جزء من بحث مقدم لنيل درجة الماجستير في علوم الويب لعام 2017 ، يتضمن التعريف بالذكاء التسويقي في دراسة نظرية موسعة ، وطريقة بناء نظام معتمد على الانترنت كمصدر للبيانات و منهجية المعالجة ونتائج تطبيقية .
Part of a 2017 Master’s Degree in Web Science research, which includes the definition of marketing intelligence in an expanded theoretical study, the method of building an Internet-based system as a data source, processing methodology, and applied results.
Understanding the semantic meaning of content on the web through the lens of entities and concepts has many practical advantages. However, when building large-scale entity extraction systems, practitioners are facing unique challenges involving findi
المسؤولية الجنائية للذكاء الاصطناعي
تتمثل أهمية هذه الدراسة في أهمية موضوعها الجديد والحيوي، وهو المسؤولية الجنائية الناتجة عن أخطاء الذكاء الاصطناعي في التشريع الإماراتي "دراسة مقارنة"، فعلى امتداد الخمسين سنة الماضية تضافرت الجهود العالمية في عدد
We study in this research proposing and testing a new optimal algorithm in
performance and speed is suitable for caching of web objects with dynamic content
through studying the conventional classic algorithms that are common in caching web
We aimed to distinguish between them and the other research areas such as information retrieval and data mining. we tried to determine the general structure of such systems which form a part of larger systems that have a mission to answer user querie
The company structure is a method based on the modeling for
analysis; planning, design, and management the information
technique to promote process in order to take the right decision.
Thus, the structure of the company's models must include