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In recent years, GIS software has undergone great development in many levels, although the basics of GIS have remained constant for a long time. In order to meet the requirements put forward by the global GIS community, Esri™ had to start over with a n entirely new methodology, laying a solid foundation that would allow performance and experience to guide, the release of ArcGIS Pro. Which is the latest example of this qualitative leap in keeping pace with the visual development of the GIS interface, and the development in methods of sharing and editing on the web. Therefore, the idea of this project came to shed light on this platform, which represents a qualitative leap in the field of GIS software. The importance of this project comes from the fact that it provides an educational guide with practical applications of the latest GIS software (ArcGIS Pro), where the project objectives can be summarized as follows: • Provide a step-by-step introductory guide on learning to use the latest ArcGIS™ software ‘ArcGIS Pro’ from Esri ®; • Topographical and detailed survey of an area within Tishreen University. • Conducting practical applications within the ArcGIS Pro platform for the study area, by producing a topographical map of the studied area and performing some topographical analyzes. The project includes four main chapters, the first chapter explains the concepts of geographic information systems (GIS), while the second chapter explains an introductory and detailed guide to the (ArcGIS Pro) platform, and the third and fourth chapters provide a practical application (field and office) to produce a topographic map within the Tishreen University campus, using ArcGIS Pro platform, with a number of spatial analyzes performed.
Three dimensional modeling of utility networks is an important mean of networks design, implementation, management and maintenance. During the modeling process, we face a wide range of processes and procedures to arrive at the correct final model. T his research proposes a semi-automatic methodology for 3D modeling of infrastructure networks in GIS environment. This methodology is based on the ModelBuilder in ArcGIS software by developing two tools to automate the construction processes of 3D networks. The first presents a tool to create a 3D Manhole layer from points, and the second is a tool to create a 3D pipe layer. For both tools, a work algorithm has been built, in addition to designing user interfaces elements. These tools are stored in a Toolbox called “3D Manhole & Pipe.tbx”. The proposed methodology is an easy and an effective way to build 3D network models, and the developed tools allow the implementation of a set of necessary processes needed to build 3D networks.

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