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The aim of this research is to study and prognosis oil and gas by utilization of Remote Sensing (RS) data Geographic Information System (GIS) and Digital Elevation Model (DEM), and 3D. The integration of the data by using program (Arc GIS). The inte gration data led to divide the lineaments circular structures and drainage network. Which present direct and indirection indicate on earth surface for surface and subsurface structures Which play important role in prospecting oil and gas.
Al- Qusier region is important agricultural areas in Syria, and contribute to cover a significant part of the agricultural needs of the country ,but it was suffering of poor land use in some locations. This study aims to prepare maps of land use an d land cover using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, the study relied on SPOT-4 satellite images with spatial resolutions 10 m for (white–black) images and 20 m for color images. The study found a view of results were the ability of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the production of accurate maps of land use/land cover and establish a digital database for spatial land use and land cover for Al- Qusier region.
Lattakia City has faced many negative impacts of the extending crisis that Syria lives, such as defensive arrangements of most governmental facilities, and refuging millions of other Syrian cities citizens. This new situation was reflected on the tra ffic conditions on most streets and roads of city, especially on center streets. In addition it caused many traffic congestions, which led to investigate and analyze the current situation and finding traffic solutions for reducing these congestions on center streets. In this paper, the “moving observer” concept was used to measure travel time and average speed on major and minor collectors in Lattakia center. The vehicle was equipped with a GPS to collect necessary information, a number of trips was executed during daily peak period and free flow speed; then the data was processed and analyzed to generate max, min, and average speeds, constructing LOS for these streets. Study disclosed low values of LOS for some major collectors in the city, and expressed the need to take urgent arrangements to increase LOS on streets. The efficiency of “moving vehicle” concept was proved in implementing traffic studies.
The article aims to study the effect of layer thickness and reflection coefficient variation on the image of synthetic seismogram, which is generated by using Ricker Wavelet with wide range of frequencies (20-130Hz) and Vibrator Sweeps with many freq uencies ranges (5-170Hz) as a known technique in reflection seismic method on land. The Researcher tried to determine the relationship between signals recording times and reflection coefficients variation from first side, and recording times with layer thickness variation from second side. The result which is observed that; the recorded times increased proportionally with increasing of the layer thickness (as we know), but it is delayed with exponential relation when the velocity and density are varied within the same layer. New manner is applied to represent the result by using the conversion of time seismic section to raster images by using GIS, this way gave us ability to control the colored scale which reflects the amplitude of recorded signals, and follows the reflectors or get important information about signals amplitude even though the layer thickness is decreased less than wavelet length ten times if we used Ricker signal or Vibration Sweeps.
This research aims to study the water sources that feed watering and landscaping gardens networks in Homs city , where wells constitute most of these sources and study related problems and how to protect and preserve the quality and quantity require d for the fact that some of these wells is used to provide drinking water in the absence of the ability of water sources drinking key on it. The establishment of a database to establish the structural comprehensive sources(Master Plan) of water which are securing water for watering gardens, depending on geographic information systems (GIS) and perform analysis operations, processing and utilization of these results in making and decision support process to reduce waste operations and rationalization of consumption and conservation of pollution and help finding alternative water sources to cover the winning water deficit for watering gardens and propose appropriate recommendations.
تحليل الشبكات في أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية ... تمثل الشبكة مجموعة من الخطوط والنقاط التي تمثل الكائنات الجغرافية المتصلة مع بعضها البعض والتي من خلالها تتحرك الموارد (سيارات , مياه , كهرباء , غاز....الخ) 1- أنظمة تدفق موجهة يتحرك التدفق من المصا در إلى المصارف الموارد لا تملك القدرة على اتخاذ قرارات المسير (على سبيل المثال، نظام النهر) 2- أنظمة تدفق غير موجهة النظام لا يتحكم بشكل كامل بعملية التدفق الموارد تملك القدرة على اتخاذ قرارات المسير الخاصة بها (على سبيل المثال، نظام السير)
GIS software provide manual import tools to maps produced on CAD software to be transformed to geo-database. This operation consumes time and effort. The "transformation" however will not be adequate unless we analyze the relation between CAD and GI S software in preparing maps. The question raised here if this relation competitive or integrative? This research tries to answer this matter by studying it from different angles: modeling, spatial feature, scale, spatial analysis and data management. Analyses reveal that this relation isn't competitive at all, but rather integrative, as CAD software produce technical\design plans, whereas GIS software are dedicated for the production of general and thematic maps. Thus, CAD based spatial data (topographic, cadastral, master plans) could be "up-graded" to be efficient in GIS environment. However available tools to make this are basically manual, and for that, an automated approach was developed to execute this upgrade from CAD to GIS. This new approach was applied and evaluated and the output results were satisfactory accurate, time\effort saving, and indeed didn't miss any of CAD layers. This all could be achieved if being conditioned with the approach constrains.
3D GIS can be realized as an actual building platform of the urban space. This research develops automated 3D urban models that fit large-scale digital photogrammetry. Originally, modeling used manual or semi-manual techniques, and there is a need to for a development of an approach that automates the transformation of vector linear data, optimized by digital photogrammetry stations to create the 3D volume model in 3DGIS. This approach consists of three main phases: roof modeling, wall modeling and volume structuring. During the first phase, local and conditional "Delaunay Triangulation" method is used to deal with the majority of roof types regardless of its geometry. The second phase is completely automated to create the walls by the vertical projection (Top-Down) of the outer line of the roof into the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), and then by the selection of the bottom base level as the default level. Finally, different elements of the structure can be aggregated using spatial relationships (many-to-many) already supported by GIS software. The new approach is created and completely automated. It doesn't require roof geometric-types library, which asserts the GIS is a valid platform to build, to view and to store 3D urban models.
This research highlights the vital role of Pavement Management Systems integrated with Geographic Information Systems in planning and managing road maintenance in Lattakia, and getting a flexible local system by following a new method in processing a nd viewing information that supports maintenance decision. This study included applying a pilot project for managing pavement maintenance over a group of roads following The General Establishment for Road Communications. Those roads were divided to links and segments then evaluated using the " Asphalt Institute Method ", which gave us a numeric pointer that led in turn to the type of maintenance needed for a particular pavement. In this research, we depended on the Geographic Information Systems to design and build a comprehensive database, that reflected the present condition of the studied roads, and enabled us to store, analyze and document pavement surface condition and link it to the digitized maps of the studied roads. This guaranteed easy and direct access to various kinds of data and solutions as every segment appeared in a different color reflecting its conditions according to the theme of the map. By doing so, we could support the process of taking right maintenance decisions.

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