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universities Egypt University of Assiut

University of Assiut


Assiut University is a public university that harnesses its potential and directs it to achieve its vision by providing the required education in the present and the future; In addition it aims at preparing generations capable of competing in the labor market at the local and international levels, and qualified to obtain excellence in the development of scientific research, technology and research programs that contribute to the development of society within the framework of the university's ethics. The university also aims to be the leader in creating a knowledge society.

country : Egypt

establish date : 1957 BC

university kind : public

global ranking : 1192 (according to webometrics - July 2018 Bulletin)

number of students : 90000

The total number of research : 1 (View research within the Academia service)

  +020882354130   [email protected]


هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا