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This study aimed to determine the role of direct marketing through its means (direct mail, internet, catalog, phone) in improving customer satisfaction at Tishreen University in Lattakia Governorate. The researcher followed the descriptive and analyt ical approach in his study, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was completed It was designed, and it was distributed to (179) respondents, of which (175) were retrieved, and (171) questionnaires were valid for analysis, and the research community was formed from clients of Tishreen University in Lattakia Governorate. The study concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between Tools of direct marketing (direct mail, internet, catalog, phone) and customer satisfaction. The average of the responses of the sample members for the direct mail variable was 2.41, which indicates that the university does not send its service offers to clients via direct mail, and that the university does not send its offers to current clients only, and that the university does not formulate mail messages (marketing offers) in a personal capacity, and that the rates The response is not very high due to the use of direct mail.
This research studied the tools of the promotional mix and their role in attracting banks’ customers. The research was conducted on a sample of 210 customers of private and public banks in the coastal area of Syria. Descriptive statics were used to test the hypothesis and to describe the relationship between variables. The SPSS program was used and some descriptive statistic models were utilized (frequencies، different correlation coefficients) The research found the following results: 1- There is a statistically significant influence between the role of the promotional mix’s tools and attracting banks’ customers. 2- There is a statistically significant influence between advertising, public relations and publicity, sales promotion, personal selling, internet and interactive marketing and attracting banks’ customers 3- There is a no statically significant influence between direct marketing and attracting banks’ customers 4- Most of the studied customers believed that the promotional activities done by the banks have a big role in maintaining banks’ name in the market.

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