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This research has aimed to identify the level of quality of banking services provided in the branches of the bank under study, to know the relative importance of the main and subsidiary dimensions of the quality of banking service, and to study the r elationship between quality and customer satisfaction. The study relied on the approach of the gap theory, to compare the actual performance of the service provided and the expected performance Of them, the research sample consisted of (314) sample from commercial bank branch clients in Lattakia Governorate. The most important results of the research were as follows: It was found that there are significant differences between the dimensions of perceived and expected quality and at the level of all the main dimensions, and these differences were in favor of the expected quality dimensions, meaning that the quality of banking service meets part of customer expectations, and according to the scale of gaps, the most satisfactory dimensions to customers are: the tangible elements, followed by security Then sympathy, as for the least customer satisfaction, which is reliability and response, and there is a significant relationship between quality and customer satisfaction.
This study aimed to determine the role of direct marketing through its means (direct mail, internet, catalog, phone) in improving customer satisfaction at Tishreen University in Lattakia Governorate. The researcher followed the descriptive and analyt ical approach in his study, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was completed It was designed, and it was distributed to (179) respondents, of which (175) were retrieved, and (171) questionnaires were valid for analysis, and the research community was formed from clients of Tishreen University in Lattakia Governorate. The study concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between Tools of direct marketing (direct mail, internet, catalog, phone) and customer satisfaction. The average of the responses of the sample members for the direct mail variable was 2.41, which indicates that the university does not send its service offers to clients via direct mail, and that the university does not send its offers to current clients only, and that the university does not formulate mail messages (marketing offers) in a personal capacity, and that the rates The response is not very high due to the use of direct mail.
Customer Retention Management (CRM) provides a strong competitive advantage for the organization to stay in the market. It helps management to track customer interactions with the organization and allows employees access to all customer,s previous information; CRM gains its importance by creating a strategic vision to achieve the organization's goals of maintaining customers and reaching loyalty through integration with marketing policies and product development To increase the sales of the organization and to make offers that attract the target customer and interact with him in a way that ensures its preservation. The aim of the study is to define the reality of the application of CRM during the crisis period )8402-8400( in the Syrian private banks in Lattakia, and study the dimensions of customer relationship management in these banks, and then study the impact of these dimensions on the performance indicators that were measured through indicators of profitability, customer complaints, strong relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve this, two main hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were the one-sample t. test, and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: a good evaluation of the availability of CRM dimensions in the studied banks, and there is a positive relationship between these dimensions and performance.
The objective of this study is to determine the impact of the quality of banking services on the satisfaction of customers in governmental commercial banks in Aleppo and to make the necessary recommendations in order to achieve the best performance o f these banks. Descriptive statistics was used in the research. Statistical methods were used in SPSS to analyze the results of the research, and the questionnaire was used to collect data from the research community. The research community consisted of customers of governmental commercial banks in Aleppo, where 270 questionnaires were distributed to the sample and 250 valid questionnaires were retrieved for research purposes.
This research aims to study the impact of physical evidence in achieving customer satisfaction and so on Kiwan Palace restaurant in Damascus. The researcher has distributed 130 questionnaires to a group of attendees of this restaurant was which (116) refundable and valid for the analysis of a questionnaire which accounted for 89.23% of the total covered by the research which is a good ratio.
This study aims to verify the factors affecting Pharmacists’ loyality towards ASIA’s agent in Lattakia. It aims to determine the effects of quality of service dimensions (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibility), service avail ability, service completion, service professionalism on pharmacists’ satisfaction, and to determine the effect of pharmacists’ satisfaction on their loyality to ASIA’s agent in Lattakia. It also aims to determine whether there are significant differences in pharmacists’ satisfaction due to demographic factors.
The research aims to describe the reality of empowering employees. And also to describe the reality of customer satisfaction in the private insurance companies in the city of Lattakia. As well as to identify the impact of the empowerment dimensions in the private insurance companies in customer satisfaction.
The research aimed to measure the impact of the application of the quality management system according to ISO 9001 standards on customer satisfaction in the banking sector, and the goal of this measurement is to discover how the customers perceive th e benefits of quality management system, It also aims to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the application of this system to enhance the strengths and treat the weaknesses, and to make continuous improvement for the quality management system. In addition to this to work on developing the customer confidence in the services that are provided by the Bank.
Banking information systems are essential necessities imposed by economic, social and technical developments which taking place in the banking market world, where these systems and techniques have an impact obviously on the banks because it depends on the digital technology to deliver the banking services to their applicants , which has led to increase the quality and effectiveness the performance of services , processes and marketing banking mix and make it more efficient and effective which will be increasing and improving customer satisfaction for banking services applying. Thus information systems play major role among private banks in Syria, through their ability to improve the marketing performance of the bank and provide services and products of high quality and low costs by redesigning operational banking, customer contact quickly and provide significant data and information for customers consumption patterns efficiently and effectively, which enabled the bank managers to take advantage of this information in develop of plans and programs for improvement the quality of the banking services performance provided, and increase the degree of satisfaction and loyalty among customers by focusing on the efficiency and skill of banking services staff, in this case we can facilitate the process of delivering the service to customers in the right way.

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