إن الجامعات بلا شك تعد من المقومات الأساسية للدولة العصرية، بل من أهم أولوياتها، لما تلعبه من دور
فعال في نقل الدولة من مرحلة التخلف والتبعية إلى مرحلة النمو والتقدم.
وقد أصبح التعليم مورداً استراتيجياً للمجتمعات الحديثة لأنه يمد المجتمع بكافة احتياجاته من الكوادر العلمية
المتخصصة مما يساعد علي زيادة القيمة المضافة و تعزيز النمو الاقتصادي و الاجتماعي و الثقافي.
The university is undoubtedly one of the basic components of modern state, but of the most important priorities, as they play an active role in the transfer of state-of-the stage of underdevelopment and dependency to the growth and development phase.
Education has become a strategic resource of modern societies because it extends the community with all requirements of the specialized scientific personnel helping to increase the benefit and enhance the economic, social and cultural growth.
References used
Douglas Montgomery, George Runger. Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers. Hoboken in New Jersey: Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data.Wiley 2014
Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland Educational Data Mining Application and trends, Studies in Computational IntelligenceStudies 524.Springer 2014
westkamp. "An analysis of the German university admissions system." Bon: University of Bon ،2011
Tishreen University is one of the main pillars in the development and modernization of the
higher education system in the Arab Republic for its importance in progress and development, in
intellectual and developmental construction and its reflectio
The Research Aims:
Syrian organizations keep large amounts of information and data about their
personnel in their IT systems. This information, however, is often left unutilized or
may be analyzed through statistical methods. In this study, DM is
هدفت الد ا رسة إلى معرفة الآتي:
-1 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو العملاء في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟
-2 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو المنافسين في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟
-3 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو الإبداع في شركات الاتصالات السورية؟
-4 درجة تطبيق التوجه نحو التك
The process of devolution of power is one of the fundamental
pillars of the establishment of systems of governance, through
peaceful democratic mechanisms which are reflected in the terms
of trade, of free elections based on multi-party.
In order
The use of traditional methods to analyze massive amounts of
data sets is not conducive to the discovery of new knowledge
patterns supports the decision-making process So the purpose
of this article is designed visual analysis system that supports