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The research aims to analyse the key issue relating to the management of credit risk in Islamic Banks through the analysis of risk management in the Islamic Bank, the types and formats of Islamic finance risks, the methods used to address those risks and challenges faced by Islamic banks. The problem with the research terms seems that credit activity is one of the most single important key functions offered by the banks, one of the activities profitable and most dangerous, where credit risk arises as a result of the inability of the debtors to meet their obligations in the dates of maturity, and the consequent loss incurred by the bank, and therefore. It is based on the premise of basic research related to the analysis of credit risk management in Islamic banks, to maintain low levels of credit risk. The study concludes that the risk of Islamic modes of financing in the forefront of the risks faced by Islamic banks, so that the activation of the role of risk management in Islamic banks to enable them to understand and identify, measure and address the various risks, and minimize possible.
The stock markets are considered the essential motives of the economic growth in any country because of its importance in transforming negative savings (compactness) to a positive savings which benefit both the local economy and the capital's owner; it has also the ability to obligate who has some money surplus (chunky) by turning it from its rigid or stagnated state to the investment market. The researcher based on the essential hypothesis of efficiency and effectiveness of Damascus stock market in attracting investment; using the descriptive analytical method to collect data, and a questionnaire as a tool for measurement, where distributed to a group of workers in financial brokerage companies, a group of workers in the financial institutions and a group of investors within the Syrian Stock market, in order to see their opinions to check the research hypotheses and look to the future situation. Among the most important results, Damascus stock market is contributing in the attraction of investment by attracting the foreign and Arabic capitals, the compilation of sterile national savings, and thus increase the market liquidity and leads to provide liquidity to investors, which make them able to create new projects or expand the existing ones.
Constant changes occur to the family requirements of housing with the flowing of time, and these changes are due to the number of its members, their needs , the standard of living the economic conditions , or as a result of increasing technical dev elopments. This implies facing house requirements and applying changes in the number of the house rooms, or the functions of these rooms. So the family either tends to change its house to fit its needs, and that exhausts it socially and financially. They made adapt their house with the family constant needs, and here comes the importance of achieving flexibility as the best economic solution that reduces the value of the house, of it, by providing the efficiency of the best use of the whole spaces. In addition, the role of flexibility is to respond to the social stability of families by the best use of the whole time age of their houses. This research handles the concept of design flexibility as one of the most economic housing standards in the thesis of the most important architects , and goes through steps of applying it in the house functionally and structurally in the designing phase by effective interaction between the designer and the user side by side.
تستهدف الورقة تحديد السبل المساعدة على تفعيل اقتصاديات دول مجلس التعاون و على تكيفها في ضوء قواعد و مدلولات الانضمام إلى منظمة التجارة العالمية. و لتحقيق ذلك استعرضت الورقة- بدايةً- بعض المؤشرات الاقتصادية من أجل تحديد مدى اتجاه دول المجلس نحو الع ولمة، و من ثم ناقشت الورقة انضمام دول المجلس لمنظمة التجارة العالمية و مدى التوافق بين أنظمتها و قواعد المنظمة التجارية، و بعد ذلك وضحت الورقة عدداً من الآثار الاقتصادية المحتملة لانضمام دول المجلس للمنظمة.
The Syrian Agricultural Sector plays an important role in the national economy for the sector offers jop opportunities for about 50% of the total Syrian Labor Forces. Furthermore, the sector Provides foods and clothes for citizens, raw materials f or national industry and ameliorates trade balance deficit. Cotton is considered one of the social and strategic crop because about 18% of the total Syrian Labor Forces are engaged in cotton affairs starting from plantation to consumers. Additionally, cotton is an exporting crop. In this regard, cotton exporting goods include raw materials, delinted, weaving, textiles and clothes with values of tenths of billions of Syrian Pounds annually. - Cotton cultivation comprises about 20% of the annually irrigated areas, and thus reflecting its relative importance of the Syrian Agriculture. Therefore, our economical study on cotton includes several aspects such as agricultural, productivity, trading, social and industrialization. The study is based on official statistical data, which was been analyzed and discussed in according with certified scientific principles for such studies.
This research aims to know about international coin systems and how it affects on undeveloped countries. It will study the gold system in the mercantile and the role in steal the developed. The research studies the system in the period between 191 4-1945 after distracted the global and Breton woods and how it affects on the undeveloped countries, discovered many result and some suggesting to save the undeveloped countries.
This study attempts to answer the following main question, what is the impact of social responsibility and job satisfaction on performance of the Syrian Shareholding Companies? And therefore its results can help these companies to clarify the practic es that lead to improve its competitiveness, by increasing their compatibility with their employees and the community in which they operate
We aimed in this research to suggest an Insurance Regulatory Information System (IRIS); it is integrated with the nature of the Syrian insurance market. This system consists of scientific, practical and separated indicators for evaluating the p erformance of the Syrian insurance companies. Moreover, this system consists of previous indicators which are divided into four groups. Each group studies a different side of risks that are faced by the Syrian insurance companies. We devised a mechanism to distinguish among the studied sample according to the proposed indicators. Depending on earlier mechanism, the studied companies are classified into the companies that have positive performance and others that have negative one. We have applied the suggested IRIS to the studied sample which includes one Syrian public insurance company and six private insurance companies. We depend on appropriate statistical methods to test hypotheses during the studied period to achieve objectives of the research. Major findings serve the decision makers in the Syrian insurance companies. Suggested IRIS is a new scientific method which should be used in the local insurance field. Future studies should be interested in developing and increasing the number of previous indicators.
This research has tried to study side of the overlap between the financial accounting and the tax accounting, which could cause effects on the results of tax by the measurement accounting acts, this research has studied the impact of the earnin gs management in companies on the results of tax of these companies, and the impact of the income smoothing, as a special mechanism of the earnings management, on the results of tax, the income smoothing has been studied in this research as the management when smoothes the income it doesn't recognize incomes in the accounting periods itself where there are these profits, but it acts on distribution the income among the years to ease fluctuations in earnings among accounting periods, and thus it avoids large payable taxes in the progressive tax which is compatible with high profits, so that it works to keep profits within the limits of acceptable deductions, but in this research and in the case of the non-progressive Syrian corporation tax which removes the last effect of income smoothing on the Syrian corporation tax, but can be done to take advantage of the process of tax planning to schedule the taxes that are paid among years, therefore this research has tested the relationship between income smoothing and taxable income, and has tested whether there are tax motivations behind the income smoothing, that has been made through testing the relationship between income smoothing with both of "the differences between taxable income and book income" and "the variation in taxable income". The assumed relationships has been tested through testing the hypotheses by using the appropriate statistical methods to the data which are obtained from a sample of companies listed in the Damascus Securities during 2006 to 2012. I found that there is a strong relationship between earnings management and taxable income, but theses earnings are not managed because of tax motivations, and there is a weak relationship between income smoothing and taxable income
أدركت الكثير من الدول المتقدمة أهمية المشروعات الصغيرة، في دعم الاقتصاد الوطني فوضعت لها استراتيجية شاملة لتجعل منها الحجر الأساس في البناء الاقتصادي للبلد. كما أنها أجادت توظيف واستغلال هذه المشروعات في تغذية المشروعات الكبرى بالمنتجات الصغيرة والو سيطة. أما بالنسبة لموضع في سورية فقد عانى الاقتصاد السوري من مشاكل عديدة تمثلت في مجموعة من القضايا الاقتصادية التي شكلت بمجملها مجموع العوائق التي ساهمت في الحد من تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، كان أهمها البطالة بكافة أنواعها، حيث لم يسمح نطاق الإنتاج والأساليب الفنية للإنتاج باستيعاب فائض عرض قوة العمل.

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