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هدفت هذه الدّراسة إلى تحديد درجة توفر تكنولوجيا المعلومات، والدور الذي تؤديه في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، واعتمد الباحث على منهج المسح، وقام بتوزيع 346 استبانة على أفراد عيّنة البحث المتمثّلة بالعاملين الإداريين في كليات ومراكز جامعة ت شرين والبالغ عددهم 3514 وفق إحصائية مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط، وكانت أهمّ النتائج متمثلة في توفر المكونات المادية، وتوفر شبكة الإنترنت، والبرمجيات والتطبيقات اللازمة لاستخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات في تنمية العاملين الإداريين في جامعة تشرين، وأنّ تكنولوجيا المعلومات تزيد من كفاءة العاملين وتخفض من التكاليف وتوفر الجهد المبذول في العمل. فيما كانت أبرز التوصيات متمثلة في ضرورة الاستمرار في استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات بما يعزز من مرونة العمل ويعزز قدرات المديرين في اتخاذ القرارات.
This study aimed at identifying Mechanisms of Human Capital Development in Tishreen University, and its role in reconstruction of Syria. In addition, the extent Tishreen University applied these mechanisms and the strategic objectives identified in t he Higher Education Plan. The researcher gave a questionnaire to 335 people, they are members of the Teaching Staff in Tishreen University, the main result of the study was that the universities follow to these mechanisms will contribute in Reconstruction. We have provided a summary of the main result that have found out is that Tishreen University did not apply mechanisms of Human Capital Development and the strategic objectives as required, and there is no interest in scientific research, absence of research plans and weak budget, and a dire need to contract with scientific data and research engines.
This exploratory study concluded that the level of basic thinking skills among the sample’s members is low. These findings were the basis of the study in hands, and encouraged the researcher to investigate them, since basic thinking skills are es sentials traits for the students in order for them to develop critical and creative thinking skills as well as higher thinking skills, which affects positively their academic achievements.
The research aims to identify the most prominent social skills development methods among students of the first cycle of basic education from the teachers ' point of view. To achieve the first goal, use the T researcher of the descriptive approach, and prepared a questionnaire consisting of (24) a method for the development of social skills fall under the three axes.
The research aimed at: Learning the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines. Learning the workers’ trends towards the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines. Specifying the nature of correla tion between the strategy of Human Resource Development in the Syrian Arab Airlines and the trends of the members of the research sample towards it due to the research variables.
This paper is concerned with shedding lights on major internal and external variables related to status quo of Syrian economic foundations in addition to the importance of investing in human capital, which is considered a real measure of management 's ability to succeed in achieving objectives through organizing, developing and completing training programs for human resources, it also implies how progressive an administrative mentality and development in these organizations.
This research was conducted on the insurance sector in Syria during the period 2005 - 2014 (since its inception in Syria) represented by twelve private insurance company that extended during the search period on the entire area of Syria through th e centers of these companies and their branches and offices, and its delegates and agents even though the activity of these companies and their spread has receded with the onset of the crisis in Syria. The purpose of conducting this research is to model the relationship between the business volume and the employment volume in these companies during the study period.

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