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universities Saudi Arabia King AbdulAziz University

King AbdulAziz University


King Abdulaziz University (KAU) (Arabic: جامعة الملك عبد العزيز) is a public research university in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Established in 1967 as a private university by a group of businessmen led by Muhammad Bakhashab and including author Hamza Bogary, it was named after the country's first monarch, King Abdulalziz ibn Saud.[2] It was converted into a public university by King Faisal in 1974 and is ranked among the most prestigious academic institutions in Saudi Arabia. With over 117,096 students in 2022, it is the largest university in the country. Located in south Jeddah, the university is the center of teaching and research of the city, comprising 24 faculties, 15 of these are located on the campus and 9 are off-campus. The university also offers some courses that are unavailable at any other universities in Saudi Arabia, such as marine science, meteorology, and astronomy.

country : Saudi Arabia

establish date : 1967 BC

university kind : public

global ranking : 150 (according to webometrics - July 2018 Bulletin)

number of students : 120000

The total number of research : 2 (View research within the Academia service)

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