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This research deals with teaching Arabic as a second language. It tackles the different characteristics and nationalities of learners in addition to their objectives in relation to learning Arabic. This is taken into consideration when preparing t he required curricula from two perspectives; the linguistic and the functional one. This research sheds light on the role of technology that is utilized to facilitate the task of learning Arabic by speakers of other languages in relation to the pronunciation of letters, sounds, writing, grammatical conjugation, comprehension and reading. The research also sheds light on the most important challenges facing the Arabic Language since the twenty first century such as the cultural challenge and the revival of local and spoken dialects.
The study deals with the concept, the beginning and the development phases of digital library explaining the problem of digital idioms. It sheds light on the requirements and groups of digital library and the technical processes through indexing a nd classification. In addition to that, the study discuses the mechanism of digital regaining, and explain the ways of search on digital information clarifying the meaning and the mechanism of Boolean logic in search of information. Finally, the paper views the image of Arabic digital libraries and introduces the most important challenges that faces the Arabic digital libraries in the current time. This study ends up to a set of results and recommendations.
The research aimed to identify the challenges that hinder the application of educational quality standards - adopted by Arab University Union Council - at HE according to teaching staff members at TU. The sample included (431) teaching staff members from different faculties and higher institutes at TU. To fulfill this research goal, a questionnaire was set to contain (39) paragraphs distributed on (5) axis : teaching staff members, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, university books, academic research, assessment and university ethics. The results showed that the most important challenges at the level of each axis were as follows: Faculty Members Axis: the lack of stimulus for faculty excellence in teaching academic research. Academic Programs Axis: the absence of periodic studies to make sure of the proportionality among the various programs in place at the university with the vision, mission, and objectives of the university, as well as colleges or affiliated higher institutes. Teaching Methods and Learning Resources Axis: the lack of research on the assessment of teaching methods and teaching aids used for the process. University Book Axis: the absence of a good design for the university book in terms of shape, printing, paper, graphics, and others. Academic Research Axis: the lack of research, publication and development support.
This study is defining E-commerce, its sections, its reality in Syrian Arab Republic, and defining the most important problems and challenges facing establishment complete and successful Ecommerce in Syria, then reviewing solutions and suggestions to reach our aim.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا