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A study of chemical composition of woman's milk has been made and compared with cow's milk in the province of Homs. The findings of this study show that The total value of the solid material in cow's milk is (12.26 ± 1.2%). It is approximately eq ual to woman 's milk content of the total solid material which is (12.11 ± 0.09%). The woman 's milk content of mineral elements is (02% ± 001%), while the cow's milk content is (0.71 ± 0.14%). For the value of fatty material in the mother's milk, it is (3.5 ± 0.02%) and this is almost equal to cow's milk content of the same material which is (3.4 ± 0.05%). The cow's milk content of protein is equivalent to (2.92 ± 0.019%), whereas cow's milk content is equivalent to ( 1.25 ± 0.009%). The value of calcium in the mother's milk is (32 ± 4.3 mg), and this is significantly lower than the value of the calcium in cow's milk, which is (118 ± 8.2 Mg/ kg).
The experiment was carried out during2013-2014 Miaar Shaker village (Tartous) to determine the best method of irrigation on growth and productivity of Tomato plant in plastic green-house. Three method of irrigation were used in the experiment :(furro w surface , surface drip and subsurface drip irrigation). Growth of plants, productivity and fruit quality were studies. The results showed that surface and subsurface drip irrigation give more plant growth (leaves number and leaves area) more flowering and fruit production as compared with furrow irrigation method .The leaves number and leaves area in plant with surface drip irrigation was 31.49 leaves and 17078/plant while these number reached only to 22.91 leaves and 7057.86/plant in the furrow irrigation with significant difference . The productivity of plants was also higher in surface drip irrigation method(4.75 kg/ plant) without significant difference as compared with subsurface irrigation method and with significant difference as compared with furrow irrigation method (3.95 kg/ plant). The quality of fruits was better in surface drip irrigation (8.28% dry material ,5.02% TSS and 28.23mg vitamin c /100g) in fresh matter while these number were 7.18%, 4.98% and 20.96 mg/100g in furrow . The irrigation method haven't affect in the: plant length ,and acidity percentage.
The sport shows is the use of field movement to form geometric and artistic shapes so it taught at the physical education ,Decoration, and Fine arts faculties. This research is made to meet the requirements of quality (NARS) standards ,and the needs of the teaching process and aimed to find out the state of the Sports Shows course , its methods and quality. A Questionnaire was conducted according to Bloom's Taxonomy with its six levels the Questionnaire is consisted of 33 questions the Questionnaire is evaluated by thirteen of the Faculty of Physical Education and Faculty of Education academic staff to conclude that the applied teaching method achieves the course goals ,and the students comprehension level is good and the course items are adequate.
The quality was not the creation of this new era, its roots date back to the old Arab scholars. They have studied it in-depth in their scientific publications, the poets were sitting and competing with each other in Makkah's markets to choose the best poetry, through a committee of quality experts who judge their poetry. The meanings –which have the topic of composition and its rules- having a great deal of quality. Al- Jurjani had studied and treated this topic exhaustively, when he criticized Al-Jahiz who were interested in the literal meaning which has no value unless it has a noble meanings. Add to that, the Arabic script has a big merit in the language, Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala (S.W.T). Said: ﴾Nun By the pen And by the record which (men) write1﴿ Allah S.W.T. has oath in the pen, because it has a big honor, and the person who writes well occupy a high place in the nation. The reliable writer is close to the Sultan in most things if not all of them. In view of the punctuation marks which have a big importance in the language, to know the devision and connecting of the speech, and also the beginning and the end of it, the quality standard had been taking into consideration in all of the above matters, and obtained an elaborated study in old times of Arabs.
This Paper aims to Studying the factors of Quality measurement in information systems applied in telecommunications companies. The study is divided into four main factors; the first factor is time which consists of four sub factors (Timelines, upd ating, Frequency, and Availability). Second is Form which includes Five sub factors (Clarity, Details, Presentation, Order, Media).Third is Content which includes nine sub factors (Accuracy, Relevance, Completeness, Concinseness, Scope, Security, Reliability, Economy, Competency).Technical, the final factors, it consists of two sub factors (Software Quality, Hardware Quality). We have tested this model in Syriatel Company to prove its validity, and applicability in many other types of organizations. Time and content factors was the final result for factors of Quality measurement in information systems applied in the syriatel company.
The research was aimed to study the effect of olive press methods on the oil quantity and quality. The results showed the following: The method of press Olive effect to the quantity of Olive oil so the results of oil quantity from olive fruite p ress in mechanical olive press method more above from half mechanical method and from traditional method ( the witness). The increase of quantity between mechanical and traditional method was 60% and between mechanical half mechanical method was 27% and bween half mechanical and traditional method was 28%. The method of press Olive effect to the of Olive oil quantitatively the results of oil quantitatively from olive fruit press in mechanical olive press machines to surpass half mechanical olive press that is the flavor and color best and Acidity presumption and peroccid number is less .
The research aims to analyze the reality of the health service in the Syrian private hospitals in Lattakia City; by answering the following questions: * What is the level of the health service in hospitals in terms of the availability of the follo wing basic dimensions: Tangibility, empathy, responsiveness, assurance and security, reliability and credibility? * What is the impact of the dimensions of health service quality in customer satisfaction? The survey form was designed and distributed to (105) customer of the patients who checked in private hospitals in Lattakia City, where a convenience sample was chosen. The results of research indicated, that there is a good understanding of the following dimensions: Tangibility, empathy, responsiveness, and assurance and security between members of the research sample. The study results also indicated that there is a significant and positive effect of (empathy and emphasize security and reliability) dimensions on customer satisfaction as dependent variable, which the regression model explained (80%) of the differences in customer satisfaction, while Tangibility and speed of response did not affect customer satisfaction as a dependent variable.
The goal of every industrial company is to develop and manufacture products that suit the needs of the final customer, enabling it to market those products at a reasonable and rewarding price. This research aims to show the importance of the adopti on of the quality factor in the acquisition of production requirements for equipment and machinery, equipment and raw materials, and the statement of its significant role in reducing the cost of production, and to make the company in a better position and ensure its survival and continuity in the business world. The importance of this research also stems from the field study carried out by the researcher on public industrial companies and identify the ways and methods of purchasing, the conduct of their production, and the extent of the costs borne by these companies to acquire better production requirements of machinery and equipment and raw materials, and to address the main problems encountered. The most important results obtained show that: 1.There is a crucial impact of the quality of production requirements on the cost of production. 2. There is a crucial impact on quality cost and the improvement of financial returns.
this study was carried out during summer 2014 in Siano Research Station- the Agricultura Research Center in Lattakia . Four varieties of Cowpea: Dolicho (entrance), Blackey (entrance), Almaarefa (Local) and local cultivar were planted and compared concerning the vegetative growth , productivity and quality of green pods. The results showed the superiority of Almaarefa cultivar in some vegetative traits :plant hieght (166.66) cm compared with local cultivar 116.58 cm ,number of leaves on plant and( 27) leaves and( 17) leaves for local cultivar, and plant leaves area( 7840.23) cm2 for Almaarefa comparing with( 4499.75) cm2 for local cultivar As well as it had a maximum pod length( 16.71) cm and highest grain number of pod( 9.44) ,while Blackey cultivar was the most superior comparing with other cultivars in productivity( 0.6229) kg \ m 2 and pod's number/m2 ( 81.069) Whereas Almaarefa had the lowest productivity( 0.4935) kg/m2 and lowest pod's number ( 65.89)pod/m2. The results also showed that the local cultivar had the most vitamin C content comparing with other cultivars by( 23.765%) and in dry matter by (15.38%) , while there was no significant differences between protein green pods content.
In this paper, taking most important indicators of the competitiveness of Syrian pistachio exports, where data were analyzed WTO to reach these indicators and which to menial describes results competitiveness of Syrian pistachio product. It has bee n analyzed individually first to prove that the exports of this product way good market share both domestically and internationally, and with the level of harmonic well with the requirements of the international markets and regional and are able to meet the patterns of global demand in terms of quality and price, and have the ability to integrate with various spectrums external demand for that product, and are highly concentrated in exports because of its dependence and its focus on a limited range of varieties of this product in the export, but when you compare these indicators with indicators of other countries producing pistachio, the results of the analysis indicate that the indicators Syria is one of the best indicators at the global level after both Iran and the United States and Turkey, but they need to technological additions more than it is to be able to increase the added value in this product, in addition to the need for additional investments that will achieve greater production and higher export share.

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