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Unemployment constitutes the most dangerous problem which faces the Arab economy, Unemployment is considered a huge waste of unemployed human society capabilities, which is a heavy burden the national economy and need to putting policies for finding solutions for this problem and limiting the increase of its averages and trying to reduce its rates that unemployment in. Arabcounrties. is a structural problem and concentrates in young people and those who have recently entered the labour market, especially educated groups suggests that the solution of the problem lies in enhancing the investment climate putting policies for finding solutions for this problem and limiting the increase of its averages and trying to reduce its rates.
ركَّز موضوع الدراسة على بحث التحولات الديموغرافية و بيان أثرها في البطالة في الجمهورية العربية السورية. بين عامي 1960 و 2010 م. و قد حددت الدراسة حجم السكان و تطوره الملفت للنظر، إِذ تضاعف 4,5 مرة خلال نصف القرن الماضي. أي بمعدل زيادة سنوية قدرها 50 0 ألف نسمة. كما بينت الدراسة أحد عناصر النمو السكاني المتمثل بالزيادة الطبيعية. و التحول النسبي في التراكيب العمرية للسكان، التي تؤثر في زيادة نسب كل من القوة البشرية، و القوة العاملة، و من ثم زيادة حجم المتقدمين لطلب العمل على عدد فرص العمل المقدمة لهم، مما يؤدي إلى رفع نسب البطالة. كما تناولت الدراسة البطالة و تطورها، و تراكيبها العمرية، و التعليمية، و النوعية و لاسيما بطالة المرأة. و الآثار الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية و السياسية للبطالة.
This research highlight the business activities and the role of small and mediumsized enterprises SME's in the national economy, and expectancy role of this sector is increasing economic activity, securing jobs and increasing gross domestic product GDP in general. It also focuses on the most important characteristics and features of the sector of SME's in Syria. In addition to review of the main weaknesses facing the national economy in general and this sector, in particular, which contributed to the derivation of many suggestions contribute to the advancement and development of business environment and SME's and to the promotion and support its role in national economy.
The results of social market economy exercise in Syria have been arguably debated. Some took a firm stand in defending it, while others harshly criticized it. This research aims at providing an unbiased assessment of the social market economy exercis e by reviewing some developmental indictors over the period 2005-2010. The outcomes of this research indicate that the failures outweighed the successes. Although, the social market economy exercise resulted in good rates of output growth, reduced the volume of the external debt, and increased the total foreign reserves. However, it failed in enhancing the structure of the Syrian economy, and in promoting a sustainable growth that is capable of matching the population rise. Also, it failed in creating a flexible labour market that provides jobs, and it failed in reducing poverty rates and improving purchasing power of the individuals.
The new crisis of Arab countries aria proved that openness on global economy would expose their economies to global economy crisis, which destroyed economic gains due to economical openness. Youth, poor and neglected people played main role in thes e crisis, demanding for work opportunities and ending unemployment problem. This research focuses on unemployment in Syria within last decade, and expects unemployment within next decade. It showed that unemployment reached new high level in the middle of last decade. Youth people were the most affected in that period. This need new trend towards knowledge sectors to face new predicted future employment in addition to unemployment.
Due to the problem of unemployment of adverse effects at all levels of social , economic and political in could threaten the stability of societies , so it was necessary to work to find solutions to this serious problem , small and medium enterpri ses was one of these solutions to meet them , and the importance of this matter dealt with the pages of this paper the concept of unemployment defined as the types and causes of it in the first section , the concept of small and medium enterprises in terms of the various definitions , characteristics and their importance and their role in reducing the worsening problem of unemployment , in the second topic of it.
The recession or the stopping of the growth accompanied with an increase in the rate of the inflation is considered as one of the damaging situations of the economy and has also been defined as inflation accompanied by an increase in the rate of un employment and it is used to be an obstacle to the calculations of the policy makers because of its negative consequences on the economy, particularly because of the damage on the expenditure and pushing of the demand backwards. It is believed that the British politician Pan MacLoid is the first person to form the idiom in the speech of the parliament in 1965 when he said that we had an inflation situation on one side and a stopping of the development on the other side, so we were suffering from an inflationary recession. Because of the importance of this phenomenon, the study aims to prove the existence of the inflationary recession phenomenon in the Syrian economy, which doesn’t reach to the level of the entire employment through the collecting of data about this economy during a specific period and analyzing them in order to monitor the indexes and the effects of the recession and the inflation in the Syrian economy during the same period and reveal the role of the government in the emergence of the inflationary recession as a result of the economic, financial and monetary policies followed by the government as well and reveal the procedures which they must follow to remove of the contradiction among the governmental policies to treat the inflationary recession phenomenon, to activate the national economy and to increase the rate of development of the entire local production as well as to reduce the unemployment rates.
The study aims to analyze the developmental role of Islamic banks operating in Syria. To achieve this goal has been set of financial indicators relating to Islamic banking under study account (Sham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank, Al Baraka Bank) relating to the ability of these banks to attract savings, employment of resources, creating value, and its ability to create jobs.
Unemployment is considered one of the most risky economic problems that faces the developing countries including Syria due to overpopulation, decreased investment growth, and capitals lack. Jeopardy of unemployment forwards as its negative conse quences overwhelm life all paces economic, social, political, and demographical …etc. As there are many solutions, small enterprise seems to be among the most realistic and reasonable out costing ones in comparison with the big projects that require huge capitals, advanced technology, and highly professional work mass. Furthermore, they are difficulty competent with their counterparts in the developed countries where there is no economic laboratory else than reality.
This study aims at studying the problem of unemployment in Syrian during the period 1991-2010. The starting point was showing the size of this problem by tracing the changes in unemployment rate and its age and educational structure. Then, some variables expected to affect unemployment rate were listed.

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