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This study aimed to determine the reality of scientific research in Syria compared to Arab Countries, and some developed countries, by comparing the proportion of expenditure on research and development of local output, the number of researchers and technicians working in research and development, the number of research articles published in international journals, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Google Scholar search engine, the number of citations to their researches, the number of researches published in Tishreen University, in addition to the number of researches registered and completed for postgraduate students at Tishreen University during the period 2008-2018, the number of Syrian researchers registered in the Researchgate research site, as well as the number of applications for patents for accreditation in the Arab Countries, the value of exports of high technology and the proportion of those exports of transformative exports; and determine the components of scientific research to be available to create added value to the Syrian Universities. The researcher adopted the survey methodology and distributed the questionnaire to 289 members of the teaching staff at Tishreen University. The most important result of the study was that, the participation of the Syrian Universities in attracting talent, participation in local, Arab and international conferences, seminars and workshops, providing research labs, modern computers, participation in search engines, research sites, databases and financing of external publications are effective Foundations for creating added value. Then, some recommendations were presented that would contribute to the creation of added value, the most important of which are: increasing the percentage of expenditure on scientific research, employing researchers, encouraging researchers to publish in international journals, establishing cooperation relations with local, Arab and international research organizations and developing them.
This study aimed to evaluate the possibility to make knowledge map in Tishreen University through showing the administrative and human infrastructure. The researcher depended on the survey method where he distributed the questionnaire on 303 individu als of central administration in Tishreen University. The outcome was lack in the administrative and human infrastructure in the university, as it does not depend on accounting, administrative and human information systems that make easy and quick access to data and information. The researcher presented some of the recommendations including the need to work on a plan to make knowledge map by modernization of databases and to take the administrative and legal measures, which are necessary for electronic development.

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