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The Role Of International Terrorism On Investment Movement In Syria And Jordan (2001-2015)

أثر الإرهاب الدولي على حركة الاستثمار الأجنبي في سورية و الاردن بعد أحداث الحادي عشر من أيلول 2001- 2015

1211   0   7   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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the role of international terrorism on investment movement in syria and Jordan (2001- 2015), The study sought to solve the research problem related to the relationship between the phenomenon of terrorism and the FDI movement in the Syrian Arab Republic and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period 2001-2015, using several approaches. On the other hand, in an attempt to read the variables of study over time based on indicators of terrorism and indicators of investment, these indicators are determined by Pearson correlation coefficient, which reveals the direction and degree of relationship between variables. The study concluded that there is a correlative relationship between terrorism and foreign investment. This relationship is negative, ie, the higher the rate of terrorist operations, the lower the foreign direct investment. The researcher concluded that investment in the Arab countries is one of the most flagrant countries affected by terrorist operations.

References used
عيسى،يحيى، صانعوا الارهاب، دار الرأي للنشر،دمشق، 2004
أسماء الحسين، أسباب الإرهاب و العنف و التطرف، الرياض، دار عالم الكتب، 2005
علوان، قاسم نايف، إدارة الاستثمار بين النظرية و التطبيق، مفهوم الاستثمار، الثقافة، الطبعة الأولى، 2009
rate research

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This study aims to measure the impact of investment on the stock market in China, based on the assumption that increased investment leads to higher stock market index, using annual data for the period 1993 to 2015, where two explanatory variables have also been added: the exchange rate and inflation. The descriptive method was used to present the concepts of variables, In addition to the statistical method which use the tests of stationary, normal distribution, multiple linear regression equation, which was estimated by the OLS method, and causal test, by using (Eviews8).
In light of the expiatory jihadist groups' terrorism against Syria and under the unlimited support from the United State, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many other countries, this study tries to shed light on the ideological background of the terrorism of these groups and on the most important factors that led to the spread of their thoughts globally and within Syria. It also talks about how double standards has played a role in the international dealing with the terrorism in Syria and in its continuation and increasing. This research found that the jihadist groups depend – in their approach – on the legacy of ''the Muslim Brotherhood" and on the Wahhabi expiatory thought. It also found that ignorance, unemployment, the media and the financial support from Saudi Arabia and from the West are the most important factors of the spread of expiatory thought. Besides, countries that support these groups invest their terrorist activity either to achieve their interests or to preserve them.
The research focuses on the demands on the study of the total investment evolution, agricultural, investment and knowledge of the nature of the changes taking place during the period (2000-2011), and evaluate the performance of the economy and its ability to attract investments from the lack of it, in addition to the analysis of the factors affecting the total investment, agriculture and investment in Syria. Using descriptive and analytical approach, and quantitative analysis of the record, and it was the most important findings: that the annual growth of the net balance of payments is negative rate and the rate of 18.35-%, which will result in the deterioration of its value from year to year, as demonstrated by the total flexibility to function total investment transactions that increase the value of both exports College (x1), and foreign reserves (X3), and the deficit in the state budget (X8) 1% can lead both to increase the total investment by 3.5%, in total flexibility transactions to function agricultural investment showed that the increase in the value of each of the total exports GNP (X2), and foreign reserves (X3), the net balance of payments (X6) 1% can lead both to increase the total investment by 22.3%, and is the former variables of the most important determinants-oriented investment product and agriculture in Syria. Accordingly it requires the Syrian economy in order to increase its investments create the economic climate, and political investment and economic development.
This research contains two part; The first is about theoretical part of Variables Affecting Exchange Rate of Foreign Currencies Pass – Through on inflation rate in Syria. The second is statistic part since this research proposes and estimates a model to determine the effect of the exchange rate for the Syrian Pound (SYP) vs US Dollar (USD) Pass – Through on inflation rate in Syria. This research used monthly data for the period of 2000 to April 2013. This research employed the unit root test and Causality Test by using E-Views statistic program.
Foreign direct investment FDI has been started to play a major role in supporting the growth of the economies of developing countries since the eighties of the last century, taking advantage of the rapid spread of information and communication tech nology ICT and the trend towards a market economy in most developing countries and trade liberalization in them. These countries began to depend more on foreign direct investment because of the great benefits that derive from it in terms of capital, employment and increase in exports, or in terms of obtaining the modern technology which is necessary to achieve the economic development. In Syria, foreign direct investment flows started to increase since 2003 as a result of the new directions of the Syrian government to open up to domestic and foreign private sector, and reliance on the market economy. The objective of this research is to shed light on the reality of foreign direct investment in Syria, and to clarify the impact of this investment on economic growth during the period 2000-2010. It has reached to find out that this effect was weak.

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