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This study aimed to determine the role of the strategic orientation in improving the organizational commitment in Iraqi hospitals, by knowing the influence of the strategic vision, the strategic message, and the strategic goals, and the researcher re lied on the descriptive and analytical approach, by describing the phenomena under study through the data collected. And he distributed the questionnaire to 202 personnel working in the hospitals under study, from which 185 questionnaires were retrieved, and then he conducted a field study for the purpose of demonstrating this relationship The most important results of the research were the existence of an important role for strategic direction in its various dimensions (strategic vision, strategic message, strategic goals) in improving organizational commitment, and the most important recommendations were where the hospital’s strategic vision should inspire and inspire enthusiasm for all hospital members. It should also include a message. The hospital has clear information about the group of clients whose needs and desires will be satisfied.
The aim of this study to assesment the effect of using titanium mesh to repair isolated monolateral blow- out orbital fractures. The research sample comprised 15cases reported to the Department of ophthalmology and department of oral and maxillofacia l surgery at Alassad University Hospital Latakia-Syria , the time between trauma and procedure of surgery was taken into account. The clinical observation contained studying of eye movement , vertical localization of eyeball, diplopia through15 day, month, and 3month after the surgery . The enophthalmos was monitored also through: 3 months ans 6 months after the surgery Results showed that there is statistical difference before and after the surgery operation. Eye movement returned completely normal after 3 months, the localization of injured side of eyeball returned natural when compared to the localization of intact side, and diplopia was corrected through the catamnesis Using Titanium mesh in repairing blow- out fractures led to improve the functional side of eyeball, so this important part of face was returned functionally and esthetically.
This paper aims at studying the relationship between vision and dream literature. This paper takes as a starting point the notion that dream literature is a vision literature because it carries connotations and various culrural subtexts. It consider s dream literature in cultural subtexts since it overlaps with political, epistemological, aesthetic and marginalized subtexts. It also views dream literature as an open literary text which overlaps with other genres. This paper examines the functions of dream literature in terms of its affinity with vision and genre.
يحاول هذا البحث رصد أهم تجليات الرؤيا في شعر محمد عمران, منطلقاً من تأصيل مصطلح (الرؤيا), واكتناه العلاقة بينه وبين مصطلح (الرؤية), إذ تقوم الرؤية على المشاهدة المادية والواقعية والحسية للأشياء, أما دور الرؤيا فيكمن في كيفية إبراز هذه المشاهدة وصوغها بالاعتماد على سعة خيال الشاعر وقدرته الفنية من جهة, وما تخلفه هذه المشاهدة من انفعالات داخلية عنده من جهة أخرى. وقد تجلت الرؤيا في شعر محمد عمران في (الحلم الشعري) وعلاقاته المتشعبة مع الواقع واللاشعور والخيال, كما تجلت في (النبوءة الشعرية) بوصفها تجاوزاً زمانياً ومكانياً للواقع المعيش, واستشرافاً قائماً على الحدس, ليخلص البحث إلى خاتمة تبيّن دور الرؤيا في رفد التجربة الشعرية امحمد عمران بمعطيات حداثية على مستوى المضمون.

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