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The control on the constitutionality of laws, one of the most important guarantees that reinforce the principle of the Constitution as the source highess the ultimate and the highest for all legal activities in the state. highess the Constitution a s it becomes the principle of illusory if there is no body in the state holds control over the Compatibility with the legislative acts of brokerage Constitution In order to achieve this purpose, the Constitution of 1973 established the Supreme Constitutional Court and entrusted with the presidency of the exercise of the job, which was keen to adopt the Constitution of 2012, with his quest to expand the role of the court in the exercise of this power will try this research highlight the role of this Court through a comparative study between the constitutions of 1973 and 2012 by analysing of constitutional provisions governing the control exercised by the Supreme Constitutional Court in the Syrian Arab Republic. ...
This research intends to study the implementation of the ISA 1 and ISA 220 relating to quality control by the Syrian audit profession. The paper starts by assessing the importance of quality control in auditing and the international lobbying to rai se the level of quality control in the auditing profession through the application of audit standards which state that flexibility and keeping all relevant circumstances in mind are necessary. To obtain realistic results, a questionnaire of 23 questions has been distributed to a sample of 100 Syrian chartered accountants working in the field of companies’ audit. The distribution of questionnaire has been carried out by the Syrian Association of Chartered Accountants. The researcher has received 38 valid replies which have been systematically classified and tested by SPSS package. The results revealing and can be considered representative of Syrian chartered accountants. The results reveal that the Syrian performance of chartered accountants falls way short of any credible implementation of quality control. Basically, this can be due to the absence of quality control "culture", on the one hand, and the lack of independence, on the other. This is despite the fact that these two factors (quality control "culture" and the lack of independence) are considered, by many, the cornerstone of the quality control doctrine. In so many auditing firms, it was clear that there were no communication channels between dissatisfied employees and the administration. Furthermore, the level of human resources was less than satisfactory. The results indicated that the auditing profession in Syria is not compatible with the laws and regulations of auditing, namely: the 4years rule and 4 companies rule. Moreover, auditors do not stand up to the level of satisfaction the investors are looking for.
The public administrationenjoys in the exercise of its functions exhibition, many of the privileges which the discretionary power, which constitutes the spirit and essence of public administration, where the effectiveness of the administrative syst em requires grant administration, this power in order to take into account the varying and changing conditions in order to achieve the common good. And exhibits legislator while giving management the authority of certain one of two methods: it is either to determine the conditions and controls that management should follow when direct competence, authority shall be restricted in this case, and their work is limited to the application of the law to cases that meet the requirements of this application. Or be left to the management discretion to decide voluntarily, so have the power to estimate the time and how to engage in appropriate terms of reference and powers directly without restrictions. It is useful to say here that the judicial control over the administration's actions were not all on one level, but it is expanding and narrowing according corner which operates the judge supervision, vimta administrative judge supervision and wide in the field of restricted Chiefs of the administrative decision, while supervision narrowed somewhat in the field of Staff discretion, discretion order not to turn into a bad action threatens the rights and freedoms of individuals, it has expanded the administrative control of the elimination of appropriate management decisions scale, through the adoption of advanced theories represented in my theory wrong Albin and the balance between the benefits and damages.
Five insecticides were evaluated for controlling of almond seed wasp, Eurytoma amygdali, the study was carried out at Al Fhaila – Homs. The insecticides were Concord super, Karate zeon, Zenith, Lentrek and Desis 50.The results indicated that insec ticides affected significantly the infestation, Concord super caused the lowest infestation (2.66%) compared with the control (39%) in (2009). In 2010, Karate zeon caused the lowest infestation (2.66%) where it was (40%) in the control. The economic analysis indicated that Concord super was the best because of its lowest cost and highest saving money in secticide (5832.2) Sp., but Karate zeon was the least money-saving insechcide (5525.4) Sp.
A lot of researches studies robot arms and the ability of controlling it to track targets which depends on the type of motors used, DC motors or servo motors. In addition to response time that DC and motor can give as a physical structure. Robots consists of number of junctions built of solid materials (robot arms( connected together by motors and the total structure lets the robot to move, these robots can be used in places that humans cannot act inside it or in places which we need a lot of repeated actions. This search aimes to study the robot arm movement by controlling the motors and its response to a drawn line using a PID controller to achive the most accuracy by using the distrubushion constants of the camera lens which used by the robot to see. All the cameras need to be calibrated and the constants used to move the robot in X,Y,Z.
Chickpea podborers are the most dangerous insects of chickpea in almost all its cultivation areas in the world. It was proven that Thiodan (٣٥٪) has high effectiveness against these pests, when applied in economic threshold (١ larva/plant) on good grown crops at flowering and pod setting stages.
The Research aims to know the relationship between the scholastic control and social control, from the teacher's points, and showing the deferens between them accordance to variables ( sex - years of experience and scientific certificate). The Re search adopt the description-analysis ,and used the questioner to collection the dates .The questioner contents( 24) article in tow axis(-the scholastic control and social control) The questioner gave to sample, randomly-accidental , from ( 178) teachers the second episode of education basic at Damascus City ,year (2014-2015) .
The research was conducted in Al- Mokhtaria Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Homs, Syria during season 2016. The efficacy of some plant extracts (Melia azedarach L., Schinus molle L., Styrax officinalis L., Eucalyptus camaldulensis De., Nerium oleander L.) were tested against Stephanitis pyri F. (Tingidae: Heteroptera) and compared with traditional insecticides (Cypermethrin, Chlorpyrifos Ethel).
Two hundred and thirty-six E. coli isolates n=236 were collected. Antibiotic susceptibility and ESBL production were studied by disc diffusion and DDST (double disk synergy tests) according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines (CLSI) and EUCAST for ESBL. 75 (32%)of total isolates demonstrated MDR (multi drug resistance),62 of resistant bacteria (26% of total) were determined as ESBL producers. In conclusion, we recommend adding this standard, cheap ESBL detection method to the routine microbial susceptibility tests run in Syrian hospitals in order to determine and isolate the sources of MDR infections and do some effort to contain and eliminate those strains.

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