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The successful management an important and essential role in the life of human societies through its direct influence on all human, economic, social and educational development institutions, and its ability in instilling radical changes in these inst itutions and move them from stillness and recession into a dynamic active state that establishes a materialistic infra structure that reflects the supra-structure such as education, teaching, religion and ethics. For this reason, all the interested countries in development process pay great attention to develop management methods in its central and non-central aspects. In this research will we focus on the role of a successful the central and non-central administration in developing the staff performance in their companies and in developing the production of these companies, and study the central and non-central administration and generalize the best model that serves the matter of the overall development in our country which we need to develop our country in all aspects of overall development s we can achieve an ongoing development.
This study is about the concept of techno-media in Syria, where the world developing techno-media has been identified. As well as there has been a survy on the spreading of technological applications between memberships and this has been done thro ugh presenting evidence about the usage of technological applications in Syria comparing with other countries. Also, the study has identified the most important problems of techno-media. Besides the study has also found out some important elements that identified the techno-media and helps in activating it, aiming to find out other reasons there has been a survy on the connecting relations between problems that lay behind technomedia and how much it is used. After that we have produced some important illustrations and instructions that will have its impact on developing and supporting the process of having technological media and how will this serve the community and participate in improving it.
حاولنا في بحثنا توضيح العلاقة العضوية بين التنمية و وسائل الاتصال الجماهيري. و إبراز دور الإعلام التنموي في الخطط التنموية الوطنية و القومية. و في هذا الاتجاه سلطنا الضوء على مواقف الباحثين في الشأن الإعلامي تجاه هذه القضية المهمة.
This study was conducted in two areas: Misyaf in Hama governorate and Alshaikhbader in the governorate of Tartous to identify some of economic and social effects of animal production projects carried out by rural woman who had a loan for it. The p rimary data were collected during the period 2012-2013 from a random sample (23 villages in Misyaf, and 13 villages in Alshaikhbader). Size of the sample was calculated according to Morgan law so that 243 rural women were valid for analysis. The results showed a high percentage of successful projects which had an economic and social impact for 91.8% of respondents and these projects had the following effects: 57.2% of targeted families stated that there was a rise in their spending on food, 92.2% of them confirmed the improvement of their food quality. Enhancement in quality and quantity of their clothes and increasing their ability to take family’s related decisions declared by 61.7% and 44% of respondents respectively. About 90.5% of rural women were able to make project’s related decisions and 85.6% of targeted women acknowledged a rise in self trust after the implementation of the project. The results also showed that there was a significant relationship between each of employment status before having the loan, project’s annual income and the dependent variable: rural woman’s successful project (at level of significance 1%) by using Logistic Equation. It was concluded that micro finance projects had a good impact on empowerment of rural women and activating their economic and social role. The projects also increased the family income and improving the living situation.
The coastal territory of Syria, in terms of its demographic characteristics, is remarkably rich of human resources where manpower records 65,1% of the total population. These statistics pose a big challenge regarding high levels of unemployment in th e region, according to the results of 2004 Census. Such a magnitude of manpower and workforce, is an inevitable as well as an objective consequence of the previous phase of population growth in the region, which has seen a surge in fertility rates and population growth, leading into imbalance between supply and demand equation in the labour market, and the biggest challenge in the context of the development process itself as much as for future planning. Population and development have a dialectical relationship of bilateral paradox through which population variables constitute the cause and consequence of the development process conditions.
إن معدلات النمو السكاني في سورية من المعدلات المرتفعة في العالم، إذ وصلت إلى ٣٣بألف في الفترة ١٩٦٠-١٩٧٠ ، و إلى ٣,٣٣ بالألف في الفترة ١٩٧٠-١٩٨١ ، و بقيت محافظة على مستواها السابق في الفترة ١٩٨١-١٩٩٧ ، و تختلف معدلات النمو السكاني بين محافظة و أخرى داخل القطر، كذلك تختلف هذه المعدلات بين الريف و الحضر. و تعد معدلات المواليد في سـورية مـن أعلـى المعدلات في العالم حيث تقدر الآن بـ ٣٩ بالألف سنوياً، أما معدلات الوفيات فتعد من المعـدلات المنخفضة قياساً إلى البلدان النامية و حنى قياساً إلى العالمـ إذ بلغت ٦,٦بالألف في عام ١٩٩١ كما بلغت معدلات وفيات الرضع ٣٣بالألف. هذا و إن أحد الأسباب التي أدت إلى ارتفاع معدلات النمو السكاني في الفترة الماضية هو انخفـاض معدلات الوفيات مع بقاء المواليد عالية نتيجة للتقدم الحاصل على الأصعدة كافة التعليمية و الخدمية و الصحية و الغذائية، و كذلك القضاء بصورة نهائية على الأوبئة مما انعكس إيجابياً علـى تحسـين صحة المواطنين و ارتفاع العمر المتوقع عند الولادة. و يمكن القول: إن أثر التنمية الاقتصادية كـان واضحاً في معدلات النمو السكاني في القطر العربي السوري، و من ثَم انعكسـت هـذه المعـدلات المرتفعة للنمو السكاني على بعض المتغيرات الاجتماعية من خلال زيادة نفقات الدولة على التعليم و الصحة و الخدمات التي تزداد مع ازدياد السكان.
The esearch aims to show the ways to develop the scientific research at Al Forat University – Al Hasska from teachers point of view. The sample of this research consists of (72)members which applied this research on them from different faculties a t Al Forat University –Al Hassaka .The instrument of this research is a questionnaire which consists of (4) chapters and (40) clauses to answers the main question: What is the ways of develop the scientific research at Al Forat University from teachers points of view?
This study aims to identify the impact of the use of information technology to develop and improve the performance of human resources at all the different levels of management in an organization and the impact on job performance.
The insurance sector is considered one of the most important pillars of world financial services. It accompanies, supports and helps in stabilizing other economic activities. This study tries to illustrate the important role of insurance in the econo mic activity, and its position in national economies around the world. In this study we try to define some aspects in insurance, which affect the economic activity, especially in industry and agriculture sectors, in addition to the illustration of the insurance position in the economic of some countries, and the involvement of this sector's development with the general economic evolution in these countries, trying to reach applicable objective recommendation that contributes in the development of this sector in Syria.

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