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Level quality of Learning Resources University Center from the points of view of the Teaching Staff - Afield Study in Tishreen University -

مستوى جودة مراكز مصادر التعلّم الجامعية من وجهة نظر أعضاء الهيئة التعليمية ـ دراسة ميدانية في جامعة تشرين ـ

1214   0   31   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Education
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purports of the research was to study the attitudes Tishreen Universities teaching staff in the level of University Learning Resources Center quality, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (faculty, qualification and experience). The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. The sample included (220) teaching staff for the academic year 2015/2016. To achieve the objective of the research a questionnaire has been included (80) items, to four areas. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen. Pilot sample consisted of (20) teaching staff, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.95). The final results indicated that the Quality of Learning Resources Center in Tishreen University was in the middle degree, Also showed the results that are no differences in the found degree according to the qualification and experience between the opinions of sample research of teaching staff, but there are differences between teaching staff in faculty. The research suggested to supply with modern technological in Learning Resources Center in the University, and setting the training courses about used its.

References used
CAMPELL L. Resource Based Learning. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspective on learning, teaching, and technology., 2002, 68p
CHEN, L, S. Design and implementation of intelligent library system. Technical Services, NO. 32, 2009, pp. 127–141
DALTON P.; MCNICOL S.. Balancing The Books: Emphasizing the Importance of Qualitative Evaluation Understanding Electronic Information Services. The Library Quarterly, Vol. 74, No. 4, 2004, 455 – 468
rate research

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The Application of Academic Accreditation Standards is very important in the context of higher education, for its role in achieving quality and outstanding to reach the international levels through setting general standards to evaluate university e ducation efficiency. Therefore, the research aimed to identify the difficulties that hinder the application of academic accreditation standards ( adopted by Arab Universities Union Board, which consist of several axels: visionmission and goals of the institution, leadership and managerial organization, resource, students affairs, students services, community services, teaching staff, academic programs, teaching methods and learning resources, study books, scientific research, evaluation and university morals ) at higher education from the teaching staff members' view point at Tishreen University.
The study aims at defining the reality of educational-management crisis which faces Tishreen University from the view point of the staff and administrative members and at defining the differences in the administrative methods of crisis-management acc ording to these variables (the scientific qualification, the experience, the faculty, and the sort of job). In addition to some suggestions concerning the best Administrative methods of Crisis-management at Tishreen University, and to achieve the objectives of this research, a questionnaire has been applied on a sample of (278) individuals during the academic year of (2014 - 2015). It consisted of (52) statements distributed into five sections (planning of educational management, the process of communication during the crisis, the importance of information in crisis-management, the financial and human abilities which are variable to Crisis management, and the extent of works credibility and their belonging to the University). The validity of the questionnaire was approved depending on some specializers and experts in both the education and economics faculties at Tishreen University. There were (9) referees, the total reliability factor was (0.755). The result of the research proved that the crisis-management at the University was of an average level in addition to statistical significant difference concerning the degree of crisis-management according to the variable of the scientific qualification. It also showed no statistical significant difference according to the variables of experience, the faculty, and the sort of job. The researcher suggested preparing training sessions and specialized workshops in crisis-management at the University to raise some awareness about it.
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The goal of research is to identify level of application of ethical standards for the profession of university education from the viewpoint of the members of the teaching staff. And know the differences in the answers to the members of the teaching staff according to the research variables: (sex, academic rank, years of experience, academic specialization). And it adopted a researcher on the descriptive analytical method, and included the research sample (154) by an educational body in the faculties of Tishreen University for the academic year 2014/2015, was the application of a questionnaire composed of four areas: (professional performance, relationship with the students, relationship with the community, and relationship with his colleagues). Among the most prominent search results: The existence of the average of the members of the teaching staff in the application of ethical standards in the profession of university education level. Also there were no statistically significant differences between the average answers faculty members at the level of application of ethical standards for the profession of university education differences depending on the variables of (sex, academic rank, experience), and there are statistically significant according to faculty in favor of scientism faculties.

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