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The present study aims to develop sustained release (SR) matrix tablets of methyldopa using hydrophilic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), and to study the effect of some formulation variables (HPMC concentration and viscosity grade, combination with hydrophobic Ethylcellulose (EC) in different ratio, binder and lubricants concentrations) on the properties of prepared tablets. Matrix tablets were prepared by wet granulation method, and prepared granules and tablets were subjected to suitable physiochemical studies. Drug release kinetics showed that drug release mechanism for about all formulations was found to fit best to Higuchi model and drug release mechanism was anomalous diffusion based on release exponent value. The in-vitro dissolution studies showed that formulation F6 containing 15% of HPMC K100M and formulation F11 containing EC:HPMC K4M (5%:10%) were able to sustain the release of methyldopa up to 24 hours so these two formulations were selected as suitable formulations.
We discussed in this work some predictive methods for time series and it is decomposing time series to its component (trend, Seasonality, cycle, random), Exponential smoothing, ARIMA, then we discussed some combining methods, then we formed a new c ombine for predict time series which depends on combining exponential smoothing and ARIMA using weighted average with MAPE weights, and applied all methods above on three seasonal time series , first hourly temperature in Aleppo in august 2011 ,second monthly milk production peer cow in Australia from Jan 1962 to Dec 1975,third quartly electricity production in Australia from Mar 1956 to Sep 1994, and compared the results which approved that the suggested method is the best.
This research serves the process of organizing the traffic by reducing traffic congestion, especially at peak times to a minimum, presenting an effective method is not used locally to automate traffic lights adoption concepts, image processing, con trollers, communication. It is organizing image capture processes on a regular basis in all the streets leading to the traffic node, and then this image was taken to the central computer, which is processes each image by comparing them with all the pictures taken at a certain moment and based on the comparison, the Central Computer conclusion of the new chronological order to change traffic lights in all the streets then sends the new update to the controllers in each signal light which leads to re- Automatics these signals,by reducing bottlenecks to the minimum level and repeat imaging processes and modernization of signals throughout the day we can have access to a system to automate the traffic contract is close to the ideal note that by connecting traffic contract with each other and with the main central computer we can solve other problems like emergency and firefighting. Key words: a traffic node, signal processing, camera, network, processor, microcontroller.
تعريف القمس المعدي المريئي: إف القمػػا الديػػلم الد هوػػو ةػػك وػػكلة الدػػكال الطي دهػػ كاليصػػ ة الديلهػػ دػػف الديلة إلى الد م, كةذا فإنه قل هككف ح دضه ن أك غه ح دضو.  قل هككف فهزهكلكجه ن أك د ضه ن.  قل هككف و ضه ن أك لا و ضه ن. يهيتب القما د ضه ن ونل ت ا فقه دع أو ا ض ك/أك اختلاط ت) 1(
: إف القمػػا الديػػلم الد هوػػو ةػػك وػػكلة الدػػكال الطي دهػػ كاليصػػ ة الديلهػػ دػػف الديلة إلى الد م, كةذا فإنه قل هككف ح دضه ن أك غه ح دضو.  قل هككف فهزهكلكجه ن أك د ضه ن.  قل هككف و ضه ن أك لا و ضه ن. يهيتب القما د ضه ن ونل ت ا فقه دع أو ا ض ك/أك اختلاط ت) 1(. لمحة تشريحية: هػػػ تبط الدػػػ م ب لديػػػلة بكادػػػط اللػػػؤال أك الكصػػػؿ الديػػػلم الد هوػػػو, إف كجػػػكل قطيػػػ بطنهػػػ دػػػف الدػػػ م بكضػػػيه تحػػػت حج بهػػػ كاغت ادػػػ بزاكهػػػ حػػػ لة فػػػو الديػػػلة ) ازكه ةها( يهيتب و دلان أد ده ن لتأله الكظهل الجهلة لملؤال, كغ لب ن د هكػكف الدػ م البطنو قصه كهختمؼ طكله حدب اليد )2-3(. فيزيولوجياً: إف الدػػػ م الطبهيػػػو للهػػػه ح كػػػ ت حكهػػػ دػػػف ا ومػػػى إلػػػى ا دػػػلؿ, تػػػؤلم إلػػػى ف دنػػػ كا تقػػػلـ الطيػػػ ـ ب تجػػػ الديػػػلة, ع حػػػػلكث القمػػػػا الديػػػػلم الد هوػػػػو هتيمػػػػؽ بيػػػػلة وكادؿ: 1. اليكادؿ الخ جه )الدهك نهكه (: ­ زاكه ةػها الحػ لة الن جدػ وػف الت بهػت الد هوػو اللػؤالم الحػلبو بكادػط ال بػ ط الد هوو الحج بو كال ب ط الديلم الحج بو. ­ ال ب ط ا هدف لمحج ب الح جز, الذم ه بط الحج ب الح جز ب لد م الصل م. 2 2. اليكادؿ اللاخمه : ­ الديصػػ ة الدػلمه لمدػ م كةػو دنطقػ دػف ضػبط وػ وؿ تقػع بػهف الديػلة كالدػ م, تخضع دقكه ةذ الديص ة ليلة وكادؿ دن د هنقص ةذ الدقكه ددػ هزهػل دػف حكالث القما كدػف ةػذ اليكادػؿ بيػض ا لكهػ د ػؿ )التهػكفهمهف, دشػ ب ت B2, ح صػ ات أقنهػػ الكمػػا(, بيػػض ال دكنػػ ت د ػػؿ)الككلهدهدػػتككهنهف, البمككػػ ككف, ا دت كجهف كاللكب دهف(. ­ ف بيض الدلاخلات الج ا حه قل تنقص دف دقكه ةػذ الديصػ ة كيدمهػ ت كا ةذا )قطع الدب ـ, ادتوص ؿ القطب اليمكم لمديلة(. ­ قل تنقص أهض ن بيض ا غذه د ػؿ)الق ػكة, الشػ م, الشػكككلا, النينػ ع, الكحػكؿ, التلخهف( دف دقكه الديص ة. ­ قػػػػل تػػػػنقص بيػػػػض اليػػػػ لات الصػػػػحه دػػػػف دقكهػػػػ الديصػػػػ ة الدػػػػلمه لمدػػػػ م د ػػػػؿ )الدػػػدن , تنػػػ كؿ كجبػػػ ت الطيػػػ ـ الكبهػػػ ة, وػػػلـ دد دػػػ ال ه ضػػػ كتنػػػ كؿ كجبػػػ ت الطي ـ اللدد (. ­ ب لدق بؿ ةن ؾ بيض اليكادؿ التو تزهل دف دقكهػ ةػذ الديصػ ة كتميػب لك ان فػو زهػػػ لة اةلهػػػ الكق وهػػػ دػػػف حػػػلكث القمػػػا كتنػػػ كؿ غػػػذا غنػػػو بػػػ لب كتهف, بيػػػض ال دكنػػػػػػ ت د ػػػػػػؿ )الب دػػػػػػت هف, ال دػػػػػػت دهف, ا دػػػػػػتؿ كػػػػػػكلهف(, بيػػػػػػض ا لكهػػػػػػ د ؿ)دضػػػػػػػػػػػػػ لات الحدكضػػػػػػػػػػػػػ , الدهتككمكب ادهػػػػػػػػػػػػػل, البهتػػػػػػػػػػػػػ نهككؿ, الدػػػػػػػػػػػػػهزاب هل ك اللكدبه هػػلكف(, ودمهػػ نهدػػف )طػػو قػػ ع الديػػلة( التػػو تيدػػتخلـ لدي لجػػ د ضػػى القما ونل فشؿ اليلاج الدح فظ)2-4(
The central bank is a sovereign institution that plays a pivotal and active role in the banking and financial system, therefore the related studies have special importance. This study aims to clear the concept of profitability and asset and liability management at the central banks because of the mysterious which surround them, especially in light of the general objectives that the central banks pursue to achieve. The growing interest in the subject of profitability due to its role in strengthening the financial position of the central bank and strengthen its ability to carry out its functions effectively, as well as to indicate the sources of income of the central banks, and identify the strategies followed by the central banks to manage its assets and liabilities, and their effect on profitability. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher, after the presentation of the theoretical framework for the study, conduct an analytical study of the financial statements contained in the published reports of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, during the period from 1/7/2005 to 30/6/2011, in order to clarify the theoretical framework for the study, and its compatibility with practice. Thus, the researcher conducting statistical test to show the effect of changes in the size of central bank assets and liabilities on a net income of the Central bank, has been using the statistical program SPSS 18 to reach the results of this test. The study concluded that the changes in the sizes of the assets and liabilities of the central bank does not affect its net income, in the other words that we can't predict the profitability of central bank depending on the size of its assets or liabilities. The lack of profit maximization as a key target does not mean that Central does not seek through its management of its assets and liabilities for profit, but it means that his main goal is to achieve the objectives of monetary policy and then make a profit. Seiniorage is the most important sources of income of the central and most stable, while the most important function of the Central bank which is formulating monetary policy do not generate any revenue. In addition to that there are many factors that threaten central bank's profitability such as dollarization, electronic money and low inflation levels.
Two hundred and thirty-six E. coli isolates n=236 were collected. Antibiotic susceptibility and ESBL production were studied by disc diffusion and DDST (double disk synergy tests) according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines (CLSI) and EUCAST for ESBL. 75 (32%)of total isolates demonstrated MDR (multi drug resistance),62 of resistant bacteria (26% of total) were determined as ESBL producers. In conclusion, we recommend adding this standard, cheap ESBL detection method to the routine microbial susceptibility tests run in Syrian hospitals in order to determine and isolate the sources of MDR infections and do some effort to contain and eliminate those strains.
The objective of this study is to identify the basic characteristics of the organizational loyalty of the employees of ASIA and what factors affect the organizational loyalty of the employees. As well as the level of effect of these factors on the organizational loyalty of the employees of Asia.
This study aims to determine job satisfaction level and factors affecting job satisfaction among working pharmacists in Tartous governorate in the Syrian Arab Republic . To achieve these objectives, the deductive method was adopted, in addition to th e survey strategy for the largest possible number of working pharmacists in Tartous governorate. Questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The study sample was 140 pharmacists.

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