يُعنى ها البحث بالوقوف على أهم المتغيرات الداخلية و الخارجية, التي تتناول واقع المؤسسات الاقتصادية السورية, كذلك أهمية الاستثمار برأس المال البشري, هذا الاستثمار الذي يعتبر اليوم المقياس الحقيقي لمدى قدرة الإدارة على النجاح و تحقيق أهدافها من خلال قدرتها على تنظيم و تطوير و إنجاح البرامج التدريبية لعناصرها البشرية في ظل بيئة الأعمال المتغيرة من ناحية, و مدى التطور و الوعي الإداري الذي وصلت إليه عمليات التنمية الإدارية بداخل هذه المؤسسات من ناحية أخرى.
This paper is concerned with shedding lights on major internal and external variables
related to status quo of Syrian economic foundations in addition to the importance of
investing in human capital, which is considered a real measure of management's ability to
succeed in achieving objectives through organizing, developing and completing training
programs for human resources, it also implies how progressive an administrative mentality
and development in these organizations.
References used
Yasmin,R. A Study on the Effects of Strategic HRM Systems on Performance. The Case of Pakistani Manufacturing Companies.Japanese Journal of Administrative Science. Vol.21,N.1, 2008
JEET, V.,& ZZAFAR, S. A Study of HRM Practices and its Impact on: Employees job Satisfaction in Private Sector Banks A Case Study of HDFC Bank.Computer Science and Management Studies International Journal of Advance Research.Vol.2,N.1, 2014
Hassan, S. Impact of HRM Practices on Employee‘s Performance. International Journal of Academic Researching Accounting Finance and Management Sciences. Vol.6, N.1, 2016
This study aimed at identifying the concept of human capital migration and identifying the
main internal causes behind the phenomenon of human capital migration in Syria by
studying the impact of a range of economic, social and health factors (unem
This search aim to shed light on the role of Human Capital as a
component of intellectual capital in activating the exploratory and
monitoring capacities as competitive dynamic capacities in the Syrian
private banks and to achieve the objectives of the research.
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the
determinants of capital adequacy on the return on equity as an
indicator of the performance of Syrian commercial banks and to
develop a standard model based on the financial analysis o
This search get improving human capital subject in hotels with four and five stars
working at Syrian coast and its effect on employee performance.
This search get some definitions and concepts and literature review about human
capital improving an
The paradox of the search reveals the growing need of phosphate
derivatives, and to develop its usage in Agriculture and other consumer
goods. However, the manufacturing of the raw phosphate products is still
under the requested demand which requi