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The current research aimed to recognize the level of psychological security among a sample of Tishreen university students. In order to achieve the objective of this research, Shkeer's psychological security scale was applied, which its factor str ucture was investigate by the researcher in a previous study. The scale was used for data collection, and in year 2017-2018, a sample of (233) students participated in the research. The results showed that the level of students’ psychological security is medium, and there is no difference between males and females, but there are differences according to the specialty, especially in “practice life”, where that the students of practice specialty showed higher feeling of psychological security than the students of theoretic specialty.
This study comes to reveal about the psychological and social effects of the use of special young university for social networking sites, and by knowing the motives of undergraduates to use these sites, and the various factors that led them to enga ge in, as well as to identify the psychological and social effects of the use of specifically Facebook site, through a study field on a sample of university students Tishreen users of Facebook, where we relied on the analytical descriptive approach and we used the questionnaire to collect data from a sample of the tool (150) students from the University of Tishreen.
this study aims Specifying the level of adjusting with university life among the students of the University of Al-Furat hosted at Tishreen University after leaving their mother university due to the current security conditions experienced by Syria through some variables such as gender , study specialization and place of residence. In order to answer the study questions and verify their hypotheses, the researcher applied a measure of adjusting with university life on a sample of the students of the University of Al-Furat who were hosted at Tishreen University. The number of students in the sample (332) , The results of the study showed the following: The social adjusting came in first place and the psychological adjusting In the second place and the academicadjusting in the third place, and there are differences of statistical significance in the axis of psychological adjusting according to gender variable and these differences in favor of females, while there were no differences in the axes of social and academic adjusting according to gender variable, and the research there are differences of statistical significance in the axis of social adjusting The differences were found in favor of the humanitarian faculties, while there were no differences in the pivotal psychological and academic adjusting. There were also statistically significant differences in the level of psychological adjusting between the students according to the variable of the place of residence, The differences were found in favor Of those( who live in the houses with the family),There is relationship statistically significant correlation betweenaxes The adjusting with university life and variables(gender, academic specialization, the place stay). This study offered some propositions.
This study aimed at investigating future anxiety and its relationship with the psychological stress on a sample of Tishreen University students. Furthermore, the study attempted to explore whether students differ according to their gender in the fu ture anxiety and the psychological stress. The sample comprised of (188) students: (95 male and 93 female). In order to achieve the goals of this study the Inventory of University Students’ Anxiety Future was constructed. The final version of the scale consisted of (28) items. And the Inventory of University Students’ Sources of psychological stress was constructed, the final version of the scale consisted of (60) items. The results showed: there are correlation statistically significant between the future anxiety and the psychological stress. The results also indicated to significant differences (α≤ 0.05) between males and females means in the psychological stress, and its indicated to no differences between males and females in the future anxiety.
The research aims to determine the levels of Tishreen University students' on the "satisfaction with courses" scale, and to find out if there are differences between Tishreen University students in the "satisfaction with courses" scale, according t o the variables: (gender, academic specialization). A total of (749) undergraduate from Tishreen University students in all faculties, participated in this research, using the "satisfaction with courses" scale. Search results are summarized as follows: The average scores obtained by all faculties for their students' satisfaction with the courses were within the level of satisfaction (average), and there were a differences among the members of the research sample in the scale according to the "gender" variable in favor of females, and there were a differences according to the "academic specialization" variable in favor of the theoretical academic specialization.
The aim of this study is to investigate the level of selfefficacy and the type of goal orientation at college student's and the relationship between the goal orientation and self – efficacy beliefs. Data was gathered through the scales" self-effi cacy scales, and goal orientation scale " from (162) random sample of male and female student's of education college student's.
This research aimed to determine the order of Tishreen University colleges in term of satisfaction with the faculty members, and to determine whether that satisfaction affected by variables: (gender, University Specialization, and the collage year) , using the "satisfaction with the faculty members " scale. A total of (749) undergraduate from Tishreen University students in all faculties, participated in this research. Search results are summarized as follows: faculties of economics and physical education and dentistry have got at the highest averages in the ranking of colleges by satisfaction with the teaching staff, while the faculties of Architecture and Literature and Sciences have got at the lower averages. and there were a differences among the members of the research sample in the scale according to the gender variable in favor of females, and there were a differences according to the collage year variable, and there were no differences according to University Specialization variable.
This study aimed at identifying the perceptions of university postgraduate students with regard to the factorial structure related to the perceived professional competencies for the educational counselor. The researcher employed the descriptive corre lation method, and the instrument was developed so as to measure the professional competencies for the educational counselor; the content validity as well as the reliability for the instrument were verified. The study sample consisted of (175) male and female students from the students of postgraduate studies at Mu'tah University and Students for in Israa Private university.
The aim of current research on detection of discriminatory ability to Authentic Happiness list to the responses of a sample of university students, the research sample consisted of sample of the student collectors have numbered 419 students, including (125) males and (294) females.
The research aims to identify the degree of use of Damascus University students, members of the research sample for the Internet and its relationship to social their intelligence, as well as knowledge of the differences in the degree of use of the research sample for the web members according to gender, year of study, and formed the research sample of (665) students of University Students Damascus has been chosen randomly stratified way, where they applied researcher measure students use the Internet (the researcher) and a measure of social intelligence (Ahmad Ghoul ,1993) after verifying the validity and reliability.

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