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The study identified the impact of adherence to anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of banks operating in Yemen from many aspects, which is to identify the planning and design of anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of banks operating in Yemen, and the organization of the responsible administrative unit, monitoring , follow-up and correction, and the policies and procedures imposed on banks. The money laundering crime is one of the most dangerous crimes facing the Yemeni economy in general and the banking sector in particular. The study problem was identified with some questions, including what is the impact of commitment to anti-money laundering procedures on the performance of banks operating in Yemen. The study relied on two variables, the independent variable, commitment to anti-money laundering procedures, and the dependent variable, the performance of banks according to the dimensions of the balanced scorecard. The study relied on the analytical descriptive approach as the most widely used method in human and social sciences studies, and the questionnaire was relied on as a main tool for collecting the necessary data for this study, and the sample size of the study was determined based on the sample size table of (Krejcie & Morgan) A disproportionate stratified random sample was selected, and after completing statistical analyzes of the data collected through questionnaires in banks operating in Yemen, a number of results were reached, including that the level of commitment to anti-money laundering procedures in banks operating in Yemen in general was high, For all aspects and came in order (planning and designing anti-money laundering procedures, organizing the administrative unit responsible for money laundering procedures, monitoring, following up and correcting anti-money laundering procedures) Banks have written policies and procedures for combating money laundering, and follow the international standards and regulations for combating money laundering and the instructions of the Central Bank of Yemen to formulate its policies and procedures. Banks are obligated to submit their suspected anti-money laundering reports on time to the Financial Information Collection Unit. The policies and procedures manual is based on international standards,the updating of ban lists, and on local laws and instructions from control and supervision authorities.
This study aimed to determine the role of the strategic orientation in improving the organizational commitment in Iraqi hospitals, by knowing the influence of the strategic vision, the strategic message, and the strategic goals, and the researcher re lied on the descriptive and analytical approach, by describing the phenomena under study through the data collected. And he distributed the questionnaire to 202 personnel working in the hospitals under study, from which 185 questionnaires were retrieved, and then he conducted a field study for the purpose of demonstrating this relationship The most important results of the research were the existence of an important role for strategic direction in its various dimensions (strategic vision, strategic message, strategic goals) in improving organizational commitment, and the most important recommendations were where the hospital’s strategic vision should inspire and inspire enthusiasm for all hospital members. It should also include a message. The hospital has clear information about the group of clients whose needs and desires will be satisfied.
يقصد بالقانون المدني مجموعة القواعد التي تنظم العالقات بين الاشخاص، عدا ما يتناوله بالتنظيم فرع آخر من فروع القانون الخاص. والقانون المدني هو أصل القانون الخاص، أما الفروع الأخرى كالقانون التجاري، وقانون العمل، فقد تفرعت عنه، لأن تطور حاجات الناس في المجتمع، اقتضى أن توجد أحكاما خاصة بمهنة معينة أو بنشاط معين منفصلة عن القانون المدني. والقانون المدني يتناول بالتنظيم نوعين من الروابط: الأحوال الشخصية من جهة والأحوال العينية المتعلقة بالمال أو المعامالت المالية من جهة أخرى ولذلك جاء في التعريف عبارة العالقات على عمومها في التعريف أعاله، ولم يضف إليها نعتا يفيد أنها عالقات مالية. لان اضافة هذا النعت تعني أن القانون المدني هو قانون الاحوال المالية مما يقتضي الفصل بينه وبين الاحوال الشخصية كما هو الامر عندنا في المغرب. في حين أن القانون المدني في بعض الدول الاوروبية كقواعد يفيد جميع القواعد المنظمة لعلاقات الناس سواء في إطار الاحوال الشخصية أو الاحوال العينية. وما دامت قواعد الاحوال الشخصية تعتبر قواعد مدنية في المغرب، فيجب التمييز بينهما وبين الاحوال العينية.
The study aimed at investigating the degree of commitment of the trainee students to teaching profession's ethics from the perspectives of the cooperating teachers at Al al-Bayt University: A 32- item questionnaire was built and distributed to (83) female classroom teachers. The study's main question stated as follows: what is the degree of commitment of trainee students' to teaching profession ethics from the cooperative teacher's points of view. The statistical treatments of the data showed a high commitment of trainee students to teaching profession's ethics in all six domains according to cooperative classroom teachers' points of view.
The objective of this study is to assess the reality of the professional commitment of the employees in the private commercial banks in lattakia Governorate, The researchers identified three types of functional commitment, which included both Affec tive commitment, Continuance commitment, and Normative commitment. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of 77 workers. Each questionnaire included 24 phrases that measured the three types of commitment. They calculated the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the scale, The t-test was used for one sample to test the hypotheses, The researchers found results showing high degrees of functional commitment of all three types, but at varying degrees, where the mean of the responses on the expressions that measured the three types of commitment was Greater than the mean neutrality of the scale.
This paper explores for Syrian students’ acceptance of e-learning using a modified UTAUT. An e-learning module was developed from free accessible web 2.0 technologies to overcome a contingent situation reflected in the loss of academics in the Syr ian higher education system.
The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment and job soundly among workers at the Directorate of Education in the city of Homs, and to detect the level of each of them, and whether there are dif ferences between the averages of the sample attributed to the variables of educational qualification and years of experience, and to achieve the goal of the study were responses the researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach, and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, which is applied to a random sample of employees in the Directorate of Education in the city of Homs totaling (150) and 25% of the original community.
This study discusses the effect of relationship conflict in the organizational commitment of the academic staff at Tishreen University and, accordingly, this research aims to determine the degree of influence of relationship conflict in the organi zational commitment level, Determine the effect of demographic variables (gender, experience, age) in the relationship conflict among them. The researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach in conducting the search. The sample consisted of search (290) of Members of the academic staff at the University of Tishreen.

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