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the role of international terrorism on investment movement in syria and Jordan (2001- 2015), The study sought to solve the research problem related to the relationship between the phenomenon of terrorism and the FDI movement in the Syrian Arab Repu blic and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the period 2001-2015, using several approaches. On the other hand, in an attempt to read the variables of study over time based on indicators of terrorism and indicators of investment, these indicators are determined by Pearson correlation coefficient, which reveals the direction and degree of relationship between variables. The study concluded that there is a correlative relationship between terrorism and foreign investment. This relationship is negative, ie, the higher the rate of terrorist operations, the lower the foreign direct investment. The researcher concluded that investment in the Arab countries is one of the most flagrant countries affected by terrorist operations.
Result in any State two commitments one respect for human rights and the other counter-terrorism, the source of these commitments is the international norms and conventions on the one hand and constitutional texts on the other.
This study deals with the work injuries stipulated in the Social Insurance Law No. (92) Of 1959 and its amendments, including Law No. (28) Of 2014. It also illustrates the impact of terrorist acts on the emergence of new cases of work injuries and the difficulties faced by workers or their families in proving such difficulties supported by practical examples and it shows the position of the General Organization for Social Insurance in the treatment of cases of work injuries especially the injuries resulting from terrorism.
This study includes the scope of temporal to international air carrier's liability for resultant damages from terrorism. The Warsaw Convention, for the unification of certain rules for international carriage by air, stipulates in art. 17 the liabi lity of air carrier for damage to passengers if the accident took place on board the aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking. The scope of temporal to international air carrier's liability for resultant damages from terrorism raises wide doctrinal and judicial question, because of the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the following convention (the Montreal Convention 1999) don't include the accidents of terrorism.
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تطوير المادة التعليمية في الجامعات السورية، من خلال مناقشة مفردات مقرر الثقافة القومية، الذي يدرّس حاليّاً لطلاب السنة الأولى في كلياّت الجامعات الحكومية و معاهدها، و ذلك من خلال معرفة مقدار ارتباط هذا المقرر بالوضع الاجتماعي و الس ياسي و محاولة تبيان النتائج المرجوة من تدريسه، أضف إلى ذلك محاولة البحث في العقبات التي يصطدم بها تدريس مفردات المقرر من خلال قبول الطلاب له و استيعابهم لمادته، و محاولة الوصول إلى الأهداف التي يسعى إليها، و التي يمكن أن تتحقق لا على أساس دراسة مفردات مقرر الثقافة القومية كأمر واقع و اعتباره مقرراً ثانوياً هامشياً مقحماً في العملية التعليمية الهدف منه هو الدعاية السياسية، و إنما الهدف الذي يسعى إليه هو إعداد جيل ذي شخصية متكاملة، و متوازنة يسْتَوعِب معطيات العلم و التطور الحضاري، واعٍ، متفاعلٍ مع بيئته الاجتماعية، و الأهم من هذا و ذاك أن يكون مقتنعاً بالقومية العربية مؤمناً بأهداف أمّته العربية واعياً لأبعاد الصراع القومي المصيري ضد أعداء الأمة في داخل القطر و خارجه، مرجحاً الولاء للوطن في مواجهة الولاءات الأخرى المتعددة، التي منها الإقليمية، و الطائفية و العشائرية و الاثنية مدركاً للمؤامرة التي تستهدف القطر العربي السوري سياسياً و اجتماعياً و اقتصادياً متصدياً للإرهاب الذي يضرب بالمنطقة العربية.
The study aimed to know the role of the school in the face of terrorism in the Syrian Arab Republic from the viewpoint of high school students, may be a community study of secondary school students from schools in the province of Homs for the acad emic year 2014/2015 totaling (4905) male and female students, and included a sample study ( 826) male and female students based on random cluster method, and in order to achieve the objectives of the study questionnaire was used as a means to collect data and information by the researcher was used descriptive analytical method.
This research attempts to discuss the issue of the most important issues which concern to the international forums and platforms on their different backgrounds and those of Cryptography and confusion winning in the concept of international legitima cy and the credibility and the vibration of international organization that represents the backbone of the current international system. Therefore, we will explore this topic through three main axes: firstly the issue of International Polar Is it single or multi-party, and the second issue of the international legitimacy of the legal and chartered items angle, and Axis III: aspeds and manifestations of deviation winning in the international legitimacy and which led to the increase of hotspot of tension on the international stage and showed the futility and the limited role of the United Nations in finding solutions to them.
International terrorism is considered a serious problem in the international community which can be used for political purposes and to put pressure on countries. In the Middle East in particular, and in the light of sharp conflicts, the internation al community gave this issue special attention and adopted several treaties and agreements under the supervision of UN and other regional and religious organizations, such as the Organization of Islamic Conference. The study aims at presenting the discrepancy between Islam and terrorism in addition to challenging and denying the unfair charge that terrorism is linked to Islam. We will discuss in our study the phenomenon of terrorism in accordance with the Organization of the Islamic Conference Treaty and show the definition of the crime of terrorism and its cornerstones and penalty owed by linking this topic to the terrorism experienced by Syria and practiced by terrorist groups disguised by takfiri extremist ideas which are definitely unrelated to Islam.
In light of the expiatory jihadist groups' terrorism against Syria and under the unlimited support from the United State, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many other countries, this study tries to shed light on the ideological background of the terrorism of these groups and on the most important factors that led to the spread of their thoughts globally and within Syria. It also talks about how double standards has played a role in the international dealing with the terrorism in Syria and in its continuation and increasing. This research found that the jihadist groups depend – in their approach – on the legacy of ''the Muslim Brotherhood" and on the Wahhabi expiatory thought. It also found that ignorance, unemployment, the media and the financial support from Saudi Arabia and from the West are the most important factors of the spread of expiatory thought. Besides, countries that support these groups invest their terrorist activity either to achieve their interests or to preserve them.
Terrorism is one of the most heinous and dangerous crimes affecting both the individual and the State. Although terrorist acts are not a new phenomenon causing many countries to suffer, Syrian society was considered safe for decades and did not suffe r from the crimes of terrorism. In the last two years, terrorism has affected Syrian society in all of its various forms, which has prompted the legislature to issue a new version of the Anti- Terrorism Act of 2012, along with a set of penal laws that aim in their entirety to combat terrorism. The research of this paper addresses crimes that were included in the Anti- Terrorism Act of 2012 and the legislative policy which was adopted by the legislature in this law to determine the extent of the ability of the Anti- Terrorism law to eliminate this new phenomenon which threatens Syrian society. ...

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