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The equation of towers height calculation carryingpower transmission lines at their intersection with engineering installation is one of the methods of designing power nets,the solution of which depends on the traditional method for calculating con ductors coordinates. Sometimes this problem becomes so complicated or impossible to solve, therefore, we have to use the space solution mainly when the wind direction made an angle with these transmission lines and the points of hanging height difference. In this case it is better to use the vector method which we used at the present work. We used a mathematical model to calculate the minimum point coordination of the transmission lines curves and the minimum distance between the engineering installation and that of these transmission lines, and the suitable carrying towers heights, a cording to the permissible electrical equipment laws. So we could find the suitable towers height coordinates by using the C++ applicable program. Calculation errors between traditional and vector method reaches high value which increases with the slope angle increasing of conductors.
This research shows the necessity of building the solar electric generating system to provide a clean renewable energy and to meet people's needs of electrical energy at Peak-Load to keep a clean environment in Palmyra region. This paper concluded a study of electric generating power plant with 30 MW capacity during day. A part of heat power collected in a solar field is stored in sensible thermal energy storage for covering Electrical Peak Load when the plant operates at night. This research showed the advantage of constructing the solar system with a Parabolic Trough in the solar field. The amount of heat collected during months of the year is high and the hours operating at daytime were great. The building of solar-electric plant is valid technically and economically. This research performed a design of solar field and its Parameters using Computer Program (Language C++) and calculated the most important plant performance during months of the year.
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) is one of the most effective Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices for controlling power flow and improving stability of power system. To achieve the functionality of UPFC, a proper and sufficient con trol system should be designed for this device. Our research proposes a Fuzzy Logic control approach to control UPFC. The proposed control scheme is used to control and coordinate voltage and phase angle signals of Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) of UPFC, where these two signals are used to control active and reactive power flow in transmission line. To validate the proposed control scheme, a single-machine double line infinite bus power system equipped with UPFC is modeled using PSCAD/EMTDC software package. Three phase fault with ground case is simulated and investigated under the proposed controller. The modeling and simulation results show the effectiveness of the UPFC under the proposed control scheme for improving power system stability under the three phase fault case. The results also show the robustness and superiority of the proposed controller compared to conventional PI controller as well as it guarantees the closed-loop stability system and has a good tracking behavior.
يبحث هذا الموضوع في نشأة اللوبي الصهيوني (اليهودي) إيباك ودوره في أمريكا في توجيه السياسة الأمريكية الداخلية والخارجية، وتأثيره في صنع قرار مراكز القوى ابتداءً من الانتخابات الأمريكية إلى السلطة التشريعية والتنفيذية والقضائية امتداداً إلى السلطة الإ علامية والمالية مع مقارنة عمل هذا اللوبي ونشاطه مع اللوبي العربي في الولايات المتحدة ودراسة مدى تأثير كلّ واحد منهما في السياسة الأمريكية مع البحث في كيفية توحيد اللوبي العربي المجزأ بعدد الدول العربية، وتفعيل دوره في الدفاع عن القضايا القومية للأمة العربية، والانتقال به من القطرية إلى القومية وربط أهداف اللوبي بالمصالح الوطنية الأمريكية .
This research highlights the need to "Belief" from the perspective of psychology,scientific research related to confront threats and experiences of loss and overcome it proved the existence of two needs independent for interpretation (Davis, et. al., 1998, P561), first: the desire to realize something in a hostile disliked, that it a positive attitude; where expresses here often for existential re-evaluations (now I know what is important in my life), or for positive social experiences (I've realized that I can rely on my family); such new positive interpretations are more likely, whenever a person characterized by mental flexibility in thinking and tolerance with others (Dalbert, 1996, P36). Second: the desire to find the meaning of accidents, this has been discussed the need to find a deeper meaning research in the field of the just World. First, in this paper We'll show hypothesis of the Just World by Lerner (1965-1980) and will summarize the most important results of 40 years of research in the just world, and will dedicate the second part of the research for the organization of research just world in a separate form a comprehensive justice motive, so that distinguish between intuitive reactions and the reflectivity of the subject justice. In conclusion, clarify the relationship between religiosity and belief in the just world.
Many of nowadays directions in psychology indicate to the importance of first years of human life , and assure that the influence of first five years in child life will remains in his personality ,and in format his point view to life , and in format his aims and his affection ,and deter his outer and inner relationship , so we must by attention to the first years of child life ,because it the fast years of child growth, where the growth of nerve system is too quick, so the mind growth have a quick rate, and many of his basic traditions is form, which did not deter his possibility as a child, but as adulthood person . the psychologists said: that the most of nerves an stability ,which human body have it causes by the first years of childhood, and there are many cases ,which recorded by psychologists doctors shows that the loss of love and trust ,and smoothly in the first years of childhood, it has the bad influence on mind and affection growth of child , but the child who was grow with love in familial environment he can have more stability life. The emotions have a wade area in the psychology of child , and it form his affection and his soul , so if he have as a stabile person he will be a good person in future and in hole life, but if he have another way he will have many of an solved problems, so if he have more than he needs he will be poled person and he cannot do the life needs , but if he have less than he needs he will be too tough and too hard relationship toward author peoples. Psychological building of child begin from parents by understanding, and love, and intercourse between them , and from knowing how dealing with their children, and if necessary appear some controversy between them , so it is better to be faraway of child, and if the child have some bad habits, soit is better to use intact education manner , for calibration him without too tough chastisement, or dereliction.
This study attempts to unfold the mysteries of colour aspect in the creative of M. Imran through two significant colours namely red and green. Statistics shows that in several poetic scenes red colour is used 49 times, and green colour is used 107 t imes. This study is based on function of colour in poetic creativity, it also tires to define the general significance of both coloursin his poetry. For example, red colour stands for violence, revolution, and murder on the one hand, and excitement, death, and love on the other. While green colour signifies life, fertility, hope and optimism. Finally, this controversial interactive relationship between the two colours combined in one poetic image is closely examined to sum up the conclusion and the findings of this study.
Al-Wahidi is one of the greatest syntactic critics who have explained al-Mutanabbi's Anthology. His explanation contains concepts, and syntactic and critical opinions that deserve study and scrutiny. Al-Mutanabbi's poetry stands as a fertile domain f or syntractic criticism as is apparent in the critical arena over his poetry. Through his syntactic judgement, al-Wahidi attempts to support a doctrine, oppose some point of view, elaborate on what violates a proposed principle, or uncover a certain problematic issue somewhere in al-Mutanabbi's poetry; specially when disagreement among critics' opinions appears, and dissimilarity among their doctrines and approaches materialises. Poetry was and is still one significant source to formulate the syntactic structure, even if it witnessed some unstability due to narrators' uncertainties, and imprecision of transference. So, narratives and narrators of poetry have varied, which has consequently created an obvious phenomenon that requires research, and study of the effect that may have on the syntactic rules. This is because syntax is one fundamental aspect of the culture of those interested in the literatry exegeses. This study comes to focus on one essential aspect of syntactic criticism that is already applied to al-Mutanabbi's poetry.
The research aims to identify the role of organizational culture in reducing resistance to change of the employees through a study of the relationship between the dimensions of the organizational culture, and the reasons of resistance change by emp loyees working in Lattakia City Council. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to (343) employees in Lattakia City Council, (315) questionnaire were complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (91.84%). Relying on multiple regression, the following results were reached: 1. There is a strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the containment and interdependence of (empowerment, staff development, teamwork and participation), and a reeducation of the resistance of workers to change, wherever after containment and coherence elements are available, there is a decline in the causes resistance of workers to change. 2. There is strong inverse relationship that is statistically significant between the elements after the consistency and uniformity of working (core values, agreement, coordination and integration), and a reduction of resistance workers to change, i.e. when elements after consistency and homogeneity are availed, they lead to a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change. 3. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements of the human aspects (respect and appreciation, justice, encouragement achievement, and social welfare), and the reeducation of workers resistance to change, i.e., whenever there are elements of the human aspects, there is a decline of the causes of workers resistance to change. 4. There is strong inverse relationship which is statistically significant between the elements after the organizational climate of (administrative practices, rewards, communications, and surveillance system), and the reduction of workers resistance to change, i.e., wherever after the organizational climate elements are available, there is a decline in the causes of workers resistance to change.
This research aims to identify one of the most important factors that contribute in improving of tax compliance in general, which is an implication of self-assessment system in a lot of tax systems at the international level, including the tax syst em in Syria. This research focuses on measuring the availability of a self-assessment system in all its components under the income tax law N.24 of 2003, and its amendments in Syria, and its effectiveness in the application process. The results of this research showed that part of the elements of this system does not exist already, which reflected negatively on the effectiveness required in the performance of the functions and achieve the goals that is mainly designed for. Accordingly, the study recommended the need to find and activate these ingredients within the range of other environmental factors that work with each other to achieve the desired effectiveness, and improve the rate of tax compliance.

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