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نموذج مقترح لتطبيق نظام التكلفة على أساس النشاط ABC في مجال المسؤولية الاجتماعية

1144   0   27   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2005
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Cooper R. and Kaplan R. S., 1999- Design of Cost Management Systems. Prentice Hall, Inc., USA
Hilton R. W., 1997- Managerial Accounting. Third edition, The McGraw-Hall Companies, Inc., New York
أبو شناق، زيد سالم، 2000 ، " تطوير نموذج لتحديد التكلفة من منظور استراتيجي يتلاءم مع بيئة التصنيع المتكامل باستخدام الحاسب"، المجلة العلمية للاقتصاد والتجارة، جامعة عين شمس، . العدد1
rate research

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يعد نظام محاسبة المسؤولية نظام فرعي من أنظمة المحاسبة الإدارية تتمثل مهمته الأساسية في تققيم الاداء وذلك من خلال مقارنة النتائج الفعلية بالنتائج المقدرة
The introduction of VAT raises a number of economic and social effects. Although every economic reflex is related to social one, this study focuses on the social effects of introduction of this tax. Many of points have been studied. The most importa nt points are the relation of this tax to the economic surplus and the distribution of the national income, its effects on the governmental and consumptive expenditure, the extent to which this tax will realize the tax and social justice, its relation to poverty, and how it will affect the social classes. It has been concluded that vat could help in directing the consumption and savings policies by influencing the purchasing power. VAT affects the consumptive expenditure and leads to decrease as a result of prices raise accompanied by its. Its relation to the social justice is related to how the government will do regressive treatment of this tax.
This study attempts to answer the following main question, what is the impact of social responsibility and job satisfaction on performance of the Syrian Shareholding Companies? And therefore its results can help these companies to clarify the practic es that lead to improve its competitiveness, by increasing their compatibility with their employees and the community in which they operate
Table filling based relational triple extraction methods are attracting growing research interests due to their promising performance and their abilities on extracting triples from complex sentences. However, this kind of methods are far from their f ull potential because most of them only focus on using local features but ignore the global associations of relations and of token pairs, which increases the possibility of overlooking some important information during triple extraction. To overcome this deficiency, we propose a global feature-oriented triple extraction model that makes full use of the mentioned two kinds of global associations. Specifically, we first generate a table feature for each relation. Then two kinds of global associations are mined from the generated table features. Next, the mined global associations are integrated into the table feature of each relation. This generate-mine-integrate'' process is performed multiple times so that the table feature of each relation is refined step by step. Finally, each relation's table is filled based on its refined table feature, and all triples linked to this relation are extracted based on its filled table. We evaluate the proposed model on three benchmark datasets. Experimental results show our model is effective and it achieves state-of-the-art results on all of these datasets. The source code of our work is available at:
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