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During the nineteenth century, the Levant witnessed large migrations of the people of the Levant abroad, and this matter is related to internal factors in the Levant, which is the country from which the emigrant is, represented by the political and religious crises, and the accompanying deterioration of the economic and social conditions in the region.
يمر تعلم اللغة الأجنبية حتما من مسار تعلم الثقافة لٲنّ اللغة تشكل وسيلة لإظهار ثقافة المجتمع الذي يستخدمها٬ بينما تشكل الثقافة بدورها ممراً رئيساً للوصول إلى تواصل ناجح باستخدام هذه اللغة.
The two-and-a-half-year-long Granada period produced the experiences of poets who contributed to the building of the literary and cultural civilization of Granada and wrote to witness the decline of that civilization when Granada fell in 1994.
The current study aimed to investigate the factorial validity of the Mindfulness scale for measuring mental alertness using AMOS software. The study involved (341) male and female students from Tabuk University. Results of conf irmatory factor analysis supported the scale's construct validity and its suitability for assessing Mindfulness in university students
The problem of the study was launched by revealing the most prominent dimensions of behavioral problems prevalent among basic education students attending Samir Yassin School in Latakia Governorate as a model, in additio n to identifying the most behavioral problems, which were repeatedly identified in this research in four areas (theft, lying, aggression, anger, and stubbornness). Among members of the research community
The characteristics of slopes determine the features of prevailing geomorphological processes and their implications on practical aspects of human life, represented by land uses. This emphasizes the significant importance of studying slopes when establishing any projects in order to achieve their success requirements and investment potential
This research aimed to identify the effect of SCAMPER program in developing creative thinking among kindergarten children. In order to achieve the research objectives, the quasi-experimental approach with one group was followed based on an application on the group. The research tools were SCAMPER program and Torrance Test of Formal Creative Thinking (B).
Federico Garcia Lorca, le poète espagnol qui a été victime du Général Franco pendant la guerre civile, est connu par sa poésie qui porte le drapeau noir, c'est à-dire qu'elle était imprégnée de tristesse, de refoulement et de prévoyance terrifiante
Starlings constitute a beautiful, comic type of literature, but it is a purposeful type that was known in Andalusian prose in the sixth century AH. The basis of this art is a group of messages revolving around the starling and the various suggestions that its characteristics evoke.It was a starting point for building creative texts carrying fertile connotations. These connotations expanded in their flexible language to modern semiotic readings that were able to identify the signs, icons, and various relationships they contained, which had their own signs

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ammar ammoun

has been joined in   from Syria specialize Not Determined


Karmen Hadid

has been joined in   from Syria specialize Dentistry

Dr-Ahmed M

Dr-Ahmed M Rabie

has been joined in   from Egypt specialize Field Crops

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ماهي التغيرات العمرانية التي طرأت على محافظة اللاذقية على مر العصور؟

191  - - Massa Massa Taraben asked   - publish in Researchers Society  

ماهي التغيرات العمرانية التي طرأت على محافظة اللاذقية على مر العصور؟

170  - - Massa Massa Taraben asked   - publish in Researchers Society  

ماهو أختبار A/B وكيف يمكن الاستفادة منه؟

596  - - Shadi Shadi Saleh asked   - publish in Artificial Intelligence  

ماهو اختبار A/B وماالفائدة منه وكيف يمكن تصميم اختبار A/B في موقع انترنت او نظام برمجي؟

اختبار A/B الإحصاء تصميم التجارب

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