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This research have been the role of tourist fairs in stimulate tourism demand, the research emerges it's importance from the international competition and racing to open a new tourist market, many countries and tourist companies are racing to inven t an effective promotional methods which aims to developing marketing effectiveness of its tourist products within promotional mixture elements which fairs are one of it, the process of organizing and managing fairs becomes a professional act and need high level of innovation and experience. the most important results reached by: - There is a Positive correlative relationship between tourist fairs and tourism demand. - There is an effect of destination promotion, price, tourism service Quality, Public Relations. - There is no effect for sample features on tourist fairs and tourism demand.
The current research addresses the impact of the impact of the elements of promotional mix (Public Relations, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion) to increase the competitive ability of the service organizations by conducting a field stu dy on private hospitals which works in the Syrian coast , and to achieve the objectives of the research, A questionnaire was built and this questionnaire has applied on managers administrators in those hospitals, marketing Specialist, if any, or are responsible of advertising, where the researcher used the method of comprehensive inventory which concerns with collection the information on the hospitals studied, and the number of distributed questionnaires (61) questionnaire , recovered them (57) questionnaire , and the response rate (93.44 %), after study and analysis of the study found the following results: 1 - There is a significant correlation between the of the public relations method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 2 - There is a significant correlation between the types of advertising used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 3 - There is a significant correlation between the of personal selling method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 4 - There is a significant correlation between the of the sales promotion method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market.
institution because of its important and active role in achieving its goals. The importance of the public relation is increasing in the sports field because of the mass of this sector. Thus this study seeks to identify the role and importance of pu blic relations in sports institutions in the Syrian Arab Republic, from the perspective of workers in order to illustrate of the reality of the functioning of this sector in the organizational structure .the descriptive method is used with analytical survey manner . The method was applied to a sample of 44 individuals representing 88% of the research community. Thestudy concluded with several important resultswhich include that there is a difference in the employees'point of view about the role and importance of public relations according to axes of the study. There are no low degrees of how to understand and use by the public relations staff.
هدف البحث الى تعرف درجة المسؤولية الاجتماعية لدى العاملين و أثرها على العلاقات العامة في الهيئة العامة لصندوق التسليف الطلابي في محافظة دمشق، و في الأنشطة و الممارسات التي تجسد مفهوم المسؤولية الاجتماعية، و تعرف مفهوم و ابعاد و برامج المسؤولية الاجتم اعية في الهيئة العامة، و قد اعتمد البحث على المنهج الوصفي من خلال وجهة نظر بعض المدراء في العلاقات العامة او من ينوب عنهم من العاملين، و قد بلغت عينت البحث (54) مديراً عاملاً، او من اناب عنهم من العاملين و كان من اهم نتائج البحث : 1-توضيح مفهوم المسؤولية الاجتماعية و أثرها على العلاقات العامة في ادبيات البحث. 2-ارتكزت المسؤولية الاجتماعية في العلاقات العامة على البعد الاقتصادي، و البعد الاجتماعي، و البعد البيئي. 3-هناك اثار مباشرة لدرجة المسؤولية الاجتماعية تمثلت بالعلاقة الإيجابية في الجانب المادي للهيئة العامة، و اثار غير مباشرة تمثلت في أ-تعزيز سمعة الهيئة العامة، ب-تحسين فرص الحصول على رؤوس الأموال من الجهات المختصة في الدولة، جـ-زيادة القدرة على اجتذاب عاملين يتمتعون بمهارات عالية، د-تحسين الكفاءة و انخفاض مخاطر و تكاليف المشاركة في برامج تدريبية، هـ -توسيع الحصة السوقية. 4-برزت العلاقة بين المسؤولية الاجتماعية و العلاقات العامة من خلال ثلاث مرتكزات هي: أ-النشر الإعلامي، ب-التنمية المجتمعية المستدامة، جـ-تسليم القروض الصغيرة للعملاء. 5-اهم الأنشطة البارزة للهيئة العامة فكانت في: أ-انشاء صندوق تبرع خاص لذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة و اسر الشهداء، ب-مشروع القروض الصغيرة للطلبة الجامعيين، جـ-تطوير و متابعة التكنولوجيا، و-إقامة دورات تدريبية بناءً على احتياجات العاملين في مجال الهيئة العامة. 6-و كان من اهم الوسائل الإعلامية للترويج هو انشاء صفحة على فيسبوك، و نشرات إعلانية، و مخاطبة الوزارات و المديريات بكتب توضح عمل الهيئة العامة لصندوق التسليف الطلابي.
The current study aims to examine the level and role of public relations in spreading sports culture from the point of view of the workers in the Syrian Football Association. It also aims to identify the most important factors that have an impact on carrying out this role. To achieve these goals, the researchers used the descriptive analytical approach of survey style. The research community included employee in the field of public relations at the level of the Syrian Arab Football Association and the level of clubs in six governorates, and some of the fans of Syrian football. The sample was taken using comprehensive counting, where the number of sample members reached (141). The study concluded that there is a weakness in the performance of public relations, by the federation and the clubs, in terms of disseminating sports education among the masses. There are also statistically significant differences between the research axes in the extent of their contribution to the spread of the sports culture. For the benefit of the axis of public relations functions and its educational and pedagogical role.
This study was prepared in order to know the role of public relations in influencing the mental image, of hotel guests affiliated with the Syrian Ministry of Tourism, in Damascus within the framework of addressing the research problem represented "Th e impact of contribution of public relation to improving the mental image in Damarose and Sheraton hotels in Damascuse",And are the public relations programs in Damarose and Sheraton hotels adopted by of the Ministry of Tourism in Damascus currently sufficient to establish a good mental image to guests? In this study, we discussed in its theoretical aspec، the concept of public relations, its mechanisms of action, and its importance in hotels, and an overview of the development of public relations، which is as old as man and which is the main pillar in hotels, in improving the mental image in hotels, which is a new concept that all international hotels seek to obtain، through the adoption of public relations programs. As for the field study، the survey tool (questionnaire) was used with a regular random sample of hotel guests with “104” guests and the use of the statistical analysis program to analyze the data, as well as the analysis of the data collected by the interview method، where the study showed some of the important results including. • The public relations programs adopted by the hotels of the Syrian Ministry of Tourism currently operating in Damascus are insufficient to establish a good mental image of them among their internal and external audiences، and more work is needed on them. • The mental image that the guests carry about the hotel is linked to the nature of the relationship between it and the hotel، but it goes beyond other aspects • There is the effect of the external public relations programs on the impressions (mental image) formed on the guests of the hotels and the Syrian tourism worked in Damascus.

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