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Mathematical modeling of the relationship between number of higher education students and social and economic factors in Syria

النمذجة الرياضية للعلاقة بين أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي و العوامل الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية في سورية

1649   1   26   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to find the best social and economic factors that affect the number of students in higher education using the descriptive analysis approach, and find the mathematical model that connects the principal components representing the social and economic factors and the number of students in higher education in Syria. The most important results that have reached were the principal components representing the social and economic factors, after doing the orthogonal rotation and was representing the first component (number of members the labor force that are gainfully) employed, the number of population per health doctor, number of members, the labor force that are self-employed, number of members the labor force that are unmarried, number of population per dentist, higher education budget, and number of nurses. And the four thcomponent (number of members the labor force that are married), both components affected positively on the number of students in higher education, the second component (economic activity rate of the human power, average number of people per pharmacist, number of members the labor force that are gainfully unemployed, the third component (number of members the labor force that are divorced and widowed) affected negatively on the number of students in higher education.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية الأكثر تأثيراً على أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي في سوريا باستخدام منهج التحليل الوصفي والنمذجة الرياضية. تم استخدام أسلوب التحليل العاملي لاستخلاص المركبات الأساسية الممثلة للعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية. أظهرت النتائج أن المركبات الأساسية الأربعة التي تمثل العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية هي: المركب الأول الذي يشمل عدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون بأجر، عدد السكان لكل طبيب صحة، عدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون لحسابهم، عدد أفراد قوة العمل غير المتزوجين، عدد السكان لكل طبيب أسنان، موازنة التعليم العالي، وعدد الممرضين والممرضات. المركب الثاني يشمل معدل النشاط الاقتصادي للقوة البشرية، متوسط عدد السكان لكل صيدلاني، وعدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون بدون أجر. المركب الثالث يشمل عدد أفراد قوة العمل المطلقين والأرامل، والمركب الرابع يشمل عدد أفراد قوة العمل المتزوجين. تم بناء نموذج رياضي يمثل العلاقة بين هذه المركبات وأعداد طلبة التعليم العالي، وأظهرت النتائج أن المركبين الأول والرابع يؤثران بشكل إيجابي على أعداد الطلبة، بينما يؤثر المركبان الثاني والثالث بشكل سلبي.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة ذات أهمية كبيرة في فهم العوامل المؤثرة على أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي في سوريا، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، الدراسة تعتمد بشكل كبير على البيانات الإحصائية من فترة زمنية محددة (1995-2010)، مما قد يجعل النتائج غير محدثة أو غير قابلة للتطبيق في السياق الحالي. ثانياً، الدراسة تركز بشكل رئيسي على العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية دون النظر إلى العوامل السياسية والأمنية التي قد تكون لها تأثير كبير في السياق السوري. ثالثاً، النموذج الرياضي المستخدم قد يكون معقداً بالنسبة لصناع القرار غير المتخصصين في الإحصاء، مما قد يحد من تطبيق النتائج بشكل عملي. وأخيراً، كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تم تضمين مقارنات مع دول أخرى في المنطقة لتقديم رؤية أكثر شمولية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي العوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية التي تؤثر بشكل إيجابي على أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي في سوريا؟

    العوامل التي تؤثر بشكل إيجابي تشمل عدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون بأجر، عدد السكان لكل طبيب صحة، عدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون لحسابهم، عدد أفراد قوة العمل غير المتزوجين، عدد السكان لكل طبيب أسنان، موازنة التعليم العالي، وعدد الممرضين والممرضات.

  2. ما هي العوامل التي تؤثر بشكل سلبي على أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي في سوريا؟

    العوامل التي تؤثر بشكل سلبي تشمل معدل النشاط الاقتصادي للقوة البشرية، متوسط عدد السكان لكل صيدلاني، وعدد أفراد قوة العمل الذين يعملون بدون أجر، وعدد أفراد قوة العمل المطلقين والأرامل.

  3. ما هو المنهج الذي استخدمته الدراسة لاستخلاص المركبات الأساسية للعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية؟

    استخدمت الدراسة أسلوب التحليل العاملي لاستخلاص المركبات الأساسية للعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية.

  4. هل النموذج الرياضي الذي تم التوصل إليه في الدراسة معنوي؟

    نعم، النموذج الرياضي الذي تم التوصل إليه معنوي، حيث أظهرت النتائج أن هناك علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين أعداد طلبة التعليم العالي والعوامل الاجتماعية والاقتصادية.

References used
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rate research

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This study aims to find the best indicators representing higher education components using the method of multivariate statistical analysis represented in a manner factor analysis, and create a mathematical model that connects the principal componen ts representing higher education and the rate of economic activity in Syria using multi- linear regression analysis. A descriptive analytical approach is used in this study. The most important results obtained state that the principal components that belong to higher studies and intermediate institutes have a positive impact on the rate of economic activity of manpower, whereas principal components that belong to students of state universities and higher institutes have a negative impact on the rate of economic activity.
This study aimed at identifying the concept of human capital migration and identifying the main internal causes behind the phenomenon of human capital migration in Syria by studying the impact of a range of economic, social and health factors (unem ployment rate, death rate, life expectancy, (15 years and more), the rate of inflation, the graduation rate of undergraduate students and the graduation rate of students of studies in Syrian universities) on the rate of human capital migration, based on the data between 1990 and 2010. The researcher reached the following main results: High inflation leads to l The high rate of migration of the human capital, while the low unemployment rate leads to the high rate of migration, but the high rate of employment leads to a slight increase in the rate of migration and this is because most of the young groups pursue studies outside the country after graduation, The increase in life expectancy at birth leads to a sharp drop in the rate of human capital migration. The high percentage of university graduates leads to a high rate of human capital migration. This is due to the fact that the largest proportion of graduates prefer immigration to work or to follow them in countries Other, while a The increase in the proportion of graduates of study students leads to a decline in the rate of human capital migration. This is due to the fact that they prefer to continue their education within the country, thus reducing their chances of emigration due to the continuation of their education or because of their increasing awareness of the importance of their presence within the country.
Natural language processing (NLP) applications are now more powerful and ubiquitous than ever before. With rapidly developing (neural) models and ever-more available data, current NLP models have access to more information than any human speaker duri ng their life. Still, it would be hard to argue that NLP models have reached human-level capacity. In this position paper, we argue that the reason for the current limitations is a focus on information content while ignoring language's social factors. We show that current NLP systems systematically break down when faced with interpreting the social factors of language. This limits applications to a subset of information-related tasks and prevents NLP from reaching human-level performance. At the same time, systems that incorporate even a minimum of social factors already show remarkable improvements. We formalize a taxonomy of seven social factors based on linguistic theory and exemplify current failures and emerging successes for each of them. We suggest that the NLP community address social factors to get closer to the goal of human-like language understanding.
Current study entitled: domestic violence and its relationship to self-esteem among students in higher education, University of Khartoum. As noted researcher through social work as a guide for this category, estimated by a researcher greater than 14 years that some students do not feel worth themselves or they are hesitant in taking decisions, do not trust in themselves and that they violent social behavior. Therefore, the problem of the study: Is there a relationship between domestic violence and self-esteem of the students? The importance of the study to provide information about the relationship between domestic violence and self-esteem as it considers new addition some of the studies, which dealt with the relationship with self-esteem violence chip important social students and higher education. Then came the objectives of the study to determine the relationship between domestic violence and self-esteem and to identify individual differences domestic violence according to type. Identify the relationship between domestic violence and level of education of care and economic level and its relationship to the existence of violence and the relationship between the size of the family of the existence of domestic violence. The study sample consisted of 70 male and female students are reluctant to clinics for guidance, using the questionnaire tool for the collection and analysis of data and access to the most important of which results associated Among the most important results: 1. There is a relationship between domestic violence and self-esteem of students in higher education. 2. There are individual differences of domestic violence depending on the gender. 3. There is a relationship between domestic violence and the level of education of the carer. 4. There is no relationship between the economic level of the family and the existence of domestic violence. 5. There is no relationship between family size and the presence of domestic violence. The most important recommendations of the study: Parents should be fully aware of the Bzuthma and appreciation because of its crucial role in the growth of self-concept only with their children and they can work on the development of positive attitudes among their children even be unable to tolerate themselves and trust the Ikdraha and out.
This paper deals with the insurance sector in the Syrian Arab Republic during the period between 1990-2012, we studied the impact of economic and demographic factors on the demand for life insurance size. It was considered the volume of life insu rance premiums indication of the size of the demand for life insurance, also we study the impact of some determinants on the demand / income - unemployment - interest rate - inflation - life expectations - education - urbanization /. A statistical analysis by spss to study variables program was carried out, in order to reach the most important determinants affecting the insurance demand, income and the inflation and the interest rate are the most effective determinant in influencing the insurance demand, While statistically significant for the rest of determinants effect does not appear.
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