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Challenges of Application of Educational Quality Standards at Higher Education (HE) According to Teaching Staff Members' Opinion : Tishreen University (TU) - as a sample

تحديات تطبيق معايير جودة التعليم في التعليم العالي وفقاً لآراء أعضاء الهيئة التعليمية: جامعة تشرين نموذجا

1573   1   35   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Nursing
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aimed to identify the challenges that hinder the application of educational quality standards - adopted by Arab University Union Council - at HE according to teaching staff members at TU. The sample included (431) teaching staff members from different faculties and higher institutes at TU. To fulfill this research goal, a questionnaire was set to contain (39) paragraphs distributed on (5) axis : teaching staff members, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, university books, academic research, assessment and university ethics. The results showed that the most important challenges at the level of each axis were as follows: Faculty Members Axis: the lack of stimulus for faculty excellence in teaching academic research. Academic Programs Axis: the absence of periodic studies to make sure of the proportionality among the various programs in place at the university with the vision, mission, and objectives of the university, as well as colleges or affiliated higher institutes. Teaching Methods and Learning Resources Axis: the lack of research on the assessment of teaching methods and teaching aids used for the process. University Book Axis: the absence of a good design for the university book in terms of shape, printing, paper, graphics, and others. Academic Research Axis: the lack of research, publication and development support.

References used
COUCH, C. A measurement of TQM in Selected North Carolina. Community College,1999
شبل. بدران. سياسة التعليم في الوطن العربي. دار المعرفة الجامعية، الإسكندرية. 1992.
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The Application of Academic Accreditation Standards is very important in the context of higher education, for its role in achieving quality and outstanding to reach the international levels through setting general standards to evaluate university e ducation efficiency. Therefore, the research aimed to identify the difficulties that hinder the application of academic accreditation standards ( adopted by Arab Universities Union Board, which consist of several axels: visionmission and goals of the institution, leadership and managerial organization, resource, students affairs, students services, community services, teaching staff, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, study books, scientific research, evaluation and university morals ) at higher education from the teaching staff members' view point at Tishreen University.
The research aims to identify the reality of change management in educational institutions and the requirements of their application as perceived by members of its teaching. And to identify the differences between the degrees of sample member's respo nses to a questionnaire of reality of change management depending on the research variables (sex, academic rank, years of experience). The researcher relied on the analytical descriptive method, and used a questionnaire consisting of five areas:(future vision of educational institutions, organizational culture that support change, workers look to the process of change, a strategy of educational institutions in the process of change, financial and technical requirements). The sample consisted of (231) member of the faculity staff in Damascus University. Among the most important findings of the research: 1) There is no statistically significant differences in the significance level (0.05) between the mean of sample member's responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the sex variable. 2) There are differences between the degrees of teachers responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the variable of academic rank according to the faculty staff members. 3) There are differences between the degrees of teachers responses to a questionnaire of the reality of change management and its requirements in accordance to the variable of number of years of experience according to the teaching staff members who have years of experience between (11-20) years. In light of the research findings , the researcher suggests the following: The necessity of opening the door to professors at different administrative levels to participate in the decision-making process by the Ministry of Education. Ø The necessity of strengthen the staff confidence of the evaluation system through the administration work to be the performance estimates more public , not secret. Ø Create an organizational culture and climate encourage the academics and expertise people higher education institutions to move towards excellence, creativity and innovation
The current research aims to know the degree of contribution of faculty members at the University of Tishreen in the development of the educational process, and to build and develop university curricula and the relationship with the students and inte ract with them, in addition to studying the differences between faculty members in the degree of their contribution to the development of the educational process due to sex, and college, and scientific level.
The research know the degree of possession of educational technology skills of faculty members at the University of Damascus; and the role of a variable both sex, and competence of the academic university, and the number of years of experience in the possession of educational technology skills.
The study aims at defining the reality of educational-management crisis which faces Tishreen University from the view point of the staff and administrative members and at defining the differences in the administrative methods of crisis-management acc ording to these variables (the scientific qualification, the experience, the faculty, and the sort of job). In addition to some suggestions concerning the best Administrative methods of Crisis-management at Tishreen University, and to achieve the objectives of this research, a questionnaire has been applied on a sample of (278) individuals during the academic year of (2014 - 2015). It consisted of (52) statements distributed into five sections (planning of educational management, the process of communication during the crisis, the importance of information in crisis-management, the financial and human abilities which are variable to Crisis management, and the extent of works credibility and their belonging to the University). The validity of the questionnaire was approved depending on some specializers and experts in both the education and economics faculties at Tishreen University. There were (9) referees, the total reliability factor was (0.755). The result of the research proved that the crisis-management at the University was of an average level in addition to statistical significant difference concerning the degree of crisis-management according to the variable of the scientific qualification. It also showed no statistical significant difference according to the variables of experience, the faculty, and the sort of job. The researcher suggested preparing training sessions and specialized workshops in crisis-management at the University to raise some awareness about it.
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