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هدفت هذه الدّراسة إلى تحديد درجة توفر تكنولوجيا المعلومات، والدور الذي تؤديه في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، واعتمد الباحث على منهج المسح، وقام بتوزيع 346 استبانة على أفراد عيّنة البحث المتمثّلة بالعاملين الإداريين في كليات ومراكز جامعة ت شرين والبالغ عددهم 3514 وفق إحصائية مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط، وكانت أهمّ النتائج متمثلة في توفر المكونات المادية، وتوفر شبكة الإنترنت، والبرمجيات والتطبيقات اللازمة لاستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، وأنّ تكنولوجيا المعلومات تزيد من كفاءة العاملين وتخفض من التكاليف وتوفر الجهد المبذول في العمل. فيما كانت أبرز التوصيات متمثلة في ضرورة الاستمرار في استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يعزز من مرونة العمل ويعزز قدرات المديرين في اتخاذ القرارات.
This study aimed to determine the reality of scientific research in Syria compared to Arab Countries, and some developed countries, by comparing the proportion of expenditure on research and development of local output, the number of researchers and technicians working in research and development, the number of research articles published in international journals, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Google Scholar search engine, the number of citations to their researches, the number of researches published in Tishreen University, in addition to the number of researches registered and completed for postgraduate students at Tishreen University during the period 2008-2018, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Researchgate research site, as well as the number of applications for patents for accreditation in the Arab Countries, the value of exports of high technology and the proportion of those exports of transformative exports; and determine the components of scientific research to be available to create added value to the Syrian Universities. The researcher adopted the survey methodology and distributed the questionnaire to 289 members of the teaching staff at Tishreen University. The most important result of the study was that, the participation of the Syrian Universities in attracting talent, participation in local, Arab and international conferences, seminars and workshops, providing research labs, modern computers, participation in search engines, research sites, databases and financing of external publications are effective Foundations for creating added value. Then, some recommendations were presented that would contribute to the creation of added value, the most important of which are: increasing the percentage of expenditure on scientific research, employing researchers, encouraging researchers to publish in international journals, establishing cooperation relations with local, Arab and international research organizations and developing them.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility to make knowledge map in Tishreen University through showing the administrative and human infrastructure. The researcher depended on the survey method where he distributed the questionnaire on 303 individu als of central administration in Tishreen University. The outcome was lack in the administrative and human infrastructure in the university, as it does not depend on accounting, administrative and human information systems that make easy and quick access to data and information. The researcher presented some of the recommendations including the need to work on a plan to make knowledge map by modernization of databases and to take the administrative and legal measures, which are necessary for electronic development.
In this study, the impact of the practice of management on Walking on administrative empowerment was examined through applying to a sample of Syrian hospital staff. 182 questionnaires were distributed to Syrian hospital employees during 2018. To stud y the practice of administration by Walking on administrative empowerment, The process of delegation, participation of decision-making, the process of training and education, enriching the work and the process of motivation of workers, and after the study of the statistical results showed that there is a relationship of statistically significant positive between the application of the Department of Walking and the process of authorization and motivation and work style of In the Syrian hospitals, and the hypothesis of the research was proved to the absence of a significant effect of statistical significance of the variable of management in Walking in the variable enrichment and training and education and this is the result of the inability to benefit from the benefits of management Walking in overcoming the problems and difficulties during the training because the department managers have no authority to change the details The system of work used as a system imported from abroad and the lack of departmental managers in detail, enabling them to make the changes necessary to develop the work, in addition to the weakness of training in hospitals.
This research aimed to study the role of Transformational Leadership Style in Administrative Creativity on Syrian Commercial Banks in Hama. By identifying the role of transformational leadership dimensions in developing creative abilities for admi nistrative cadres working in the banks under study. In order to achieve the goals of this study, the researchers used the deductive approach. The study used a comprehensive inventory method for workers at the administrative (middle-lower) levels, consisting of (123). The researcher used the questionnaire as a main tool to collect data. The study concluded that there is a significant correlation between transformational leadership in its dimensions (ideal effect, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration) and the development of Administrative Creativity of the employees in the banks under study. One of the most important recommendations was to be more concerned with the application of transformational leadership practices and behaviors.
This research aimed to study the role of Transformational Leadership Style in Administrative Creativity on Syrian Commercial Banks in Hama. By identifying the role of transformational leadership dimensions in developing creative abilities for adminis trative cadres working in the banks under study. In order to achieve the goals of this study, the researchers used the deductive approach. The study used a comprehensive inventory method for workers at the administrative (middle-lower) levels, consisting of (123). The researcher used the questionnaire as a main tool to collect data. The study concluded that there is a significant correlation between transformational leadership in its dimensions (ideal effect, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration) and the development of Administrative Creativity of the employees in the banks under study. One of the most important recommendations was to be more concerned with the application of transformational leadership practices and behaviors.
The study aims to identify the reality of administrative empowerment among secondary school principals in Lattakia Governorate according to its dimensions (delegation of powers, teamwork, decision making, support and support), and study the differ ences between managers in the reality of administrative empowerment (sub dimensions and scale as a whole) Years of experience in administrative work, scientific qualification. The research was based on a descriptive analytical method. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to a sample of (152) managers and managers, of which (138) were complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of 90.79%. Using the appropriate statistical methods, the most important research results were: Secondary school principals in Lattakia governorate have generally good administrative capacity, and sub-dimensions: delegation of authority, teamwork, decision making, support and support. The gender variable does not affect the degree of administrative empowerment of secondary school principals in Lattakia governorate, where there were no statistically significant differences between the average managers and managers in the general administrative empowerment situation. As for the subdivisions, there was a difference in support, Decision in favor of males. The degree of administrative empowerment of secondary school principals in Lattakia governorate has increased with the number of years of experience and scientific qualification. There were statistically significant differences between the averages of the degrees of managers according to the variables of years of experience in administrative work and the scientific qualifications. And for the qualification of graduate studies, at the level of sub-dimensions, and the scale as a whole.
The objective of the research is to identify the administrative empowerment requirements in light of the change management from the perspective of for secondary school principals, the researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method. The questionnaire was used as a research tool and was applied to a sample of (60).
The purpose of the research is to identify the reality of the practice of transparency in its dimensions: accuracy and honesty in providing information, easy access to information, public information, in the General Company of Lattakia Port, and it s role of reducing the manifestations of administrative corruption represented by: combating bribery and limiting the exploitation of the position. The study was based on the descriptive approach. The research society included all the administrative staff in the general company of Lattakia port. The sample of the research is a soft sample of (200) administrative workers, the questionnaires were distributed to them, 177 (complete questionnaire) (88.5%). The results showed that there is a strong and inverse relation between the commitment to transparency and the reduction of administrative corruption in the company under study. 77.9% of the variation in the reduction of administrative corruption is explained by the commitment to transparency. Contribute to the reduction of the manifestations of administrative corruption in the company under study, and this applies to every dimension of transparency (accuracy and honesty in providing information, accessibility of information, public information).

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