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This study aimed at identifying the opinion of theTeaching Staff in the Faculty of Education at Damascus University in strategic management Requirements importance, and in the possibility of applying in their Faculty. The sample included 132 Teach ing Staff in the academic year 2010/2011. To achieve the aim of the research a questionnaire included (72) methods, distributed to four areas (general requirements for strategic management, Formulating strategic requirements, application strategic requirements, evaluation strategic requirements).
This study aims to find the best social and economic factors that affect the number of students in higher education using the descriptive analysis approach, and find the mathematical model that connects the principal components representing the socia l and economic factors and the number of students in higher education in Syria. The most important results that have reached were the principal components representing the social and economic factors, after doing the orthogonal rotation and was representing the first component (number of members the labor force that are gainfully) employed, the number of population per health doctor, number of members, the labor force that are self-employed, number of members the labor force that are unmarried, number of population per dentist, higher education budget, and number of nurses. And the four thcomponent (number of members the labor force that are married), both components affected positively on the number of students in higher education, the second component (economic activity rate of the human power, average number of people per pharmacist, number of members the labor force that are gainfully unemployed, the third component (number of members the labor force that are divorced and widowed) affected negatively on the number of students in higher education.
This study at aimed identifying the opinions of a Sample of Aleppo University Students about the level of application admission Quality Methods Systems at the University. The research problem poses questions about the application of these Methods. A descriptive research approach. was used, and a the questionnaire directed to a sample of Aleppo University students included (90) items was administered. The questionnaire distributed to seven areas, which are supposed to be Admission Quality Methods Systems. The Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of education at Damascus and Aleppo Universities. The pilot sample consisted of (40) students. The reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha reliability at (0.88).
The research aimed to identify the challenges that hinder the application of educational quality standards - adopted by Arab University Union Council - at HE according to teaching staff members at TU. The sample included (431) teaching staff members from different faculties and higher institutes at TU. To fulfill this research goal, a questionnaire was set to contain (39) paragraphs distributed on (5) axis : teaching staff members, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, university books, academic research, assessment and university ethics. The results showed that the most important challenges at the level of each axis were as follows: Faculty Members Axis: the lack of stimulus for faculty excellence in teaching academic research. Academic Programs Axis: the absence of periodic studies to make sure of the proportionality among the various programs in place at the university with the vision, mission, and objectives of the university, as well as colleges or affiliated higher institutes. Teaching Methods and Learning Resources Axis: the lack of research on the assessment of teaching methods and teaching aids used for the process. University Book Axis: the absence of a good design for the university book in terms of shape, printing, paper, graphics, and others. Academic Research Axis: the lack of research, publication and development support.
The outsourcing of teaching at university colleges is a growing but still limited practice. But, as a result of lack of faculty members, in some colleges or graduate institutes in the public universities, resort to employing this manner to fill th is gap. Accordingly, this research has dealt with the importance and areas of outsourcing by using descriptive and analytical approach studying the case of the Higher Institute for Management Development. The analyse show that the growing use of outsourcing often reduces the quality. Among the most important results of the study, the lack of correlation between outsourcing of teaching and the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institute, and the lack of meaningful significant differences between teachers in the efficiency and effectiveness of the Institute to use the method of outsourcing to teach attributable to the variables (workplace experience and scientific rank). While there are differences among teachers due to the variable age.
This Study aims to explore the determinants of higher education service in Syria and the relative importance of each of these determinants upon the overall perceived quality of higher education and students` satisfaction ,to assess perceived quality and students` satisfaction, and to discover any differences in this perceived quality and satisfaction in terms of selected demographic variables (Gender, Study type, Academic sector, Academic level ,Year of study for Bachelor students).

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