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This study aimed to identify the extent of using modern technologies for the purposes of scientific research by faculty members at Tishreen University, and the impact on the degree of psychological satisfaction they have. To achieve this, a random sa mple was selected of Tishreen University teachers, it consisted of 185 members. Questionnaire has been used as a tool to survey of members of the study sample after it was ascertained that the sincerity and persistence. The study results showed the low level of use of modern techniques in scientific research by faculty members at Tishreen University, and that the computer and Internet are in the front of technology most commonly used, then CDs and E-mail service came in the intermediate level, the video conference and mobile phone technique did not yet started as an assistant means in scientific research at the university. The results also show that the use of modern techniques in scientific research may help to raise the level of self-esteem among the members of the teaching staff and allow sufficient time for them to accomplish and complete the work as if their existence was optimal, in addition to that most of the sample members responses coincident with the availability of these technologies contributes also to know the results of their work and raise the level of positive appreciation by their departments, thus contributing to achieve an acceptable degree of job satisfaction, which is a form of psychological satisfaction. The findings also revealed the weakness of the technical equipment needed to conduct scientific research in the laboratories of the university, and a lack of awareness of its importance, in addition to existence technical problems accompany the (lack of regular maintenance and the lack of technicians and the necessary updates) and the lack of sufficient time for faculty members to carry out scientific research. The results showed the presence of statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the psychological satisfaction of the members of the teaching staff at Tishreen University due to the use of modern techniques for the purposes of scientific research variable depending on the sex and Grade and of experience years, while there were no differences according to the type faculty variable. The main recommendations of the study: equipping laboratories of faculties with modern techniques to help to conduct scientific research, and work on updated them and provide with the necessary maintenance constantly, and training the teaching staff members on how to use the techniques of scientific research.
This study aimed at identifying the opinion of theTeaching Staff in the Faculty of Education at Damascus University in strategic management Requirements importance, and in the possibility of applying in their Faculty. The sample included 132 Teach ing Staff in the academic year 2010/2011. To achieve the aim of the research a questionnaire included (72) methods, distributed to four areas (general requirements for strategic management, Formulating strategic requirements, application strategic requirements, evaluation strategic requirements).
The purports of the research was to study the attitudes Tishreen Universities teaching staff in the level of University Learning Resources Center quality, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (faculty, qualification a nd experience). The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. The sample included (220) teaching staff for the academic year 2015/2016. To achieve the objective of the research a questionnaire has been included (80) items, to four areas. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen. Pilot sample consisted of (20) teaching staff, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.95). The final results indicated that the Quality of Learning Resources Center in Tishreen University was in the middle degree, Also showed the results that are no differences in the found degree according to the qualification and experience between the opinions of sample research of teaching staff, but there are differences between teaching staff in faculty. The research suggested to supply with modern technological in Learning Resources Center in the University, and setting the training courses about used its.
The Research aimed to identify the Opinions of Teaching Staff in the Faculty of Education at Tishreen University About the Reality of Educational Researches (importance, realization, and its activation ways). and to define the differences in this Opinions according to these variables (department, academic rank, and, experience). To achieve the objectives of the research, was applied questionnaire prepared for this purpose, consisted (52) items, which distributed for three axis (importance, realization, and its activation ways), questionnaire has been applied on sample (104) members during the academic year of (2015 - 2016). Validity and the reliability was established. The results showed that the importance of educational researches were a higher degree among teaching staff members in the faculty of education at Tishreen University, also the Reality of educational researches were a middle degree, in addition to, results showed that the activation ways were a higher degree. In fact, there aren't statistically significant differences about importance, realization, and its activation ways due to the (department, academic rank, and, experience). Finally, the research suggested that Researcher be acquainted with the educational research and encouraged by granting them financial and moral incentives. Moreover, researches persistently training courses on the methods of conducting research.
The current research aims to identify the degree of Practicing Strategic Planning of and the degree of the quality assurance level in faculty of education at Tishreen University from the view point of the Teaching Staff Members, and also and to stu dy the relationship between the degree of Practicing Strategic Planning and quality assurance level in it. and to achieve the objectives of this research questionnaires were built, the first about strategic planning included four areas, and consisted (50) items, while the second about quality assurance consisted (20) items; have been applied on sample (72) Teaching Staff Members in faculty of education at Tishreen University during the academic year of (2016 - 2017). Descriptive analytical methodology was used, and Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff at Syrian Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (22) Members, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.87) to Strategic Planning questionnaire and (0.73) to quality assurance questionnaire.
The research aims to identify the level of the contribution of the members of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus in strengthening the principles of good citizenship among their students from the viewpoint of faculty members, and from the point of view of students, and know the differences between the average scores of the research sample members (faculty members) to identify the principles of citizenship good depending on the variables of research: (sex, years of experience), you know the differences between the average scores of the research sample members (students) to identify the principles of good citizenship depending on the variables of research: (sex, academic specialization).
The research know the degree of possession of educational technology skills of faculty members at the University of Damascus; and the role of a variable both sex, and competence of the academic university, and the number of years of experience in the possession of educational technology skills.

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