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The research aimed to study the role of content marketing in improving the mental image of the brand, by studying the role of content marketing elements (attractiveness, relevance, value) in improving the mental image. The researcher relied on the de scriptive analytical method as a general approach to the research, where a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the research sample consisting of 318 individuals from the consumers of Seronex screens in Lattakia governorate (rural and city), and the researcher also used the statistical program spss to analyze the answers of the research sample. The researcher concluded that there is a positive, significant effect of content marketing on the mental image of Syronex, and the dimensions of content marketing were arranged in terms of this degree of influence in the following order: relevance, value, attractiveness
This study aimed to identify the concept of sensory marketing and its importance and the definition of the concept of impulse purchase decision, as well as to analyze the impact of sensory marketing on the impulse purchase decision among consumers. T o achieve this, the researcher conducted a survey on consumers of Seif beauty clinic in Lattakia governorate. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which was the existence of a significant relationship between sensory marketing on the one hand and personal, external and circumstantial factors affecting the impulsive buying decision among consumers of Seif beauty clinic products and preparations: The research also presented a set of proposals and recommendations that could help companies specialized in marketing such products to understand how to influence the consumer's buying decision, especially (impulse buying).
This research aimed to analyze the quality of marketing information in the Commercial Bank of Syria, to identify the indicators of managing the relationship with the customer, and to determine the nature of the relationship between the quality of mar keting information and the management of the relationship with the customer. Clarify the factors influencing this relationship, and propose the optimal model for them. In order to achieve this, the researcher proceeded to formulate a basic hypothesis which is divided into three hypotheses. The researcher adopted the survey method using the questionnaire to collect data from the study community composed of the customers of the Commercial Bank of Syria. Data were analyzed by statistical package for statistical sciences, The researcher used many statistical methods, the most important of which are: arithmetic mean, standard deviation of sample, relative importance, variation coefficient, single sample t test, multiple linear regression, legal correlation analysis. The researcher reached a number of results, the most important of which are: The existence of an acceptable relationship of statistical significance between the dimensions of the quality of marketing information and customer satisfaction in the Commercial Bank of Syria, and the existence of a strong relationship of statistical significance between the dimensions of the quality of marketing information and customer loyalty in the bank, and the existence of an acceptable relationship of statistical significance between the dimensions of the quality of marketing information and customer value in the bank, The researcher also found a strong correlation between the dimensions of the quality of marketing information and customer relationship management indicators in the Commercial Bank of Syria. The researcher advise for the important of working in bank based on total quality management and dealing with marketing information system as primary role and supplying materiality and incorporeity supporting from bank management for marketing information system development for all its objects.
The purpose of this study is know the role of marketing policies that related with product, price, distribution and promotion on costumer decision in privet insurance companies in Syria, through preparing a questionnaire which had been refined and verified of its credibility. The study concluded a main result, which is that there is effect of Four marketing policies on costumer decision of Syrian privet insurance companies, the promotion policy came first in terms of importance followed by pricing, distribution and finally the product. Finally the study came up with a number of Recommendations, that can lead to improve the reality of marketing practices in the private insurance companies in Syria.
Part of a 2017 Master’s Degree in Web Science research, which includes the definition of marketing intelligence in an expanded theoretical study, the method of building an Internet-based system as a data source, processing methodology, and applied results.
This study aimed to investigate the role of electronic promotion in influencing on consumer attitudes toward the products offered by the economic institution. Also determine the level of the use of information and communication technologies of Algeri an society, moreover to identify the level of use of small and medium-sized local economic institutions, including the means of electronic promotion from the view of consume. In order to achieve the objectives of this study, we used the analytical description method That fit this type of studies, we used a questionnaire as a tool for data collection in the field study, which drew on a sample of the study population of the Algerian consumer user of the technology, has resulted in a combined 381 valid form for the study. After statistical processing and testing hypotheses, it was reached many results we mention the most important: - There is a statistically significant effect in the electronic promoting on the Algerian consumer behavior relationship, but this uneven impact of the way to the other. - The effect of the elements of the promotion is the combined consumer behavior appears to draw attention to the product, but they do not create a genuine desire to buy a supply of goods and services. - The website of the organization and aligned to one of the most influential elements of electronic promotion on consumer behavior, followed by online advertising and then comes the rest of the instruments and mix promo.
This research aimed to identify the value added and marketing efficiency of Syrian sheep milk which it utilized in livestock products. The central region of Syria (Homs and Hama) was selected, it has a comparative advantages of processing sheep mil k products, according to a questionnaire of sheep owners sample. The questionnaire depended upon the type of breeding (resident, semi-nomadic and nomadic) in 2011.
This study has been conducted on Syrian coastal area in 2013 season, aimed to determines affecting factors on honey supply at that level Apiary and measure the price supply elasticity . A field questioner was applied to obtain elementary data of a random sample consisted of (304) of Apiary. The honey production has been estimated to (10.3) kg/hive and (603.8) kg/ apiary in the study sample, (89.6%) of which were marketed, while the other part has been selfconsumed at the apiary level. The marketing quantities of honey distributed between five major marketing canals, the most important one was the direct selling to the consumers, contributed to (77.1%) of total sample’ marketed quantities, followed by the selling to wholesalers with contribution ratio estimated to (18.7%), while the selling to retailer types (Honey specialized shops, Pharmacies, Grocers) have absorbed the remained small honey quantities. The supply price elasticity was estimated to (2.318), referring relatively to a high elasticity supply. The more diversified marketing channels of honey at apiaries level has positively affected supply quantities, especially when selling to wholesalers. Moreover, the existence of selling and storing unites in apiaries in addition to the market information system would also affect positively on supply quantities. The positively effect of apiary size reflects the weak position of small size apiaries in supply controlling. The more important result, was the negative impact of expertize and specialization and education of producers on honey supplied quantities at apiaries level, Remunerating Precarious conditions of current honey market, pressing on producers belonging to the qualified category and indicates high risks of shrinking their leverage in honey sub-sector.
The purpose of this study is to Measure privet insurance companies in Syria degree of commitment to marketing effectiveness dimensions recording to Kotler’s model which involve Customer Philosophy, operational efficiency, strategic orientation, ad equate marketing information and integrated marketing organization, and that is according to the opinions of marketers and employees in these companies through preparing a questionnaire which had been refined and verified of its credibility. The study concluded a main result, which is that Syrian privet insurance companies adopted marketing effectiveness when they market there services , Finally the study came up with a number of Recommendations, that can lead to improve the reality of marketing practices in the private insurance companies in Syria.
The study addressed several economic aspects notably the reality of the cultivation and marketing export and consumption of apples in the midland area in addition to the study of economic efficiency for each of apple facilities for storage and manufacturing

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