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Economic growth and high competition have put a strong pressure on construction companies to improve their productivity and performance. Many studies on performance measurement have been carried out at the project level. Recently, the demand for perf ormance evaluation at the company level has increased. This paper aims to identify a set of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A List of 20 potential performance indicators has been identified according to Balance Score Card (BSC) through a quantitative and qualitative analysis. We have obtained the required information about the relative importance of the indicators through interviews with six experts in the construction industry to determine the size of the relative importance of each indicator, on the grounds that a large number of performance indicators are difficult to measure and control. We have adopted the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to identify fewer and more effective performance indicators. And we have used Expert Choice software to analyze expert answers. As a result, we have obtained 9 important indicators which can be directly used as indicators to measure and identify performance projects or as indicators within an integrated system, for performance measurement and tracking helps in improving the performance of construction projects in Syria.
The research aims to identify the reality of the work of tobacco workers union in Jablah Department, in order to stand on their success in protecting the interests and rights of members of workers, and to provide the necessary services to them, as well as to identify their role in improving the performance of workers in Jablah department. The researcher has prepared and distributed a questionnaire on the research sample, which amounted to (77) were distributed among workers (15) in the office of trade union members and (62) a member of the guild. Data were using SPSS statistical analysis software.
Performance improvement in Construction companies is a complex task, which requires great effort and care. The research aims to analyze the status of work at the general company for building and construction, in order to determine the available ma nagement problems and then determine the priorities that will be areas of possible improvement of the performance of the company. There used three tools to asses inputs ,processes and outputs , The result of evaluating the maturity (inputs) of project management showed weakness in performance as The rate of project management maturity reached 2.3 out of 5. Quality indicators (outputs) , where rates were less than the average, were identified, as it was the results of questionnaire of measuring customer satisfaction for a sample of projects implemented by the company and the mean of customer satisfaction was 2.73 out of 5. Finally main processes of the company were drown and then the “FMEA " was used to identify the processes which face trouble which were 41 process. As a result of this comprehensive analysis the priority areas and procedures for the performance improvement were proposed.
هدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة إمكانية تحسين أداء شركات القطاع العام الإنشائي و اسـتخدم الفرع الإنشائي لمؤسسة الإسكان العسكرية كحالة دراسية. استخدم البحث مرسوم إحداث هذا القطاع, و القواعد و الأنظمة الداخلية التي تحكم نشـاطاته إضافة إلى المراقبة الشخصية ا لمباشرة لتحديد رسالة هذا القطاع و رؤياه و أهدافه و مخطط هيكله التنظيمي. حددت المسببات الرئيسية للأداء المتعثر لهذا القطاع بناء على تقارير المؤتمرات السـنوية لاتحاد العمال و على المراقبة الشخصية المباشرة و على الاستبيان الذي أنجز ضمن الفرع. اقترحت تعديلات رئيسية ضمن المخطط التنظيمي و للطريقة التي أنشئ هذا القطـاع بنـاء عليها، و حددت في نهاية هذا العمل استنتاجات و نصائح للأعمال المسـتقبلية حـول هـذا البحث.
Banking Systems face a lot of changes and challenges, which necessitate applying new management and performance improvement concepts, as an attempt to achieve excellence, Six Sigma is considered to be one of the best methodologies that help in this regard because it may be utilized in improving banks performance and decrease defects in their processes. This study aimed to highlight the role of six sigma approach to improve the performance of Syrian banks according to the application of six sigma model elements (DMAIC) and selecting six sigma team (Improvement Team). Conclusions of the study show the importance of implementing Six Sigma methodology in all local sections including industrial and service organizations, and there is a tendency in the Syrian banks to utilize six sigma approach. Conclusions also show that there is a significant statistical impact between each of application of six sigma model elements (DMAIC), Selecting six sigma team (Improvement Team), and the performance improvement of Syrian banks. Based on that, several recommendations were presented. Among these recommendations were the urgency and the need of benefiting from the best practices in the field of Six Sigma. Invest in training and provide the employees with some experience in this field.
This research aims to evaluate the relationship between using the quantitive methods in decisions making and improving the performance in the industrial engineering companies in the Syrian coast , The importance of these methods and they are large role that its playing in making scientific and logical decisions to solving problems, which faces decision makers in these companies. These methods provide a set of alternatives that help decision makers to choose the best alternative among these available alternatives to solve the problem that face them, this reflects positively on the performance of these companies, and their role on industry.
The research aims to identify the role of strategic planning in the private higher education by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the private university to help in choosing the strategy to exploit the opportunities and strength points. A nd also to avoid or address weaknesses and threats. So that the private university would be able to achieve continuous improvements and distinctions epecially in the light of the current circumstances in Syria. And the Academy inLatakia, has been chosen being one of the first private universities in Syria. We relyed on the descriptive and analytical approach and the use of questionnaires for each one who is responsible of strategic planning in the academy in order to highlight the steps to be followed to prepare a strategic plan for the academy because it hasn't been following the strategic planning approach in a practical way to improve the performance of its educational tasks. The most important results that have been reached are: the academic management interaction with moral and conduct strategic planning was weak due to the weakness of responsibility towards the process of change and also because of the constant change in the administrative leadership of the academy during short periods of time The research has also shown that the faculty teaching members are not aware of the academy's mission and that is because there isn't a suitable atmosphere in the academy right now for change and developement especially in the light of the existing competitions. In the light of these results, the researcher suggested the following: The management in this branch should provide the right atmosphere to accept changes by starting awareness campaigns within the scientific and administrative departments of the academy to introduce the members to the mission of the academy, its goals and future plans.
This research aims at the definition and importance of corporate governance including its principles, objectives, and their role in increasing the performance of state enterprises. As there is no agreement on the concept of governance, there is an ag reement that applying governance enhances the performance of an enterprise undertaking and its ability to face any financial crisis may be the importance of governance as an effective tool of control in the governmental corporations through several internal and external mechanisms.

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