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This study tries to settle some rules for the law of pharyngeal sounds. These rules rely on the existent live language usages. In order to put these rules, this study presents some information about the area of pharyngeal sounds, and the view of pre vious and more recent researchers to pharyngeal sounds. After this, the study presents pharyngeals in comparison between Arabic and Semitic languages. Later, the study proposes the existence of a general rule that applies to all members of the group of those languages; where all Semitic languages are obligated with this rule, except Arabic, in which the rule is applied optionally. This voluntary application of such a rule in Arabic resulted in the existence of many alternative forms much more than in other languages. The study has used two methods: The descriptive analytical and the comparative historical methods.
In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for grouping Arabic documents for building an ontology and its words. We execute the algorithm on five ontologies using Java. We manage the documents by getting 338667 words with its weights corresponding to each ontology. The algorithm had proved its efficiency in optimizing classifiers (SVM, NB) performance, which we tested in this study, comparing with former classifiers results for Arabic language.
This Research aimed at Measuring The impact of role playing on learning grammar in the eighth grade A total of 121 eighth graders from the Latakia Governorate participated in this study.
This research deals with teaching Arabic as a second language. It tackles the different characteristics and nationalities of learners in addition to their objectives in relation to learning Arabic. This is taken into consideration when preparing t he required curricula from two perspectives; the linguistic and the functional one. This research sheds light on the role of technology that is utilized to facilitate the task of learning Arabic by speakers of other languages in relation to the pronunciation of letters, sounds, writing, grammatical conjugation, comprehension and reading. The research also sheds light on the most important challenges facing the Arabic Language since the twenty first century such as the cultural challenge and the revival of local and spoken dialects.
The analysis of ergative verbs in English and many other languages has been receiving much attention in linguistic studies. Nothing has been mentioned about the existence of ergative verbs in Arabic and generally it is a neglected topic. The domin ant claim is that Arabic, as a highly inflected language, lacks ergative verbs. The aim of this paper is to show that Arabic, like English and many other languages, does have ergative verbs. This argument will be supported by providing many examples and comparing Arabic ergative verbs with their English counterparts. After careful inspection of the syntactic and semantic behavior of certain verbs, it revels that Arabic contains ergative verbs and there are many significant differences between these verbs and intransitive verbs.
Nasser Kusro lived between 394 and 481 Hijri , and he was one of great scientific figures and one of the most important fifth century poets and writers. He was effected by Arabic and its education and that appeared in several forms. The holly Qur an was his first inspirer , he was effected by it in terms of the dismissial and the content as was effected by the prophet,s Hadith and Nahj Albaalaghah. And within his poetry we can see the arabic words and structures. Also he was affected by the Arab poetry, their proverbs and their sayings. By that he mixed between what it is Islamic and what it is Iranian until he created akind of the controversial style in the poetry that was not known before him.
Arabic and Ugaritic languages both belong to one linguistic origin, and are connected with similar relations that came to both from the Proto Semitic. The linguistic materials are precisely read from the Ugarit texts in order to extract all joint or non-joint features. The comparisons and their counters in Arabic languages will be in the light of the other Semitic languages such as Phoenician-Canaanite, Hebrew, Syriac, and Akkadian languages. And since the letter “M” is a linguistic sound, which plays in other languages ( rather than Arabic) the role that letter “N” plays grammatically in Arabic language like dual ,normal, phonetic alterations, and in structuring verbs, names, articles and pronouns. Such comparative linguistic study between the two languages is indicative dictionaric and phonetic comparisons, Moreover, it is a continuation of the old origins of phonetic structures of pronunciation in Arabic Language, a rejection of the indicative alternations and an extraction of the phonetic laws that control the linguistic materials which are under those linguistic comparisons.
هذا بحث في اللغة يتناول ظاهرة البناء للمجهول في اللغة العربية، و قد تكون من مقدمة، و ثلاث قضايا أساسية هي: أهمية الفعل المبني للمجهول، و مصطلحاته، و أغراضه.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن بدايات تأثير الأساليب غير العربية في المستوى الفصيح، و تكون مستوى جديد للاستعمال اللغوي قبيل عصر العولمة، و في سبيل ذلك، لجأت الدراسة إلى جمع مادتها من الاستعمالات اللغوية في مجموعات مختارة اختيارًا عشوائيًا من كتابات الأدباء الأردنيين الذين يكتبون القصة القصيرة، و توقفت فترة الدراسة عند سنة 1990 ، و كانت اللغة العربية مستهدفة فيها، مما أدى إلى تشكُّل المستوى الجديد لها.
The issue of syllabification and syllable structure in Arabic has been of great interest to phoneticians due to the significant role it plays in the construction of syllables in this language. The objective of this research paper is to study the phonological property of Arabic syllables. It begins by introducing the topic and then it presents some key definitions of the term as has been used by various researchers and specialists and considers how various linguists look at the way syllables are structured. Furthermore, this study also explains how syllables are constructed in terms of consonants and vowels according to phoneticians and argues against this. As an alternative, this paper presents a new account of the Arabic syllable in accordance with a prosodic theory used in Arabic poetry. Finally, after investigating views put forward by scholars working in the field and discussing and criticizing them, the paper ends by presenting some interesting conclusions that pertain to the work.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا