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This piece of research endeavours to explain why translator's competence is not homogeneously distributed among linguistically acculturated members of society. It transpires that the cross-cultural communication skills possessed by a translator are not often born or merely characteristics of his natural ability. Professional translation is an evolved natural translation. Undoubtedly, it is training, deepened expertise, and constant upgraded and updated cognizance of the technicalities and strategies of translation that qualify a translator to overcome the ever arising problems of translation. The cognitive activity of translator's communicative competence underlies his professionalism concerning the issues of invisibility, interference, creative restructuring process of problem-solving and decision-making. Quite contrasted to translator as transmitter, accumulative malleable communicative competence creates the translator who is a genuine cultural mediator.
The second half of the seventh century and the beginning of the eighth century AD and the second half of the thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries have witnessed a great development in diplomatic relations between the Mamluk bahri in Egypt and Sy ria and the various Christian powers in the East. These relationships were in the form of several diplomatic means such as ambassadors, letters, and signing treaties. This study focuses on the role of chancellery of Mamluks in these relationshipsthrough knowing the rules and accurate systems developed by messaging these rulers, specifically ceremonial honors. Finally, this study treats the constraints of multilingualism in the Mamluk sultanate based on the chancellery Mamluk handbooks.
This piece of research endeavours to highlight the inevitability of the micro-textonymic transformations throughout the process of translation. The claim that translation necessitates transformation has been ascertained through rendering a few non/ conventional micro-textonymic English collocational patterns into Arabic. However, though some translation theorists comprehend transformations as a remark of inescapable weakness, others maintain its prominence in successfully communicating the TL recipients, to the extent that there is no transation without transformation. Translator's skilfulness and expertise would closely monitor and manage such micro-textonymic transformations, being the decoder of the ST and re-encoder of the TT. Faithfulness in translation has been defined not in relation to extremely possible literalism and adherence to the ST, rather, it stands as a remark of how far do such micro-textonymic transformations help translators communicate the rhetoric of the ST, and guarantee acceptance and readability in the TL language and culture.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تبيان أن العلاقة بين اللغة و الفكر ليست علاقة أحادية الجانب، بل هي علاقة جدلية فيها التأثر و التأثير، و الانفعال و الفعل. بمعنى أن اللغة ليست مجرد وعاء للفكر تعكس أنماط الفكر و تطوره أو محدوديته و قصوره، بل هي فاعلة في الفكر و م حرك له، تحّفز على تبديل الأنماط الفكرية و السلوكية، فإن اغتنت تطور الفكر و إن حدت و فقرت قصر الفكر و عجز عن مواكبة العصر و أساليبه، فيؤدي تقوقعه إلى نضوب معينه.
إن أهمية تعلم اللغات اليوم لم يعد بحاجة الى برهان، خاصة في عالم يوصف بعالم الاتصالات. فمن الضروري إذاً معرفة لغتين إنْ لم يكن ثلاث من أجل مواكبة التطور المذهل للمعلومات. أن يبدأ هذا التعلم للغة الاجنبية منذ الصغر في المدرسة أو في مرحلة متقدمة من العم ر فإن المتعلم يواجه بشكل أو بآخر مشكلة الترجمة بدرجات متفاوتة بحسب الحالة و ظروف العملية التربوية و التعليمية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تبيان مدى حضور الترجمة في عملية تعليم اللغة الفرنسية بشكل خاص في مدراس مدينة اللاذقية. إذاً العينة المستهدفة هي طلاب المدارس في اطار التعليم العام. لإنجاز هذا البحث قمنا بإجراء استطلاع للراي على شكل استبانة وزعت على طلاب المرحلة الاعدادية و الثانوية لمعرفة آرائهم و وجهات نظرهم فيما يخص رواج الترجمة في الحصة الدراسية. و بعد تحليل النتائج و تفسيرها حاولنا الاجابة على الأسئلة التالية : لماذا المطالبة بالترجمة؟ و ما هي نتائج الإفراط في استخدام الترجمة في تعليم اللغات الاجنبية؟
إن انفتاح العالم و تداخل لغاته و تفجر المعلومات في عصرنا الحالي أدى إلى ضرورة اللجوء إلى وسائل تقنية حديثة في سبيل الإسراع في عملية نقلها، مما مهد لاستخدام الحاسوب في عملية الترجمة. يشير البحث بداية إلى مفهوم عملية الترجمة و تعريفها بوصفها نقل معا ني نص من لغة إلى أخرى مع مراعاة الدقة و الأسلوب. و من خلال ذلك يشرح البحث عمل المترجم و مهامه، و من ثم يستعرض عملية الترجمة الآلية و أساليبها المختلفة.
Translation forms a scientific, artistic and procedural house that receives texts whose language and culture are peculiar. It probes them and explores their unique ideas and treasures to quench its thirst for it is a science and an end by itself. I t has its bases, its factors, importance and tools, and it tries to quench others when it becomes a bridge between different nations and cultures and their various ways of thinking. From this perspective, the title is a kind of analysis, of what the subtitle is: the essence of translation, and the comparative literary research so that both will be the object of our study in continuation of previous studies whose echo could be seen by the reader directly or indirectly of for being similar.
This research studies the notion of non-equivalence in translation between English and Arabic. It displays the main issues translators face when translating, like cultural restraints and linguistic barriers. It also suggests a number of strategies that help in dealing with non-equivalence, including paraphrasing, omission, and cultural substitution.
Translation is one of the oldest types of human activity, as it is a phenomenon inherent in human history from the oldest ages, as it appeared with the emergence of the need for a means of understanding between the peoples of the world due to the dif ference in the management of communication between them. Translation, like other fields of knowledge, was subject to the same rule of tradition mentioned earlier, so that when you look at the books of some Arab thinkers, you will find that the nature of their writings is of a foreign nature. Among the aims to be achieved in this research are: Introducing the theory of text types and their relationship to translation. Disclosure of the characteristics of this theory in translation. Clarify the importance of text types theory and its role in acquiring translation skills. Linguistic analysis of texts as a first station, followed by other consistent and harmonious stations that collectively work to achieve the communicative relationship of the various types of texts. Identifying the types of texts and then the types of translation approaches that work to reduce the gap between the source text and the access text.

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