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A field survey for chickpea wilt disease Fusarium oxysporum f.sp ciceris was conducted in different provinces of north Syria during 2011 cropping season with the objectives to determine chickpea wilt distribution and factors affecting its develop ment. Two hundred and fifty samples were collected from Alhasakah, Aleppo and Idleb fields. The results showed varying levels of incidence between and within provinces (2-90%), and the highest incidence was recorded in Alfouaa- Idleb (90%). The incidence and distribution of this disease seemed to be affected by many factors especially date of sown and soil kind. The pathogenicity test of 60 isolates related to Fusarium oxysporum on susceptible cultivars Ghab1 was shown that 54 isolates related to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris; 32 isolates of them were caused yellowing symptoms and 22 were caused wilting symptoms.
تحتل مسألة التكاثر السكاني من خلال تأثيرها و تأّثرها بالمتغيرات الاقتصادية- الاجتماعية أهمية كبيرة في البحوث السكانية، و لاسيما عندما يتطلب الأمر معرفة حتمية قوانين عملية إعادة التكاثر السكاني و القيم المقدرة لنمو السكان و تركيبهم في المستقبل بهدف وضع برنامج للنمو الاقتصادي-الاجتماعي، علمًا بأن العوامل المؤثرة في النمو السكاني هي تلك التي تؤثر أيضًا في نمو مختلف العمليات و الظواهر الديمغرافية و غير الديمغرافية في المجتمع ، بالإضافة إلى عوامل تحدد الاختلافات الزمانية و المكانية و الإقليمية، لأن تأثير الإجراءات الهادفة للسياسة الاقتصادية-الاجتماعية يكون مميزًا على نمو و تطور إعادة تكاثر السكان في جميع مدن و مناطق المجتمع المعنى بالدراسة؛ مما يسهل المقارنة فيما بينها و للمؤشرات المدروسة نفسها في المجتمع ككل، و في هذا الإطار يعرض البحث تحليلا خاصًا عن مشكلات تكاثر السكان في الجمهورية العربية السورية بشكل عام و في محافظة حمص على وجه الخصوص.
Ten samples of dry, cooked Chickpea, Homos with Tahina, and Falafel were randomly collected from different places in Damascus and urban side during 2003-2004 with an average weight of 200g for each sample. Chemical composition, amino acids, fatty acids, and minerals were determined to investigate the effect of cooking and frying on the nutritional value of chickpea products.
In this study Carpophilus hemipterus L. was recorded for the first time on fig fruits in Sheen ( Homs- Syria).Morphological study showed that adult (female and male) have unoval shape measure 3- 4mm,with marked dark brown color and have two yellow spots on its wings and their antennae are clopped.
The objective of this research is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment and job soundly among workers at the Directorate of Education in the city of Homs, and to detect the level of each of them, and whether there are dif ferences between the averages of the sample attributed to the variables of educational qualification and years of experience, and to achieve the goal of the study were responses the researcher used the descriptive and analytical approach, and the questionnaire as a tool for data collection, which is applied to a random sample of employees in the Directorate of Education in the city of Homs totaling (150) and 25% of the original community.
The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using computer in teaching social ( studies ) for key stage four pupils in Homs city . The sample of the study consisted of (69) students in key stage four in Homs city . They are divid ed into two groups control group (34) students has been taught traditionally , and study group (35) students has been taught by using computer .
sixteen isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris (Foc ), representing six provinces (Al Hasakah, Aleppo, Idlib, Hamah, Homs and Dara) of Syria were analyzed for pathogenic variability on a set of 10 differential cultivars of chickpea.
This study aimed to identify the level of efficiency of cognitive representation of information in the first grade general secondary students in Homs, and to know the significance of differences in the average temperatures of efficient cognitive representation of information in a sample study individuals, in light of some variables (gender, branch of study, academic achievement level).
The bacterial case of groundwater samples from Homs Governorate was studied to determine the bacterial load, Twenty-eight groundwater samples were collected from various areas (including areas of the western, northern and eastern governorates of the governorate) between March and July 2017. Where they were collected in sterile glass containers after opening and running the water for 5 minutes to avoid any external contamination.

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