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universities Jordan Middle East University- Jordan

Middle East University- Jordan


Middle East University, established in 2005, is a distinguished Jordanian university offering a variety of highly demanded Master’s and Bachelor’s degree-granting programmes. Located a few kilometers away from Amman and near Queen Alia International Airport, MEU began granting postgraduate degrees in 11 different majors since its inception, and boasts 2,978 graduates to date. MEU’s undergraduate programme, which launched in the 2008/2009 academic year, has produced 4,214 successful alumni, and offers 21 majors.

country : Jordan

establish date : 2005 BC

university kind : public

global ranking : 801 (according to webometrics - July 2018 Bulletin)

number of students : 3000

The total number of research : 1 (View research within the Academia service)

  +962 6 4790222   +962 6 4129613   [email protected]


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