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This survey aims at recognizing the reality of the social responsibility and protecting the environment in Al-Faris Firm for pharmaceutical industries in Syria besides demonstrating the relations between the adoption of the social responsibility b y this company and its impact on environmental protection. this falls within the scope of the research question which can be summarized as follows: what is the impact of adopting corporate social responsibility at al-Fares Company for Pharmaceutical Industries in Syria on the protection of the environment?
يعد هذا البحث محاولةً من الباحث لتوضيح أثر المسؤولية الاجتماعية في تطبيق نظام التكلفـة على أساس النشاط ABC . فمن المعروف أن نظام التكاليف يعد من الأنظمة المفتوحـة التـي تتأثر بالبيئة المحيطة و تؤثر فيها، فهي في حالة حركة مستمرة، و لذلك لا بد من إعا دة النظـر بتلك الأنظمة و تطويرها بصورة مستمرة كلما دعت الحاجة لذلك و تغيرت الظروف المحيطة.
Research aimed to identify the potential to improve disclosure and reporting about the social responsibility of the Syrian business organization by using internal mechanisms of governance. The research concluded the internal mechanisms of governan ce help to improve the credibility of the financial reporting and accounting information disclosure and reporting practices of social responsibility, where the Board of Directors the most important mechanism of corporate governance to disclose and report on social responsibility, and the audit committee lead and plays an important role in the internal control over the process of disclosure and report on the social responsibility of the business, not because of the help in the improvement and development of corporate governance in the general framework, but also because of the actual contribution of the development of internal control on that responsibility, The Internal Audit lead and plays an important role in the disclosure and report on social responsibility because of their activities linked to the assessment of internal control systems and the risks that can be exposed Syrian Firms of social responsibility activities, And the research concluded the different of the activity nature of the businesses firms and controlled by the laws and regulations and instructions may affect the practices of the Syrian Firms towards social responsibility.
The research aims at studying the extent of commercial banks' commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility (legal, economic, moral, humanitarian). The research adopted a descriptive approach, Also the research community included all worker s in the public and private commercial banks in the governate of Latakia, and of approximately (671) workers. The sample size was determined based on the statistical sample law, which has reached (244) workers and it has been distributed using the proportional distribution between public and private banks. The questionnaires were distributed to the employees, and (230) questionnaire were returned with a response rate (94.26%). Using statistical methods the results were as the following: *Commercial banks in the governate of Latakia are highly committed to dimensions of social responsibility, legal, economic, moral. The relative importance of the moral dimension is(71.88%), (77.68%) for the economic dimension, and (74.04%) for the moral dimension. *Commercial banks in Latakia governate is moderately committed to the humanitarian dimension of responsibility with the relative importance of (57.92%). *Public and private commercial banks do not differ in the degree of commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility: legal, economic, moral, and humanitarian.
The research aims to identify the level of social responsibility among university students in the universities of Damascus and rebirth, and to identify the role of the university in the concept of social responsibility to the university youth deve lopment, and develop proposals to activate the role of universities in promoting the concepts of social responsibility, the researcher has used the comparative approach and descriptive analytical method based on the scale social responsibility and identify the concepts of social responsibility among university students Measures search to answer research questions, and applied research on a stratified random sample reached(100) students from Damascus University students and 100 students from the Baath.
The study aimed to identify the level of participation in university activities and know the level of social responsibility among university students in the University of the Baath, and to find the relationship between participation in university activities and the level of social responsibility among university students in Baath University, where the researcher was adopted in his study descriptive and analytical approach being more curriculum in line with the this study, based on questionnaires, the first questionnaire regarding the level of university students participate in university activities in Baath University, and the second questionnaire regarding the level of social responsibility among university students at Al-Baath University, and applied study on a sample of Baath University students / fourth year / composed of (425 ) students.
The research try to measure the degree Availability of Social Responsibility at Class Teacher in faculty of Education of Damascus University and the different according to variables of Class Teacher as (six, residence). The research problem poses q uestions about application these Methods. The sample included (326) students in the academic year 2017- 2016.The research used questionnaire derived form the Social Responsibility Scale. The following statistical methods were used: frequencies, percent, means, standard deviations, t – test, and Pearson Correlation. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff. Pilot sample consisted of (50) students. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability atlest (0.901). The results showed that the degree of using social responsibility was high degree of Phrase which point out Moral and Self responsibility, and with middle degree of national responsibility, also in low degree of collectivism responsibility. In fact, there are statistically significant differences according to six in favor of female, and no differences according to residence.
هدف البحث الى تعرف درجة المسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى العاملين و أثرها على العلاقات العامة في الهيئة العامة لصندوق التسليف الطلابي في محافظة دمشق، و في الأنشطة و الممارسات التي تجسد مفهوم المسؤولية الاجتماعية، و تعرف مفهوم و ابعاد و برامج المسؤولية الاجتم اعية في الهيئة العامة، و قد اعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي من خلال وجهة نظر بعض المدراء في العلاقات العامة او من ينوب عنهم من العاملين، و قد بلغت عينت البحث (54) مديراً عاملاً، او من اناب عنهم من العاملين و كان من اهم نتائج البحث : 1-توضيح مفهوم المسؤولية الاجتماعية و أثرها على العلاقات العامة في ادبيات البحث. 2-ارتكزت المسؤولية الاجتماعية في العلاقات العامة على البعد الاقتصادي، و البعد الاجتماعي، و البعد البيئي. 3-هناك اثار مباشرة لدرجة المسؤولية الاجتماعية تمثلت بالعلاقة الإيجابية في الجانب المادي للهيئة العامة، و اثار غير مباشرة تمثلت في أ-تعزيز سمعة الهيئة العامة، ب-تحسين فرص الحصول على رؤوس الأموال من الجهات المختصة في الدولة، جـ-زيادة القدرة على اجتذاب عاملين يتمتعون بمهارات عالية، د-تحسين الكفاءة و انخفاض مخاطر و تكاليف المشاركة في برامج تدريبية، هـ -توسيع الحصة السوقية. 4-برزت العلاقة بين المسؤولية الاجتماعية و العلاقات العامة من خلال ثلاث مرتكزات هي: أ-النشر الإعلامي، ب-التنمية المجتمعية المستدامة، جـ-تسليم القروض الصغيرة للعملاء. 5-اهم الأنشطة البارزة للهيئة العامة فكانت في: أ-انشاء صندوق تبرع خاص لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة و اسر الشهداء، ب-مشروع القروض الصغيرة للطلبة الجامعيين، جـ-تطوير و متابعة التكنولوجيا، و-إقامة دورات تدريبية بناءً على احتياجات العاملين في مجال الهيئة العامة. 6-و كان من اهم الوسائل الإعلامية للترويج هو انشاء صفحة على فيسبوك، و نشرات إعلانية، و مخاطبة الوزارات و المديريات بكتب توضح عمل الهيئة العامة لصندوق التسليف الطلابي.
The research studies the current state and policy of the Joud company as an example of the resultant impact of the food industry adopting for social responsibility in marketing: packaging, physical distribution, promotion and dealing with the case of concession. The research adopts the descriptive method and develops a questionnaire for collecting the preliminary data comprising the research samples. This questionnaire has been handed to be filled by a staff of (123) employees with responsibilities covering marketing, distribution, promotion and packaging. The fully answered questionnaires count to 118 leading to a response rate of (95.93%). The most important search results are represented in: 1- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in marketing related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (78.384%). 2- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in distribution related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.288%). 3- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in promotion related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (69.152%). 4- Joud company for food industries adopt the social responsibility in dealing with the case of concession related to packaging with a high degree and with a relativity importance reached (77.458)%.

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