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Tishreen University is one of the main pillars in the development and modernization of the higher education system in the Arab Republic for its importance in progress and development, in intellectual and developmental construction and its reflectio n on society and its various institutions . Tishreen University has achieved many successes towards development and modernization with policies of expanding education, With the scientific, technological and cognitive revolution, in increasing the number and spread of universities and colleges. The research aims to study the extent to which Tishreen University contributed to the development and modernization of the higher education system in the Syrian Arab Republic between 2000 and 2010 through studying the reality and development of higher education in Tishreen University in a descriptive and analytical study during the period 2000-2010. The Ministry of Higher Education, the Directorate of Planning and Statistics, the State Planning Authority, the calculation of some educational indicators, and the calculation of the general trend equation of the relationship between the number of first-year students and the time at Tishreen University to measure the average growth and growth during the study period 2000-2010. The year 2020. D. Study and Analysis.
The research aimed to identifying the Opinion of Sample of worker at Tishreen University in the role strategic Planning importance, Crisis Educational Management, also to define the differences in Opinion of Sample to these variable the scientific qualification. To achieve the objectives of this research, questionnaire has included the role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Educational Management consisted of (52) items, has been applied during the academic year of (2015 - 2016) on sample (278) members, The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen. The final results showed that the role of Strategic Planning in Crisis Educational Management were middle degree. In fact there are no found differences between the sample answers, about the strategic Planning importance, and their role in Crisis Educational Management according to variable the scientific qualification. The Research presented suggestions concerning of to adopt strategic planning as a tool for changing and developing administrative work and specialized workshops in strategic Planning.
The research aims to identify the role of strategic planning in the private higher education by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the private university to help in choosing the strategy to exploit the opportunities and strength points. A nd also to avoid or address weaknesses and threats. So that the private university would be able to achieve continuous improvements and distinctions epecially in the light of the current circumstances in Syria. And the Academy inLatakia, has been chosen being one of the first private universities in Syria. We relyed on the descriptive and analytical approach and the use of questionnaires for each one who is responsible of strategic planning in the academy in order to highlight the steps to be followed to prepare a strategic plan for the academy because it hasn't been following the strategic planning approach in a practical way to improve the performance of its educational tasks. The most important results that have been reached are: the academic management interaction with moral and conduct strategic planning was weak due to the weakness of responsibility towards the process of change and also because of the constant change in the administrative leadership of the academy during short periods of time The research has also shown that the faculty teaching members are not aware of the academy's mission and that is because there isn't a suitable atmosphere in the academy right now for change and developement especially in the light of the existing competitions. In the light of these results, the researcher suggested the following: The management in this branch should provide the right atmosphere to accept changes by starting awareness campaigns within the scientific and administrative departments of the academy to introduce the members to the mission of the academy, its goals and future plans.
The outsourcing of teaching at university colleges is a growing but still limited practice. But, as a result of lack of faculty members, in some colleges or graduate institutes in the public universities, resort to employing this manner to fill th is gap. Accordingly, this research has dealt with the importance and areas of outsourcing by using descriptive and analytical approach studying the case of the Higher Institute for Management Development. The analyse show that the growing use of outsourcing often reduces the quality. Among the most important results of the study, the lack of correlation between outsourcing of teaching and the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institute, and the lack of meaningful significant differences between teachers in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institute to use the method of outsourcing to teach attributable to the variables (workplace experience and scientific rank). While there are differences among teachers due to the variable age.
Education is one of the different levels of the main pillars of human development, and an important tool for the rehabilitation of manpower to enter the labor market in a way that contributes to improving their living conditions and living conditions , in particular university education it represents the top of the educational pyramid. Therefore research aims to identify the concept of investment education in human capital and also recognize the concept of the labor market, also addresses the supply and analysis evolution and the reality of university education in the Syrian Arab Republic, through the analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of higher education and their suitability to the requirements of the labor market for the period (2000, 2010). The research found: mismatch between higher education outputs and labor market requirements in Syria, as a result of the low efficiency of the outputs of higher education and as a sort of lack of access to higher education investment in human capital index.
The research aims to identify the reality of change management in educational institutions and the requirements of their application as perceived by members of its teaching. And to identify the differences between the degrees of sample member's respo nses to a questionnaire of reality of change management depending on the research variables (sex, academic rank, years of experience). The researcher relied on the analytical descriptive method, and used a questionnaire consisting of five areas:(future vision of educational institutions, organizational culture that support change, workers look to the process of change, a strategy of educational institutions in the process of change, financial and technical requirements). The sample consisted of (231) member of the faculity staff in Damascus University. Among the most important findings of the research: 1) There is no statistically significant differences in the significance level (0.05) between the mean of sample member's responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the sex variable. 2) There are differences between the degrees of teachers responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the variable of academic rank according to the faculty staff members. 3) There are differences between the degrees of teachers responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the variable of number of years of experience according to the teaching staff members who have years of experience between (11-20) years. In light of the research findings , the researcher suggests the following: The necessity of opening the door to professors at different administrative levels to participate in the decision-making process by the Ministry of Education. Ø The necessity of strengthen the staff confidence of the evaluation system through the administration work to be the performance estimates more public , not secret. Ø Create an organizational culture and climate encourage the academics and expertise people higher education institutions to move towards excellence, creativity and innovation
This study aims to find the best social and economic factors that affect the number of students in higher education using the descriptive analysis approach, and find the mathematical model that connects the principal components representing the socia l and economic factors and the number of students in higher education in Syria. The most important results that have reached were the principal components representing the social and economic factors, after doing the orthogonal rotation and was representing the first component (number of members the labor force that are gainfully) employed, the number of population per health doctor, number of members, the labor force that are self-employed, number of members the labor force that are unmarried, number of population per dentist, higher education budget, and number of nurses. And the four thcomponent (number of members the labor force that are married), both components affected positively on the number of students in higher education, the second component (economic activity rate of the human power, average number of people per pharmacist, number of members the labor force that are gainfully unemployed, the third component (number of members the labor force that are divorced and widowed) affected negatively on the number of students in higher education.
The purpose of this research is to study the effect of higher education employment on labour participation rate. This is done by analyzing the reality of the labour force, especially the reality of employment of people with university degrees as we ll as by defining the participation rate by gender in order to illustrate the gender gap. It also determines the impact of higher education on the labour force participation rate, using simple regression. Doing these two things helps in putting future economic policies. The study shows that there is a decrease in the whole labour participation rate during the period of study despite the rise of higher education employment. Using a descriptive analytical and statistical method, the research comes up with some important results: Higher education negatively affects the rate of female participation in economic activities. Higher education negatively affects the rate of male participation in economic activities.
This study aimed to identify total quality management in higher education services and it's role in developing according Market needs. To achieve the research objectives a convenience sample of 37 professors in the AL Baath University was selected, and used SPSS program to analyze data and test hypothesis, the study reached a number of findings, of which the most: There is good recognition for available dimensions: leadership. Data and information management, participation, continue improvement, and empowerment And There is impact of perceptive level for total quality management in developing the higher education services according dimensions: data and information management, continue improvement, and empowerment. But there is not impact of perceptive level for totalquality management in developing the higher education services according dimension: leadership, strategic planning, and participation. The study has reached a number of recommendations in view of the study results.
This study aims to find the best indicators representing higher education components using the method of multivariate statistical analysis represented in a manner factor analysis, and create a mathematical model that connects the principal componen ts representing higher education and the rate of economic activity in Syria using multi- linear regression analysis. A descriptive analytical approach is used in this study. The most important results obtained state that the principal components that belong to higher studies and intermediate institutes have a positive impact on the rate of economic activity of manpower, whereas principal components that belong to students of state universities and higher institutes have a negative impact on the rate of economic activity.

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