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آلية حساب الضريبة على القيمة المضافة، خصائصها و معوقات تطبيقها في الجمهورية العربية السورية

1694   0   40   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
د. كريم، شوقي، أثر العبء المحاسبي في تحديد العبء الضريبي، أطروحة دكتوراه، كلية الاقتصاد، جامعة دمشق، (2003)
د. الخطيب الجشي، خالد، د. المهايني، محمد خالد، د. العدي، إبراهيم، المحاسبة الضريبية، منشورات كلية الاقتصاد، جامعة دمشق، (2007)
د. كنعان، علي، اقتصاديات المال والسياستين المالية والنقدية، دار الحسنين، دمشق (1988), ص111
rate research

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The introduction of VAT raises a number of economic and social effects. Although every economic reflex is related to social one, this study focuses on the social effects of introduction of this tax. Many of points have been studied. The most importa nt points are the relation of this tax to the economic surplus and the distribution of the national income, its effects on the governmental and consumptive expenditure, the extent to which this tax will realize the tax and social justice, its relation to poverty, and how it will affect the social classes. It has been concluded that vat could help in directing the consumption and savings policies by influencing the purchasing power. VAT affects the consumptive expenditure and leads to decrease as a result of prices raise accompanied by its. Its relation to the social justice is related to how the government will do regressive treatment of this tax.
The main target for this study is to shed lights on the importance of this kind of taxes, and their application requirements in Syria since it’s considered as one of the most important taxes that affect the state’s financial resources and decrease the budget deficiency which has a bad influence on the state’s finance, and many countries apply the kind of taxes because it affords stable financial resources and helps in adapting with all different economic progress. Also, applying it in a continuous way gives the state long-lasting monetary money.
يستند البحث إلى مسألة الاستثمار حيث يؤدي دوراً مهماً في تحقيق معدل نمو اقتصادي مستمر و عالٍ في الاقتصاد الوطني و ذلك في حال توفر الموارد المالية إلى جانب العوامل الأخرى كالموارد الطبيعية و القوى العاملة الماهرة و الظروف السياسية و الاجتماعية الملائمة . إن إيجاد بيئة استثمارية قادرة على توفير المناخ الاقتصادي المناسب لتوطين الاستثمار المحلي و جذب الاستثمار الخارجي و اتخاذ سياسة استثمارية مواتية من الممكن أن يؤدي إلى تأمين فرص العمل لتشغيل الأعداد المتزايدة من الشباب و لاسيما أن الزيادة السكانية المتوقعة خلال السنوات القادمة قد تؤدي إلى تفاقم معدلات البطالة.
The end of the twentieth century witnessed increasing interest in environmental issues from governments around the world, accompanied by great interest from researchers in the subject of environmental management accounting (EMA).Some research on th e subject emphasized the importance and benefits gained from the measurement of environmental costs and the challenges associated with such measurement. However, research that tried to document the extent of using (EMA) techniques, and the barriers of such use, are scarce in the management accounting literature. This research explores the extent of adopting (EMA)techniques in a sample of Syrian firms, and the barriers of such adoption. A questionnaire was developed and distributed to (100) firms working in the costal area of Syria, of which (23) completed questionnaires were returned and interred into SPSS for statistical analysis. Sample size in the research is affected by the war in Syria that made most of the companies out of service. Results of this research showed that (70%) of the participating firms reported usageof (EMA) techniques.However results of Binomial test showed that this proportion is insignificant at 5% significance level. It was found also that a significant proportion (83%) of the firms in the sample measure environmental treatment costs for the internal usage, while insignificant proportions (61%, and 65% respectively) measure prevention and environmental management costs, and the value of wasted material purchased. Significant barriers for not using (EMA) techniques, reported by respondents, include: difficulty of the monetary measurement of environmental costs, the absence of a unified guide of environmental cost measurement at the level of industry, and the lack of knowledge by management on (EMA).
Due to the lack of fossil fuels and its products quantities, obtaining difficulties, and its global and local high price. It has become necessary to look for other means and methods of providing electrical energy far from fossil resources or suppo rt the existing ones. The study is focused on renewable energy sources, especially solar energy (both thermal and photovoltaic), wind energy as well as biomass which are sufficiently available in the Syrian Arab Republic. Utilizing the renewable energy sources is the main focus of this study, in which the investment in the field of photovoltaic energy and economic efficiency will be reviewed and compared to generating electricity using diesel generators.

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