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the role of international terrorism on investment movement in syria and Jordan (2001- 2015), The study sought to solve the research problem related to the relationship between the phenomenon of terrorism and the FDI movement in the Syrian Arab Repu blic and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period 2001-2015, using several approaches. On the other hand, in an attempt to read the variables of study over time based on indicators of terrorism and indicators of investment, these indicators are determined by Pearson correlation coefficient, which reveals the direction and degree of relationship between variables. The study concluded that there is a correlative relationship between terrorism and foreign investment. This relationship is negative, ie, the higher the rate of terrorist operations, the lower the foreign direct investment. The researcher concluded that investment in the Arab countries is one of the most flagrant countries affected by terrorist operations.
The university is undoubtedly one of the basic components of modern state, but of the most important priorities, as they play an active role in the transfer of state-of-the stage of underdevelopment and dependency to the growth and development phase. Education has become a strategic resource of modern societies because it extends the community with all requirements of the specialized scientific personnel helping to increase the benefit and enhance the economic, social and cultural growth.
The goal of the current research is to Evaluation the book of engineering for the basic ninth grade according to the criteria of math curriculum for education before university in Syria Arab Republic from the view of teachers, Then giving some propositions which may attribute at avoiding some mistakes that styles of curriculums may do.
performance audit it is interested in all aspects of activity of public an administration, including the organization and management systems .I want to talk in this research about the concept of performance audit as definition, types and objectives . I want to mention on the most important terms and tools that should be available to be applied to the work of public affiliated to the control of regulatory agencies .
Hydrogen sulfide gas is naturally present in the environment, and with the progress of science and the increasing need for energy, the emissions of toxic and polluting gases to the environment, including hydrogen sulfide gas, have increased as a result of industrial processes carried out by humans.
There is no doubt that the accession of the Syrian Arab Republic to the World Trade Organization will limit the isolation that accompanied the Syrian economy due to the embargo and sanctions that led to the damage of its capabilities and competiti veness, as well as the widening gap between the Syrian national economy and the rapid developments of the global economy. And due to the advantages of this accession, there are many consequences which affect the economic and legal system of each state seeking to join that organization; raising a variety of proposals due to this joining and its consequences, and whether the decision to join this organization can be considered a selection or an inevitable which embodies the position of the State regarding the accession and its conformity to the features offered by that organization.
The control on the constitutionality of laws, one of the most important guarantees that reinforce the principle of the Constitution as the source highess the ultimate and the highest for all legal activities in the state. highess the Constitution a s it becomes the principle of illusory if there is no body in the state holds control over the Compatibility with the legislative acts of brokerage Constitution In order to achieve this purpose, the Constitution of 1973 established the Supreme Constitutional Court and entrusted with the presidency of the exercise of the job, which was keen to adopt the Constitution of 2012, with his quest to expand the role of the court in the exercise of this power will try this research highlight the role of this Court through a comparative study between the constitutions of 1973 and 2012 by analysing of constitutional provisions governing the control exercised by the Supreme Constitutional Court in the Syrian Arab Republic. ...
ركَّز موضوع الدراسة على بحث التحولات الديموغرافية و بيان أثرها في البطالة في الجمهورية العربية السورية. بين عامي 1960 و 2010 م. و قد حددت الدراسة حجم السكان و تطوره الملفت للنظر، إِذ تضاعف 4,5 مرة خلال نصف القرن الماضي. أي بمعدل زيادة سنوية قدرها 50 0 ألف نسمة. كما بينت الدراسة أحد عناصر النمو السكاني المتمثل بالزيادة الطبيعية. و التحول النسبي في التراكيب العمرية للسكان، التي تؤثر في زيادة نسب كل من القوة البشرية، و القوة العاملة، و من ثم زيادة حجم المتقدمين لطلب العمل على عدد فرص العمل المقدمة لهم، مما يؤدي إلى رفع نسب البطالة. كما تناولت الدراسة البطالة و تطورها، و تراكيبها العمرية، و التعليمية، و النوعية و لاسيما بطالة المرأة. و الآثار الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية و السياسية للبطالة.
The present research aimed to define the training needs of educational supervisors in Syrian Arab Republic, as seen by educational supervisors. In addition, to know whether there is a difference between the opinions of the supervisors about their training needs according to the variables of gender, scientific and educational qualifications, and their experience in educational supervision.
انتشر تطبيق الضريبة على القيمة المضافة خلال العقود الماضية على نطاق واسع لتصبح من أكثر الضرائب انتشاراً في بلدان العالم. و تفضل كثير من الحكومات تطبيق هذه الضريبة نظراً إلى ما هو شائع عن سهولة تحصيلها و وفرة حصيلتها. و تدرس الجهات الضريبية السورية حا لياً إمكانية اعتماد هذه الضريبة، علماً أن تطبيقها يتطلب وجود بنية تحتية تنظيمية و مؤسسية ضريبية متطورة و وعياً و دقة في البيانات و المعلومات و الاستعلام الضريبي، و جلها ليس متوافراً بالمستوى اللازم في الهيكلية و الإدارة الضريبية السورية، و من ثم فإن تطبيق الضريبة على القيمة المضافة يتطلب مزيداً من التحضير و الواقعية. و من خلال دراسة أسس تطبيق هذه الضريبة و شروطها و تحليل خصائصها و الصعوبات و المعوقات الموجودة على أرض الواقع يتبين أن التطبيق في سورية يحتاج إلى مزيد من الجهود التنظيمية و التشريعية و التحضيرات البنيوية، و أن يتم على عدة مراحل، كما يتطلب اعتماد عدة معدلات للضريبة لضمان تحقق العدالة الضريبية و الاجتماعية، و أن يكون التطبيق في إطار سياسة مالية اقتصادية اجتماعية محكمة لكي لا ينعكس سلباً على الفقراء و أصحاب الدخل المحدود.

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