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We will see in the following study: •The importance of wireless sensor networks and their applications •The importance of quality of service in particular، reducing energy consumption •The need for a simple routing protocol that minimizes energy consumption as much as possible، and we will count on LEACH •Improve the quality of service offered by the LEACH protocol by studying several scenarios for improvement
This research seeks to localize the technology of plasma arc welding (PAW), the best alternative against tungsten arc welding (TIG). So a quantitative comparison between these two technologies has been made, according to the particular case that is DC current. involving heat efficiency, heat input, tensile strength, relative elongation at fracture, micro hardness and angular distortion.
Modified resole resin/short silica fiber composite materials have been prepared. The resole resin was synthesized and then blended with Polyvinylbutyral (PVB) polymer with different weight ratios to reduce its brittleness. The mechanical, thermal and physical properties of Resol- PVB blends were studied to characterize these blends and select the most appropriate mixing ratio of polyvinyl butyral with resole resin, which was identified at 15 phr of polyvinyl butyral for every 100 parts of resole resin.
In the present work, we present our Arabic Semi-Syllable Synthesizer. The work consists of seven steps: (1) building a Semi-Syllable Speech Database for Arabic Semi-Syllable Synthesizer, (2) building the Natural Language Processing Module which compr ises a Text Pre-processing Module and a Text to Phoneme conversion using Arabic Transcription from Orthographic to Phonemes, (3) followed by a Phoneme to Semi-Syllables Mapping using a Syllabification Expert System, (4) an Acoustic Word Stress Analysis for Continuous Arabic Speech based on the three prosodic parameters (fundamental frequency, intensity, duration) in order to detect stressed syllables.
The main objective of this research is to present a study on the design optimization of the 6-RUS Stewart platform. The geometric and kinematic models are calculated and the singular positions are determined, then its translation and orientation wor kspace are determining. The direct geometric model of the studied platform was determined by using a proposed hybrid method.
In our work, we chose to follow semantic transfer based approach. Our approach consists of two main phases. The first phase, Natural Language Analysis phase, aims to analyze the text and extract the required knowledge from it. In addition to the synt actic analysis results, one of the main outputs for this phase is a concept map which summarize the concepts of the related domain and the relationships between these concepts.
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a risk assessment tool that explores, identifies, and prioritizes the potential failure modes in a system, process, service or design. The failure modes prioritizing technique used by FMEA has been criticized to have many deficiencies, and various risk priority models have been proposed in the literature to enhance the performance of FMEA.
In this thesis, we review the problems of instructors’ assessment and propose some solutions in the context of an assistant system for the evaluation of instructors in higher education institutions, and implement this system at the University of kala moon as a practical case with real data to verify results. This research aims to prove the possibility of a flexible system in selecting instructors’ evaluation criterias in accordance with the chosen institution, and in the objectivity and impartiality of the assessment of instructors and the accuracy and the consistency of decision makers' opinions.

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