسة ميدانية لدى طلبة معلّم الصّف في كلية التربية بجامعة تشرين"

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 Publication date 2018
  fields Education
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aimed at investigating the styles of thinking of class room teacher students in the College of Education at Tishreen University, and to know the impact of the variables of ( gender, school year and the type of secondary school certificate) on styles of thinking of those students, and to achieve the aims of the study a Questionnaire was designed included some items , then the researcher assured its validity and reliability and its suitability to the purposes of this study , the researcher distributed it on a stratified random sample consisted of ( 287 ) students. The descriptive approach has been used.

References used
Bernardo, B. I., Zhang, L. F., &Callueng, C. M. (2002). Thinking styles and academic achievement among Filipino students. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, Vol.(163). p.p (149-163)
Chen, C.H. (2001). Preferred Learning Styles and Predominant thinking styles in accounting classes(China).Available at :www., Retrained on:6/8/2017
Grigorenko, E. & Sternberg, R.(1995). Styles of thinking in the school. European Journal for High Ability, England & Wales No.3099067-5 Howick Place London, Vol (6). P.P (201-219)
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The research aimed to identify the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline and the relationship between them for the students teachers in the College of Education at Tartous University. Using the descriptive method to validate the research hypotheses, the sampling consisted of (76) male and female students of the Faculty of Education for the year 2015/2016, a questionnaire of Self-efficacy (Slimon, 2004) was used and along with a questionnaire of the types of classroom discipline(Alharahsheh and alkhawaldeh, 2009) after verifying the validity and reliability, and a statistical program for educational and psychological (spss) was used. The research found the following results: the students teachers had a high level of self-efficacy, as the value of mean reached (3.882) with a standard deviation of (0.541) The classroom discipline types had the following order: The indicative type at first (3.850), then the reprimand type(3.276) and the punitive type came at least (2.910). There is also an extrusive positive correlation between the level of self-efficacy and types of classroom discipline. The Self-efficacy was affected by variable of sex but wasn't affected by variable of secondary certificate. And the type of classroom discipline wasn’t affected by variables: sex, and secondary certificate. The researcher concludes a number of suggestions like: training students teachers on the positive classroom discipline skills, and raise their level of self-efficacy, conducting more studies about the subject.
This research aims to determine the level of critical thinking among classroom teacher department students in Faculty Of Education Al-Baath University who assimilate (67) students. Those students represent the 667 for the third level. To achieve the main goal for this research, the research used Watson&Glassar measurement after improving it and then examining its sycometric characteristics.
This research aimed to know the Psychological Resilience and the Life Quality Among the Education Preparation Diploma Students in faculty of Education of Tishreen University, And realized the relationship between Psychological Resilience and the Li fe Quality, also aimed to examine the differences in resilience and Life Quality according to the variables (six, specialty) the Students. The research used Descriptive analytical method, The sample included (272) students in the academic year 2016/2017. The research used Psychological Resilience and the Life Quality measures. The following statistical methods were used: means, t – test, and Pearson Correlation. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff. Pilot sample consisted of (50) students. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.88) for Life Quality measure, and (0.86) for Psychological Resilience measure. The final results showed that the Psychological Resilience and Life Quality were middle rated for the sample research. In fact, there are positivism relationship between Psychological Resilience and the Life Quality for the Students. There were no significant differences in resilience related to the specialty, and sex on the Life Quality measure. Also there were no significant differences in resilience related to the specialty, but there were significant differences related to the sex on the Psychological Resilience measure in favor of the male.
This research aimed to measure the degree of the practicing of educational competencies by the students of the fourth year - the teacher of the first cycle of basic education- in the course of practical education, and to investigate the impact of s ex, and secondary certificate on this degree. To achieve that, the researcher used the descriptive approach, and prepared a questionnaire for the educational competencies containing (42) sections divided into three axes (planning, implementation and evaluation), as it was ascertained validity and reliability, and distributed to a sample of (102) students of the fourth year (the teacher of the first cycle of basic education) at the faculty of education in Tartuos university. The results showed that the research sample practice the educational competencies in a high degree, and that male students engage in the educational competencies equally exercised by the female students, and the results also showed the absence of statistically significant differences in practices of educational competencies among students due to the variable of Secondary Certificate. The researcher suggested the designing and implementing training programs for the development of evaluation adequacy among students in the faculties of education.
The present study aimed at revealing the relationship between problem solving styles, and Personality Disorders among secondary school students. The sample of study consists of 350 students (177 males, 173 females) in some High School Students in Homs City. The researcher has used the following tools: The test of problem solving styles, which the present researcher had designed, And The test of Personality disorders which Mario Rahhal had designed and the present researcher had re-normalized it to High School Students.

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