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Ideas and social as well as cultural values associated with daily life in foreign films influence the behaviors and habits of viewers. The young are the most vulnerable because they are at the stage of forming opinions and testing values of their soc ialization in childhood and adolescence. University students form the biggest group in society upon which a community is built. So it was necessary to study the impact of what is promoted in foreign films of values and behaviours on this category people. This research poses set of questions: 1. What is the quality of the movies that students prefer to see? 2. What are the most popular ways of watching foreign movies among university students? 3. Are university students watching foreign films affected by cultural aspects presented in the film? 4. Are university students watching foreign films affected by the social aspects presented them? 5. What is the effect of what is being presented in foreign films on the daily life of the undergraduate students viewers of these films? This research was conducted on a random sample of Tishreen University students in Lattakia during academic year 2012-2013. The search presented the phenomenon of people's watching foreign films and analyzed it to identify the impact on audiences of cultural values, social and daily life style that are being promoted in foreign films. A questionnaire was designed, Data was analyzed using the SPSS20 software to reach results.
The current research aims to know the degree of contribution of faculty members at the University of Tishreen in the development of the educational process, and to build and develop university curricula and the relationship with the students and inte ract with them, in addition to studying the differences between faculty members in the degree of their contribution to the development of the educational process due to sex, and college, and scientific level.
The purports of the research was to study the attitudes Tishreen Universities teaching staff in the level of University Learning Resources Center quality, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (faculty, qualification a nd experience). The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. The sample included (220) teaching staff for the academic year 2015/2016. To achieve the objective of the research a questionnaire has been included (80) items, to four areas. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen. Pilot sample consisted of (20) teaching staff, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.95). The final results indicated that the Quality of Learning Resources Center in Tishreen University was in the middle degree, Also showed the results that are no differences in the found degree according to the qualification and experience between the opinions of sample research of teaching staff, but there are differences between teaching staff in faculty. The research suggested to supply with modern technological in Learning Resources Center in the University, and setting the training courses about used its.
The Research aimed to identify the Opinions of Teaching Staff in the Faculty of Education at Tishreen University About the Reality of Educational Researches (importance, realization, and its activation ways). and to define the differences in this Opinions according to these variables (department, academic rank, and, experience). To achieve the objectives of the research, was applied questionnaire prepared for this purpose, consisted (52) items, which distributed for three axis (importance, realization, and its activation ways), questionnaire has been applied on sample (104) members during the academic year of (2015 - 2016). Validity and the reliability was established. The results showed that the importance of educational researches were a higher degree among teaching staff members in the faculty of education at Tishreen University, also the Reality of educational researches were a middle degree, in addition to, results showed that the activation ways were a higher degree. In fact, there aren't statistically significant differences about importance, realization, and its activation ways due to the (department, academic rank, and, experience). Finally, the research suggested that Researcher be acquainted with the educational research and encouraged by granting them financial and moral incentives. Moreover, researches persistently training courses on the methods of conducting research.
This study aimed at investigating the styles of thinking of class room teacher students in the College of Education at Tishreen University, and to know the impact of the variables of ( gender, school year and the type of secondary school certificat e) on styles of thinking of those students, and to achieve the aims of the study a Questionnaire was designed included some items , then the researcher assured its validity and reliability and its suitability to the purposes of this study , the researcher distributed it on a stratified random sample consisted of ( 287 ) students. The descriptive approach has been used.
هدفت هذه الدّراسة إلى تحديد درجة توفر تكنولوجيا المعلومات، والدور الذي تؤديه في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، واعتمد الباحث على منهج المسح، وقام بتوزيع 346 استبانة على أفراد عيّنة البحث المتمثّلة بالعاملين الإداريين في كليات ومراكز جامعة ت شرين والبالغ عددهم 3514 وفق إحصائية مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط، وكانت أهمّ النتائج متمثلة في توفر المكونات المادية، وتوفر شبكة الإنترنت، والبرمجيات والتطبيقات اللازمة لاستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، وأنّ تكنولوجيا المعلومات تزيد من كفاءة العاملين وتخفض من التكاليف وتوفر الجهد المبذول في العمل. فيما كانت أبرز التوصيات متمثلة في ضرورة الاستمرار في استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يعزز من مرونة العمل ويعزز قدرات المديرين في اتخاذ القرارات.
In recent years, GIS software has undergone great development in many levels, although the basics of GIS have remained constant for a long time. In order to meet the requirements put forward by the global GIS community, Esri™ had to start over with a n entirely new methodology, laying a solid foundation that would allow performance and experience to guide, the release of ArcGIS Pro. Which is the latest example of this qualitative leap in keeping pace with the visual development of the GIS interface, and the development in methods of sharing and editing on the web. Therefore, the idea of this project came to shed light on this platform, which represents a qualitative leap in the field of GIS software. The importance of this project comes from the fact that it provides an educational guide with practical applications of the latest GIS software (ArcGIS Pro), where the project objectives can be summarized as follows: • Provide a step-by-step introductory guide on learning to use the latest ArcGIS™ software ‘ArcGIS Pro’ from Esri ®; • Topographical and detailed survey of an area within Tishreen University. • Conducting practical applications within the ArcGIS Pro platform for the study area, by producing a topographical map of the studied area and performing some topographical analyzes. The project includes four main chapters, the first chapter explains the concepts of geographic information systems (GIS), while the second chapter explains an introductory and detailed guide to the (ArcGIS Pro) platform, and the third and fourth chapters provide a practical application (field and office) to produce a topographic map within the Tishreen University campus, using ArcGIS Pro platform, with a number of spatial analyzes performed.

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