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دور الإعلام في تحقيق التنمية و التكامل الاقتصادي العربي

2461   5   54   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
د. أديب خضور الإعلام المتخصص، الاقتصادي، الرياضي، الثقافي، السكاني، العلمي خصائص الكتابة للإذاعة والتلفزيون دمشق ٢٠٠٣
د. وجيه الشيخ الإعلام والدعاية دمشق 1989
عواطف عبد الرحمن قضايا إعلامية معاصرة في الوطن العربي القاهرة 1997
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نتناول في هذا البحث أشكال التكامل الاقتصادي و متطلّبات هذا التكامل بأشكاله كافة ، كما هو معروف في النظرية الاقتصادية و مـن واقـع خبـرة مختلـف التجمعات الاقتصادية. ننتقل بعدها إلى الحديث و بإيجاز عن بعـض الاتفاقـات الاقتصادية العربية المعقودة في إط ار المدخل التبادلي التكاملي إلـى التكامـل الاقتصادي العربي، و آخرها الإعلان عن منطقة التجارة الحرة العربية الكبرى. لاحقاً ننتقل للحديث عن البرنامج التنفيذي لاتفاقيـة تيسـير و تنميـة التبـادل التجاري لعام ١٩٨١ و التي اعتبرت أساساً ملائمـاً لمنطقـة التجـارة الحـرة العربية. ثم استعرضنا العقبات الحالية أمام البرنامج التنفيذي، و بعض عقبـات المرحلة الأولى من التنفيذ لنبني على أساسها منهجاً شمولياً في الوصول إلـى التكامل العربي المنشود يربط تحرير التجارة بالإنتاج و الاستثمار.
Media language has aroused the interest of linguists and media people as well. Media needs the means to convey its message to recipients while language requires the tool to publish it and put it in living use. Linguists skeptically viewed the lan guage level used by media people in their various means; hence discussing the media language has become valid and legitimate. The subject has been continuously discussed since journalism started in Arab countries and flourished with Arabic channels spreading out in the world and settling all over. The threat of media to the future of language has become more apparent. Standing in the face of this imminent danger has become a necessity and a task that should be shouldered by lovers of Arabic the language, and deeply rooted Arab civilization and heritage. This paper is a reminder of this problem and a continuation of previous studies which appeared in different Arab countries long time ago in which Arab researchers in Arabic, sociology and politics explained and pointed out the origins and seeds of the problem and its development so that the media people and students of media can be aware of it and stand to it. Media performs two contradictory aspects in using Arabic: the first is positive by spreading Arabic out to the learned and illiterate, while the second is negative in which colloquial and local dialects are used; thus spreading mistakes and regionalism; consequently weakening Arab national spirit and strengthening separation among Arab countries
أجريت هذه الدراسة في محافظة حمص نظراً للأهمية المتزايدة للإعلام الزراعي في هذه المحافظة من جهة بالإضافة لندرة الدراسات والابحاث التي تدور في فلك الإعلام الزراعي من جهة ثانية
The West has achieved its civilization project within the homework of a second relationship between thought and reality. It has achieved an epistemological process with theological and metaphysical thought replacing it with secular thought and a ment al empirical approach based on observation and experiment. It is from their point that the West started building its renaissance where influence targeted the external world after its experience was so successful at the local level. Our societies and social levels have been influenced by the European modernization process in various ways. The variety of influence varied in accordance with the contradictions there societies are experiencing. The economic level which is the most self-expressing and which outliner its relations with its environment and external environments as well as with levels of failure and success has been influenced by the Western modernization process. However, it has not gone beyond the point of influenced to the point of being influencing or to the point of action, efficiency and independence or even to the point of developing a social and economic system that could imitate the estrangement with everything that may obstruct the establishment of a new kind of social contract that would move their societies from a deteriorating situation to a situation of recovery and achieve a civilization project.
استطاع الغرب بعد تجاوز الكثير من العقبات عبر مراحل متعددة وخطوات متكاملة أن يؤسس لمنظومة اقتصادية قادته إلى تحقيق الازدهار الاقتصادي

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