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Using Content Videos to reduce Interlingual and Intralingual Transfer of Vocabulary in an EFL Context: A small - scale study on students in Mega Soft Institution

استخدام ملفات الفيديو للتغلب على المشاكل الناتجة عن اللغة الأم و التعميم الخاطئ للمفردات في تعليم المفردات: دراسة أجريت في مؤسسة ميغاسوفت للتدريب

1584   0   61   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Lilian Isperdon

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No English abstract

References used
Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal processes. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Laufer, B. (1990). Ease and difficulty in vocabulary learning: Some teaching implications. Foreign Language Annals, 23, 2, 147-155.
Shephard, K. (2003). Questioning, promoting and evaluating the use of streaming video to support student learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(3), pp.295-308.
Stempleski, Susan & Tomalin, Barry. (1990). Video in Action: Recipes for Using Video in Language Teaching. New York: Prentice Hall.
Lennie, J., Tacchi, J., Koirala, B., Wilmore, M., Skuse, A. (2011) Equal Access Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation toolkit.
Fabos, B. (2001). Media in the classroom: An alternative history. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, Seattle, WA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 454 850).
rate research

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The research aims to show the reality of small and micro-loans, provided by the first small in Lattakia province, micro and small business finance institution, as well as the statement of the actions taken by the micro-finance institution to mitig ate the effects of the crisis and the faltering of small loans and micro granted from the point of the enterprise view that.
The purpose of this study was to develop an Arabic version of the social and emotional loneliness scale for adults–Abbreviated Form (SELSA-A), and assess its psychometric properties in order to ascertain its suitability to be used in Syria. Sever al methods of reliability and validity were used in Studying the instrument under consideration, which was administered to a various samples of university students and others (N=623). Factor analysis by using principal components method and Varimax Rotation was also conducted.
Smart shorthand, to display video content, is one of the main problems in computer vision literature, because it is important to reduce the size of video storage in various media, especially in mobile phones and monitoring cameras, and reduce the t ime needed to watch video. The smart shorthand process is to build software capable of displaying and save important content from the viewer, which contains new details, either in terms of the image or in the accompanying voice and deleting scenes with repeated content. In this research, a new methodology was introduced to extract new scenes in the image and sound, without affecting the continuity of motion within the video, and in a manner that ensures continuous viewing. The methodology relied on two basic algorithms: the first algorithm works to extract scenes with variable details in the image, based on the eigenvalues of the scenes, which show a significant change in the details of the scene, while the second algorithm is based on the extraction of sound with variable details, based on the algorithm introduced in 1985 from [1], which can encode the sound signal with a double-value frame 1 or 0, in the signal area containing details that takes value 1, while in the non- Details takes value 0, the two algorithms are executed synchronously, and thus the variable scenes and the adjacent acoustic signal are drawn. The methodology used to work on large video clips in terms of movement of objects within them has achieved very good effectiveness, great accuracy in synchronization between the scenes and sound adjacent to them.
The organized government was unknown in Mecca in the Islamic Period, and famous merchant with the most famous families in Qurish" Called the "Mala`a" organized it. They was meeting in "Dar Al-Nadoah" ,also, their decision was un covenanted. In M ecaa, it was not essentially change happened when they Originate the Islamic government. The prophet was Un responsible In Mecca "Al-Madinah", but after his migration to itThe prophet Mohammad successfully organized the rules to rule.
Although research about the use of collocations is growing, there seems to be no single study, to the best of my knowledge, which addresses how electronic dictionaries impact users’ collocational thresholds. This empirical study has been carried o ut to bridge this gap in the research literature and assess the collocational competence of Arabic-speaking learners of English. The main focus is on their ability to judge the acceptability of verb-noun collocations using electronic dictionaries on CD-ROMs which are claimed to be much more than an ‘ordinary’ reference work.
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